[Shincheonji Internet Zion Mission Center] The Figurative Scale and Rod
[1] Figurative Scale: the Word Weighing One’s Faith and Deeds
⏵ Trait of the physical scale: a tool to weigh an object
1) God’s scale
Prov 24:12 God’s scale → heart: weighing (examine)
1Sam 2:3 God’s scale → deeds: are weighed
Job 31:6 honest scales → blameless
Ps 62:9 lowborn: a breath, highborn: a lie → if weighed on a balance: they are only a breath
∴ God’s scale (God’s law) = word
God weights heart, faith and deeds on God’s scale which is the word (judgment)
▮ Scale of law court of the world: weighs deeds of the world
⏵judgment, weighing: heavy (felony), light (misdemeanor)
▮ God’s scale: weighs the heart, faith and deeds of a believers
⏵judgment, weighing: right (O), right (X)
Dan 5:25-30 King Belshazzar: Mene, Mene, Tekel, Parsin ⇒ result: killed (judgment)
⏵ meaning of Tekel: the king was weighed on scale and found wanting ⇒ right (X)
Jn 12:48 Jesus: word → condemn at the last day
Rv 20:12 judged according to what they had done as recorded in the books (66 books of the Bible)
2) Satan’s scale
Prov 11:1
- honest scale: honest weights (truth) ⇒ God’s scale
- dishonest scale: dishonest weights (lies) ⇒ Satans’ scale
▮ Reason why scales become dishonest: problem is the “weights” that are used for the scale
⏵ If add or subtract from the Bible ⇒ judgment (Rv 22:18-19)
▮ Merchant defrauding with dishonest scale at the First Coming: Scribes, Pharisees (serpent) / Mt 23:
▮ Merchant defrauding with dishonest scale at the Second Coming: Babylon’s organization (Rv 18:2)
◾ Rv 18:15 Babylon’s product: merchants weeping and mourning because they can’t buy and sell
[2] Figurative Rod: Word and One Who Has the Word
⏵ Trait of the physical rod
- a tool for help, and object to rely on (the discernment, protection, and guidance)
- symbol of power to govern (royal authority, jurisdiction)
1) Rod: the word (protection, guidance, judgement)
using the word of God as a stick and a rod guide and protect people of God or judge their sins
2) Rod: the word (the authority over the nations)
Gn 49:10 the scepter, the ruler’s staff → Shiloh
⏵ It is prophesied that Jesus will lead and rule the people as Savior
Rv 2:26-27 a rod of iron (=authority over the nations)
(1) How and with what will the world be ruled?
Jn 17:2 God → Jesus: giving the authority over the nations (the iron rod)
Jn 17:8 God → Jesus: giving the word
God gave Jesus the word and made him give and teach it to govern His people, which referred to the authority over the nations as an iron rod figuratively.
∴ An iron rod is the ecclesiastical authority to govern
▣ Summary of Key Points
◾ Figurative scale = the word weighing one’s faith and deeds
◾ Figurative rod = word, ones who have the word.
◾ Figurative rod of iron = the ecclesiastical authority to govern
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It’s a miracle to think I might be living at a time when the entire Bible - Revelation included - is being explained plainly❤️