[Shincheonji Church introductory Education Seminar, Lesson 23] Testimony on the Parables of the Secrets of Heaven and Their True Meanings, The Three Kinds of Heaven and the Figurative Key
Pastors and believers worldwide who hope in heaven and eternal life, it is nice to meet you. I, out of the 12 tribe leaders of Shincheonji, learned this word from the Thomas tribe leader and Mission Center Instructor Kim Chang Sik. And our tribe leader learned this word from the Chairman of Shincheonji Lee Man Hee. I sincerely welcome you to the Shincheonji Online Seminar on the Testimony on the Parables of the Secrets of Heaven and Their True Meanings. Everyone, did you listen well regarding the three kinds of Israel last time. God in every generation chose the chosen people and together with the chosen people he worked. However, the chosen people who were selected broke their covenant. And at those times God chose the new chosen people and continued on his work of the past 6,000 years. And, I believe that we know through the Bible that today is the era of new spiritual Israel. Today, together with me, we are going to share the testimony on the parables of the secrets of heaven and their true meanings in introductory lesson number 23 regarding the 3 kinds of event and the figurative key.
There are some of us who may know this and some of us who may not know this. However, I will testify to this once again Today. So, I would appreciate it if you would listen to it. We the believers, our hope is heaven and eternal life. However, in the Bible, there isn’t only just one kind of heaven. Actually there are three kinds of heaven. Then, what are the three kinds of heaven? In the Bible, there’s physical key and also spiritual key or the figurative key using the characteristics of physical key. What is the true meaning of this figurative key? Let’s all find out in the Bible.
Then, let’s first look at the true meaning of the parables. The true meaning of the three kinds of heaven. The first meaning is the kingdom of heaven in the spiritual world. The second meaning, so in the physical world it is the tabernacle of heaven of the chosen people who were chosen first. Thirdly, after the betrayal of the tabernacle of the chosen people, there’s a recreated heaven that is the sealed 12 tribes. The true meaning of the figurative key is the wisdom to know secrets.
How did these true meanings of the parables come about? Let’s find out through the Bible. Let’s first examine the three kinds of heaven. Heaven as you know very well refers to God’s kingdom. The place where God’s throne is found is heaven. If God’s throne is in the spiritual world, then the spiritual world is heaven. If God’s throne has come down to this earth, the physical world then the place where it has come down to is heaven. Then, before Adam’s sin, was there heaven in the spiritual world? Before Adam sinned, the Garden of Eden was itself heaven. Because Adam sinned, God left and he went to the spiritual world. Then, from that point on the spiritual world has become heaven, right? Everyone carries out a faith walk to go to heaven. Then, where is heaven? If one does not know where heaven is, can one go here? And, when God is on this earth, can we refer to the spiritual world heaven? No.
Because God’s kingdom has left his world and it is in the spiritual world, we call that place heaven. Thus, if heaven has come down from the spiritual world to this earth, we can say heaven has come. That’s why at the first coming Jesus says the kingdom of heaven is near. Then the kingdom of heaven that has come was with Jesus. That’s why Jesus was the reality of heaven. Additionally, the people of Israel were referred to as the sun and the moon and the stars. The place where the sun and the moon and the stars are found is also heaven, right? Therefore, we can know that God was also with men.
In contrast though, if the devil was with these people then that place is called hell. Then, no matter what era it is, no matter what organization it is, if God in heaven is with them, they are connected to God. Then, that place is heaven. Isn’t that right? Meaning if God and God’s throne come down to this earth, then the place where they have come down to is the kingdom of heaven meaning in heaven in the physical world. Then, let’s see how God’s kingdom of heaven can be categorized into three kinds. Through the word, let’s examine one by one.
Let’s perceive the three kinds of heaven so that we can obtain our hope of heaven and eternal life. In order to understand the three kinds of heaven, we must read the parable verse in Revelation chapter 21 verse 1 to 2 in one voice.
Looking at Revelation chapter 21 verse 1-2, there is new heaven, new earth, first heaven, first earth and also the Holy City New Jerusalem coming from God in heaven. Then, what is new heaven and earth? What is first heaven, first earth? What is the Holy City New Jerusalem? Let’s examine through the words inside of the Bible. First, let’s learn about heaven. The first meaning of heaven was the kingdom of heaven in the spiritual world. Looking at Revelation chapter 4 and God’s throne is displayed. The kingdom of heaven in the spiritual world and at that place we see God, the 24 elders, the seven spirits, the four living creatures and many spirits, right? That’s why that place is heaven. Also, in Revelation chapter 21 verse 10, the kingdom of heaven in the spiritual world is called the Holy City New Jerusalem. And it says in Revelation chapter 21 verse 14 that the Holy City New Jerusalem is made up of the 12 disciples becoming the 12 foundations, the kingdom of heaven in the spiritual world.
Jesus approximately 2,000 years ago from today spoke about this Holy City New Jerusalem the kingdom of heaven in the spiritual world in John chapter 14 verse 3, it says that Jesus will go and prepare a place and when this place is prepared he will come back and be with us. Then where is this place which Jesus prepares? It is the Holy City New Jerusalem. And, when this Holy City New Jerusalem is prepared, it says Jesus will come back. Then, the Holy City New Jerusalem the kingdom of heaven in the spiritual world to whom does it come? If you look at New Testament Matthew chapter 25, we can see that this kingdom descends on sheep like believers. And in Revelation chapter 4 verse 8, it says that God is to come. Isn’t that right?
Like this, the kingdom of heaven in the spiritual world that is the Holy City New Jerusalem at the appointed time. it comes down to sheep-like believers on this earth. Therefore, the kingdom of heaven in the spiritual world that comes down is the first meaning of heaven.
The second meaning of heaven is referring to the tabernacle of the chosen people in the physical world that was chosen first. It says in Revelation chapter 21 verse 1, that there is first heaven and first earth that passed away. And this first heaven and first earth is what we are examining right now the tabernacle of the chosen people that were chosen first. First heaven out of the two kinds of heaven in the physical world it is referring to the tabernacle of the chosen people whom God was one with that is the churches of tradition. It says first heaven and first earth passed away right?
What does it mean that it passed away? This heaven that is the churches of tradition the pastors and the saints that belong to it because they betrayed, they are judged and they come to an end. That is what it is talking about. This is also explained in Matthew chapter 8 verse 12. Let’s read this verse all together.
If you look at the verse that we read, it says in God’s kingdom the subjects of the kingdom are there and they are kicked outside into the darkness. Who are the subjects of the kingdom that are mentioned here? The subjects of the kingdom are seen in Revelation chapter 13 and in Revelation chapter 6. They are judged for their betrayal and they belong to the Gentiles. They are the first heaven and the first earth. For the past 2,000 years ago, where Jesus sowed to the traditional churches and the church members. Then to organize once again, they were heaven. However, because they betrayed, God left. They are the tabernacle of heaven of the chosen people. They were chosen first. Subjects of the kingdom traditional churches and the church members belonging to them.
The third meaning of heaven is referring to the recreated heaven after the betrayal of the tabernacle of the chosen people that is the sealed 12 tribes. As we read in Revelation chapter 21 verse 1, what appears there is new heaven, new earth. This heaven, new earth is the recreated heaven that is the sealed 12 tribes. So, in this physical world out of the two kinds of heaven, there is a recreated God’s kingdom. That is heaven. Let’s see what it says regarding this in Matthew chapter 8 verse 11.
Like the words that we just read, from the east and the west they come and take their places in the kingdom of heaven and they’re promised here. In Revelation chapter 7, they are written as the sealed 12 tribes of new spiritual Israel. Then who are those who belong to the 12 tribes of new spiritual Israel? They appear in Revelation chapter 14 verse 1-5, harvested and gathered as the first fruits. In Revelation chapter 14, they are gathered in Mt. Zion as the first fruits of the 144 thousand, they are in Revelation chapter 7 that sealed 12 tribes of new spiritual Israel.
These 12 tribes are in Matthew chapter 6 verse 10 that Jesus spoke about this. You will be done on earth as it is in heaven. In Revelation chapter 14, the first fruits 144,000 how do they appear? Let’s find that out. Approximately 2,600 years ago from today, it was prophesied through Jeremiah and fulfilled. If you look at the words in Jeremiah chapter 31 verse 27, we can see that God prophesied through Jeremiah sowing of the two kinds of seeds. And according to this prophecy in Matthew chapter 13 verse 24-25, Jesus came at the First Coming. So, God came to Jesus at the First Coming and fulfilled the prophecy of the sowing of the two kinds of seeds.
And, according to the promise in Revelation chapter 14 verse 14-16, from the field where the seed was sown, the ripened crops born of the seed that was sown. There’s harvested wheat like believers. They are those who come from the east and the west and take their places in the kingdom of heaven. Spiritual Israel just like physical Israel broke their covenant. That’s why God judges and ends spiritual Israel that is the traditional churches. And in Revelation chapter 7, he creates the 12 tribes of new Spiritual Israel. They are those who are born of God’s seed coming from the east and the west and harvest them. They are sealed, created into the 12 tribes of God’s new kingdom and new people. They are the reality of Matthew chapter 13 verse 24-30 and verse 38-39. They are those who appeared as flesh of these prophecies born of God’s seeds, God’s sons. The third meaning of heaven, the recreated heaven that is the sealed 12 tribes the reality is or those who receive atonement of their sin by Jesus’s blood born of God’s see. Harvested and sealed the saints of the 12 tribes.
Loving pastors and congregation members, where would God dwell today? Would God be with the first heaven and first earth that betrayed? Or, would he be with the newly created new heaven, new earth? He would desire to be with those that are created with the words of truth meaning the sealed 12 tribes. Then, all of us must be reborn with these words of the kingdom of heaven so that we can enter into the promised heaven. As the family of God,
Now, moving on, let’s examine the figurative key. The figurative key is referring to wisdom to know secrets. Let me give you the explanation regarding the true meaning of this parable. Let’s read the parable verse Revelation chapter 1 verse 18 all together. In order to know the meaning of the figurative key, first let’s look at the characteristics of the physical key. Key is the tool to open locks right? With the key, we can unlock locks. To see the hidden content inside, God’s word likewise if you look at Revelation chapter 5, it says it is sealed with seven seals. Then, what is a figurative key that is needed to open God’s word that is sealed like this? To know the true meaning, we have to learn about the figurative key in the Bible. There are two kinds of figurative keys.
First, it is the key of the kingdom of heaven. Secondly, it is the key of hell. So, the key of heaven. It is the wisdom to know the secrets of heaven. It is written in Isaiah chapter 22 verse 22 that God will give the key of David to him. Then, who is him that is referred to here? It was referring to Jesus. At the First Coming, Jesus who received the keys to the kingdom of heaven, he gave this key to his disciples. Let’s read the story of Peter who receives the keys of the kingdom of heaven in Matthew chapter 16 verse 19.
In Matthew chapter 16 verse 19, Jesus gives the keys of the kingdom of heaven to Peter and he says whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven. Whatever you lose on earth will be loosed in heaven. These keys of the kingdom of heaven, which God had, gave it to Jesus. And, Jesus who received the keys of the kingdom of heaven he gave it to who? He gave it to Peter, one of the 12 disciples of Jesus. Doesn’t it say so? We have many pastors and congregation members gathered here. At the First Coming, did Peter receive physical keys of the kingdom of heaven from Jesus at the First Coming? He did not receive physical keys of the kingdom of heaven, right? Then, what is the reality of the figurative keys of the kingdom of heaven? And, with what can we open the secrets of heaven? To know the answer, let’s see what it says in John chapter 17 verse 8.
If you see John chapter 17 verse 8, God gave the words to who? God gave his word to Jesus at the First Coming. What kind of word did Jesus receive? It was the revealed word of the fulfillment of the Old Testament. And, there are two kinds of revealed words which Jesus gives to his disciples. One of them is the words of the scroll in Ezekiel chapter 3. Another, it was in the hand of God the words of revelation that is. Then, at that time what Jesus gave to the disciples was the words of the scroll of the Old Testament Ezekiel chapter 3. Afterwards the words that Jesus gave to John was the words of prophecy that he had him record.
The recorded words are prophecies and not reality. The reality of the fulfillment is what Jesus received at the Second Coming and opened and the one who received that word and testifies to it is the person who received the word, the revealed book of the New Testament. And, this revealed book that he received and testifies to is the open book that the angel gives in Revelation chapter 10. Then, to organize the keys of the kingdom of heaven is the wisdom to know the secrets of heaven that are sealed in parables. Then let me explain the work of the Second Coming in pictures.
If you look at Revelation chapter 5, we can see that God has a book sealed with seven seals. And who does to whom does God give the sealed book to? It is to Jesus. And, because Jesus now has the wisdom to know the secrets of heaven he receives this book. And, in Revelation chapter 6, in chapter 8, he opened the secrets of heaven that were hidden in parables. And as we can see in Revelation chapter 10, Jesus through an angel gives this open book meaning the revealed book of the New Testament to new John on this earth meaning to this one shepherd. Then, on this earth, the only person who has the secrets of the kingdom of heaven meaning the keys of heaven. Who is it? It is the promised shepherd New John. This one person who received the revealed book of the New Testament who knows and testifies to all secrets of heaven. Then, if one is a believer who hopes in heaven and eternal life, then they must meet the promised shepherd New John who has the keys of the kingdom of heaven so that they can understand and perceive the secrets of heaven and enter heaven.
Next, let’s learn about the key of hell. The key of hell is the wisdom to know Satan’s secrets. We can see in Revelation chapter 1 verse 18 that Jesus has the keys of death and hades. And, because he has this key, he’s able to from abyss meaning the organization of Satan like he says in Revelation chapter 17 and 18. He’s able to call and bring out God’s people. But, this key in Revelation chapter 9 is given to this star that falls from the star sky, this destroyer. Then, how is it that this destroyer has the key to the shaft of the abyss? We can understand this by knowing the order of the fulfillment of God’s prophecies in 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2. God’s prophecy is fulfilled in order of betrayal, destruction and salvation. In order for the work of destruction, then the destroyers must be brought in. Then, in order to do that, the keys of death and hades, meaning the keys to the shaft of the abyss, are given to one of the destroyers so that he can do the work of destruction. However, after this work of destruction is over, an angel comes with the keys to the abyss and retains capture and lock up say to the devil and from that point on is the era of God’s reign. Then, to organize this, this key of hell abyss is the wisdom to know the secrets of Satan. To be able to release Satan and to also lock up and capture Satan.
Let’s organize what we looked at today. To give you the true meaning of the parables once again, we examine the three kinds of heaven, right? In the three kinds of heaven, first it is referring to the kingdom of heaven in the spiritual world. Secondly it is referring to heaven the tabernacle of the chosen people who are chosen first. And, thirdly it is referring to after the betrayal of the tabernacle of the chosen people, there is recreated heaven that is the sealed 12 tribes. And, also we examined the true meaning of the figurative key. And, this figurative key is the wisdom to know secrets.
Today, the secrets of Revelation which are fulfilled on this earth can be known through the promised shepherd, the one who overcomes and receives the Revelation from Jesus. And, we must become believers belonging to the 12 tribes of the newly created heaven so that we can receive the keys of heaven and obtain our hope as believers. So, we have now listened to the three kinds of heaven and the figurative key. Next time, we are going to look at introductory lesson number 24, the process of being born again and the faith of endurance.
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