The Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil
Evangelist: It's the time of fulfillment when Revelation is opened! Come and listen to the word to check the fulfillment!
Wheat: Hm?
Evangelist: Hello, this is Shincheonji, which has mastered the Bible and testifies to the fulfillment of the promised prophecies
Wheat: Um... May I ask something?
Wheat: What is the fruit of good and evil from the Bible? People know it as something to eat... But no one really explained, so I was always curious.
Evangelist: Ah~ So you're wondering what the fruit of good and evil is? In English, there's an expression "Adam's apple" Some believe the fruit stands for actual apples. However, to truly understand what it is, you first need to understand the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
Wheat: The tree of the knowledge of... good and evil?
Evangelist: Yes, in the Bible, there is the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. So there are these two types of trees. We can even say that these trees led to the existence of today's religion.
Wheat: Religion?
Evangelist: Yes, let's look into it together? In Genesis of the Bible, God created the heavens and the earth. That God, Jehovah, with the dust of the ground, created the first man, Adam With the breath of life, created a living spirit... and planted the Garden of Eden in the east to have him live there.
God: Adam! You shall rule over the garden, be fruitful, increase in number, and fill the earth! Adam! You are free to eat from any tree in the garden. However, look behind you! You must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it, you will surely die.
Evangelist: This is how God made the first promise, the first covenant, with Adam. However...
Serpent(Satan): Did God really say, "You must not eat from any tree in the garden?"
Women(Eve): He said, "you must not eat the fruit or you will die"
Serpent: Hahaha, how naive. You won't die. Rather, you'll be like God.
Woman: Really?
Evangelist: This is how the unprecedented event of eating the fruit of good and evil happened.
Adam: (While chewing) This tastes like wine diluted with water... What is this?
Woman(Eve): It's the fruit of good and evil.
Adam: Ah... What should I do? What should I do? Eve, let's go into hiding
Eve: To wh...where?
Adam: There, where God isn't at! I think it will be safe here...
God: Adam!
Adam: He's looking for us!
God: What are you doing there?
Adam: He wasn't trying to find us but he already found us! God... Um... I heard your voice in the garden and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid
Evangelist: God could not stay together with Adam, who has broken the covenant and sinned, and as sinners could also take from the tree of life and eat, and live forever, God made cherubim and a flaming sword guard the way to the tree of life. This is the event where for the first time in the Bible, the tree of life and the tree of good and evil appeared, and man was made to return to dust, meaning death entered the world due to sin.
Wheat: Interesting!
Evangelist: What we should focus on here are the two types of trees. Due to the serpent and eating the fruit of good and evil, the sin has been passed down until today and death followed. Then, where are the two types of trees?
Wheat: Um... Wouldn't they both be in the Garden of Eden?
Evangelist: After 4,000 years passed since the eating of the fruit of good and evil, Jesus said something.
Jesus: You lack understanding! What goes into a man's mouth doesn't make him unclean, but what comes out of his mouth, that's what makes him unclean.
Evangelist: In other words, Jesus meant that it isn't with food that people become unclean or sin. Why am I mentioning this? Because this means that the fruit of good and evil was not a literal fruit you eat with your mouth.
Wheat: If the fruit isn't a real fruit, then the trees aren't real trees?
Evangelist: That's right! If you look from Ps 78:2 and on, there are things hidden since the creation of the world, and there is the prophecy to speak those in parables.
Evangelist: If you look at Prov. 3:18, it said that hose who receive wisdom are the tree of life. In Isa 5 as well, God mentions this.
Evangelist: That's true. This is something all believers should know and pay attention to.
Wheat: That means we would need to go to the tree of life, but... where is the tree of life?
Evangelist: Shincheonji Church of Jesus testifies to the fulfillment of the prophecies in the book of Revelation. In Rv 22, there is the tree of life that bears fruit every month. The fulfilled reality of the tree is Shincheonji Church of Jesus and we are spreading this truth to the world. Would you care to listen?
Wheat: Yes, I would like to know more. What should I do?
Evangelist: I'll help you. Let's study together!
Wheat: Amen!
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