Today is 34th birthday of Shincheonji. What is Shincheonji?

It's been 34 years since Shincheonji is established on earth as it is in heaven. Are you not familiar of Shincheonji? If you believe in God, you must check in detail about Shincheonji.

Shincheonji has been growing rapidly and drawing attention every year even though there are ostracism by Korean Christianity. You know why? Number of Korean christian is rapidly decreasing. In contrast, Shincheonji church shows tremendous growing. 

Even though all kinds of obstacles, Shincheonji became important figure in 34 years which can give pressure in religion. There is an evaluation that Shincheonji is able to reveal such a presence because there is an 'well-versed Bible'.

Shincheonji's doctrinal comparative YouTube video has records of hundreds of thousands of viewers. And, a lot more people are asking about how to enroll in Zion Christian Mission center Graduation ceremony for class. Shincheonji was founded on March 14, 1948. Shincheonji's headquarter is located in Gwacheon, Gyeonggi Province, Korea. At present, there are 12 tribes and 100 churches all around the world.

The official name is Shincheonji Church of Jesus, The Temple of the Tabernacle. It's not familiar name. However, this name is based on bible. Shincheonji is "the kingdom of God" which was created on earth as it is in heaen. Shincheonji i the result of God's work which He has been working for 6,000 years. Also, Shincheonji refers to the holy temple ofhe priests and the people to be saved together with the blood of Lord Jesus.

Are you curious about the meaning of Shincheonji?
Would you like to know the meaning of Church of Jesus?

Organization of Shincheonji consists of 7 educational chiefs, 12 heads of tribes and 24 elders that is in charge of administration. This organization system is also based on Bible which is fulfilled on earth as it is in heaven.

Shincheonji is known to produce 20,000~30,000 graduate students of Zion Christian Mission center Graduation ceremony for class. Shincheonji had more than 23,000 graduate students last year. 
In order to enter Shincheonji church, you need to study 7~8 month going through several levels. Also, you need to take final test and get 90% of the questionnaire right. This standard is a lot different than regular church which they register your name even if you step in a stair of the church. 

Do you know why the standard is so high? Because people has to reborn with God's seed and God's words based on only Bible so that people can be re-created to God's people. It's not simple memorizing the verse in Bible. Bible has to be well versed. People has to be recreated according to Bible including revelation and God's words has to be engraved on people's soul.

On final tests, there is no exception. If you are older than 19, you need to take a test inside and outside country in order to attend Shincheonji church. As  a result, more than 200,000 people took a test and most of Congregation members got 90% questionnaire right.


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