Why we have to read the Bible?

Why we have to read the Bible?

 Did you concern why we have to read the bible?

 God say that the world He created and the sinful mind are hostile to God(refer to Rom 8:5~7, Jn1 2:15~17). The creation of God can become Satan's possession when God is no longer the one who governs it. When the world and the people become Satan's possession, they become hostile to God and naturally become his enemies. But when the world and people return to God, He will rejoice, because he is reclaiming what he lost. So it is why the people have bible, Old and New Testaments. It explains the biblical prophecies and their physical fulfillment, which we have witnessed.

 Do you know the promised content within the Old testament and New testament?

 Do you perceive, believe, keep the new covenant Jesus prophesied?

 Jesus fulfilled the old Testament and made the new testament. we have to know who am I in to the new testament, and have I been created according to the promise recorded in it.

 Physical Israel didn't believe in Jesus but instead persecuted him, labeling him as a cult and even killed him. but it was through Jesus that God's promise of the old testament was fulfilled. 

 According to John 1:11~12, yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.- Children born not to natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God.
this family is called "Spiritual Israel", if you are spiritual Israel, God's family, it need to check faith by oneself whether it is based on bible or not.  

 Rather than persecuting and calling others a cult like those at the First coming, it is much wiser to confirm whether or not the promises have been fulfilled according to the new testament. 

Also, we have to compare the interpretation of their own pastors and bible which is correct. 

"For I desire mercy, not sacrifice, 
and acknowledgment of God rather than burnt offerings." 
- Hosea 6:6 -

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