[Shincheonji Church introductory Education Seminar, Lesson 24] Testimony on the Parables of the Secrets of Heaven and Their True Meanings, The Process of Growth to Be Born Again and the Faith of Perseverance
Hello, pastors, seminarians and saints around the world who attended the Shincheonji Online Seminar on the Testimony on the Parables of the Secrets of Heaven and Their True Meanings, it is nice to meet you. I am Kim Woo Nam, a center instructor taught by the leader of Busan James tribe out of the 12 tribes of Shincheonji. Our tribe leader was taught by the Chairman of Shincheonji Lee Man Hee. I hope this time will be a precious one to become one in God for those who have the hope of heaven and eternal life which is the purpose of our faith. The words I will testify today will be the introductory lesson 24, the process of growth to be born again and the faith of perseverance. Some of our pastors here may know about this. And some may not. But today I hope that you will listen to what I am explaining about this one more time and that you may all reach heaven and eternal life. First let's read the reference verse for today. Let's read Jeremiah 1 verses 9-10
Yes, you've read well. The verses are from approximately 2,600 years ago when God chose the prophet Jeremia and put the word of God in his mouth and we see God gave the prophet Jeremiah the mission to uproot and tear down, destroy, overthrow to build and to plant. Here, when it says to uproot, what is to be uprooted and what should be overthrown when it says to tear down, destroy and overthrow? In 1 Corinthians chapter 3 verse 9 the apostle Paul compared people to fields and buildings. To call a person a building means that someone can enter and dwell inside of it. And what enters into a person is a spirit. The person's action changes depending on which of the two spirits enters and governs that person.
Therefore to uproot means to uproot the weeds from a person's heart. And to plant means to plant the good seed which is the word of truth. And when it says to tear down and overthrow, it is about tearing down the temple of the heart that was built incorrectly through the falsehood which is the temple of the heart of Satan. And when it comes to building something, it is about building the temple of the heart through the word of truth so that God's holy spirit can dwell inside of it. Therefore the appointed task given to the prophet Jeremia is the work of uprooting, tearing down and destroying which is the work of judgements as well as building and planting which is the work of recreation
This is what was spoken about through the works of the promise paster comparing to the prophet as said in Hosea chapter 12 verse 10. So the mission given to Jeremiah was the mission or duty for Jesus at the First Coming. And at the Second Coming, it is the mission or the duty for the promised pastor. Therefore Jesus, who was a promised pastor approximately 2,000 years ago, uprooted the devil's seed, tore down the temple of the devil's heart and then planted the seed of God and established it as God's temple to build a house for God to dwell in. Then what did Jesus the promised pastor we create? As said in Zechariah chapter twelve verse one, he recreates the spirit of the heart. Only when we are recreated as a house where God can dwell, can we have God within us and enter the kingdom of heaven and eternal life.
So what is the purpose of our life of faith? Everyone in attendance at this event now would know this. it is heaven and eternal life. It is not easy to walk the path of faith with the objective of heaven and eternal life.But there are necessary steps to take in order to achieve this objective. The first is to be born again. The second is the process of growth. And the third is the faith of perseverance. First the process to be born again. In order to become a child of God through the seed of God which is the word of God? What must we be born again of? It is a spirit that must be born again. When it comes to being born again, there is physically being born again but there is also spiritually being born again.However, since the body cannot be born again, being born again here refers to the spiritual aspect that is the spirit that is being born again.
If one was perfect from the beginning there would be no need to be born again but because there is something initially wrong with that first part, it is saying that the person must be born again into a better being. Also a person is told to be born again because the first spirit and the second spirit are different. It means because a person was not born of God's seed and this spirit was not of God's holy spirit. It is told to be born again through God's seed, the water and the holy spirit. The reason for this is that the first spirit did not come from God. So it is telling people to be born again through God's seen which is from God. The second is a process of growth. What growth is in this process? In a process of physical growth, an infant is fed only milk in the beginning then grows through kindergarten to graduate school to become a mature person and eat solid food.
Likewise spiritually speaking e spirit grows by eating the word of God which is the spiritual milk. And this is the process of growth for the spirit. If we look at Hebrews chapter five and six, it talks about elementary teachings and the path of perfection. Starting off with the elementary teachings, our spirit grows with the word of God that is like solid food up to the point of perfection. And this is a process of growth. Third, what kind of faith is the faith of perseverance? It refers to the faith that endures and perseveres when tribulation persecution and testing comes in our way. And the result is heaven and eternal life.
Then what is the reason for these tribulations and persecutions when it comes our way? The reason for this is that there are two types of spirits in this universe. There is a spirit of the creator God. And the spirit that betrayed that is the spirit of the devil. Throughout the 6000 years of history of the Bible, God had sent many prophets but in each era the pastors of the previous eras had killed all of God's prophets. Those who are killed in this way are the martyred spirits. Since Adam’s sin this world has become a world of sin and has been persecuting those who belong to God. The prophets, Jesus and his disciples all suffered persecution and death.
This world where God is not together with had become the world of the devil and had continued in this way for 6,000 years until today. However now is a time of the fulfillment of Revelation. From this point on, it is the era of God's reign. And God's new kingdom and new people are created. Now the world of sin ends and the world of righteousness begins. Therefore when you overcome with the faith of perseverance you will inherit all the blessings that are promised in the Bible. I sincerely hope that through today's word that all of you will be born again and grow into the word and be victorious through the faith of perseverance.
Next we will look at being born again. First of all, what is a reason to be born again of the seed of God? As mentioned earlier, being born again is not about being born again physically. But it is about what is spiritual meaning about the spirit that is being born again. If one was completely born of the seed of God and the spirit of God and was built into the temple of God, then there would be no need to be born again. However because one was born of Satan’s seed instead of God's seed and was built into a temple of Satan, not the temple of God. That is why the seed of Satan, the weeds, have to be uprooted. The temple of Satan has to be torn down
and one needs to be born again of God's seed and to be rebuilt as a temple of God. In regards to this being born again jesus explained it at the First Coming.
Let's read John chapter 3 verses 3-6.
Approximately 2,000 years ago, a Pharisee named Nicodemus, a member of the Jewish ruling council came to Jesus and confessed. We know you are a teacher who has come from God. Jesas heard these words and in verse 3 he said that no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again. He said this because the Pharisees at that time were born of the devil's spirit and the devil's seed instead of the spirit of God and God's seed. So he told them to be born again. Jesus said that you can enter the kingdom of God only if you are born again. To be born again means rebirth. So Nicodemus asked Jesus how can a man be born again when he is old? Surely he cannot enter a second time into his mother's womb to be born. Everyone, can a person be born and then enter the mother's womb and be reborn? We all know very well that the answer is no.
Then how can we be born again? Let's read the words of 1 Peter chapter 1 verse 23.
It says that for you have been born again not of perishable seed but of imperishable through the living and enduring word of God. Yes. He said to be born again through the seed of God's word. In Luke chapter 8 verse 11, it is said that the seed is the word of God. So you can enter the kingdom of heaven only if you are born again through the word of God. Let's also read the words of John chapter 1 verses 1-4.
In John chapter 1 verse 1, it is said that the word in the beginning was God and in verse 4, in him was life and that life was a light of men. Furthermore, in 1 John chapter 1 verses 1-2, it says that which was from the beginning which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked at and our hands have touched. This we proclaim concerning the word of life. The life appeared. Therefore the word in the beginning is Jesus. Since God is the word and Jesus is also the word, one must be born again through the seed of the word of God and Jesus. Once again, when it comes to being born again, it means a spirit is born again through the word of God. And the purpose to be born again through the word of God is to become a child of God and inherit the kingdom of heaven and eternal life.
When we are born again of God's seed, we become God's children. Then who will be the children of God at the Second Coming of the Lord? I believe that you have already understood it well through the introductory lesson for the figurative seed, field, tree and bird. According to the words of Matthew chapter 13 verses 24-30 and verses 37-43, two kinds of seeds grow in Jesus's field until the time of the harvest. Here there are those who are born of the seed of God. And also those born of the seed of the devil. Those born of God's seed become the sons of God so that they are harvested and taken to the heavenly barn.
On the contrary, those born of the devil's seed become the sons of the devil. So they cannot be harvested but remain in the field and end up going to hell. Everyone, now is the time of the harvest. If one is a child of God should they be harvested or should they remain in the field? Also, if you look at Matthew chapter 8 verses 11-12, there are those who are harvested from the east and the west. And those who are the subjects of the kingdom who are thrown outside. Those harvested from the east and the west will go to heaven as the 12 tribes of the new kingdom in Revelation chapter 7.
But the subjects of the kingdom who are thrown outside will go to hell as the corrupt traditional churches of Revelation chapter 6. Everyone who hears these words let us not stay in the field but let us become God's true sons who are harvested. So the true sons of God at the Second Coming of the Lord will be those in Revelation chapters 7, 14 and 21. The 144,000 of the 12 tribes who had been born of God's seed, harvested and sealed. These are the sons of God whom the creation has been an eager expectation for to be revealed as said in Romans chapter 8 verse 19.
Everyone who hears this message, let us become God's children through being born again of God's seed by being harvested and sealed and by belonging to the 12 tribes. Next I will explain about the process of growth. The process of growth is a process in which our inner person grows by spiritually eating the word of God just as a child grows by eating food in order to become a mature person. Hebrews chapter 5 verses 12-14 talks about the elementary teachings and the path of perfection. It says though by this time you ought to be teachers you need someone to teach you the elementary truths of God's word all over again. You need milk, not solid food.
Therefore we should not just eat the milk like elementary words as an infant does.But in order to become mature, we should eat the solid food such as the testimony on the parables of the secrets of heaven and their true meanings as well as a testimony on the prophecy and fulfillment of Revelation, God's new covenant. And we should be able to discern between good and evil. Jesus described this process of growth through the parable of the four fields. As we see in Matthew chapter 13 verses 1-9, when the seed of the word is sown, there will be a path, a rocky, a thorny field and also a good soil as well. Jesus explains the 4 fields in this way.
First those along the path which is where the birds come and eat it up are the ones who hear and then when the devil comes and takes away the word from their hearts so that they may not believe and be saved. It is the words that are taken away by the devil. Next is a rocky field where it withers after the sun comes up. They are the ones who receive the word with joy when they hear it. But because they have no root, they believe for a while and in the time of testing they fall away meaning that they are those who lose in the testing due to the word.
Next is a thorny field. The seed that fell among thorns, it stands for those who hear but as they go on their way they are choked by life's worries, riches and pleasures. And they do not mature. Now in order to see what kind of field the good soil is so that it produces a crop of 160 or 30 fold, we will take a look at Luke chapter 8 verse 15.
It is said that the good soil stands for those with a good and noble heart who hear the word retain it and by persevering produce a crop. I hope that all of you who are listening to this word now have the seed of the word planted in your hearts, grow and produce crops as the good soil so that we will be able to enter the kingdom of heaven and have eternal life. As you've seen so far, you can reach heaven through the process of growth to be born again. Then what is the most necessary in the process of growth to be born again? It is the faith of perseverance. It is the faith of perseverance that allows us to endure when tribulation, persecution and trials of all kinds come in our faith.
Jesus had said in Luke chapter 18 verse 8. When the son of man comes will he find faith on the earth? Therefore we can see that there will not be many people who have true faith. And that is the reality of the faith of the believers at the Second Coming according to the words of Jesus. Today the time of the Lord Second Coming is much more important for us. And the Bible prophecies that there will be trials and persecution today as well. So now let me share what they are going to be like. Jesus had prophesied about the suffering and persecution that the promised pastor and the people of God's kingdom would experience because of the word at the second coming.
Let's read Luke chapter 17 verse 25.
Jesus said that in the future he will suffer many things first and be rejected by the generation. Here, this he does not refer to Jesus but refers to the promised pastor at the Second Coming. And in John chapter 16 verses 1-4 Jesus said that anyone who kills you will think he is offering a service to God. This means that the people of the kingdom of God will be put to death. Even today it is very sad and unfortunate that four people were persecuted to death while keeping their faith as the members of the Shincheonji church, the kingdom of God.
In 1 John chapter the verse 15, it says that hating a brother is also murder. Hating within the religious world is persecution. In other words, if you cause religious hatred and persecute people because they have different denominations and different doctrine, it is a spiritual murder in God's eyes. Such persecution and hatred kill a person's spirit as well as faith and even lead to physical murder as well. In Matthew chapter 10, Jesus said that people will be handed over to the councils and there will be fights and killings between parents and children and brothers and between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. Let's read Matthew chapter 10 verses 16-23.
Jesus said they will hand you over to the local councils and all men will hate you because of me. And just as it was prophesied that the workers and the people of the kingdom of God would be persecuted by false pastors and the powers of the world. The workers and people of Shincheonji suffer persecution even today and these words have come true. The reason for this persecution is because there are two types of spirits. Even though the world of Adam whose sinned was wiped out by the flood at the time of Noah. The evil spirit was not wiped out. Therefore people kept on sinning. However it is said that this evil spirit can be seized and locked up at the time of the fulfillment of the book of revelation. In the constitution of the Republic of Korea Article 20 Paragraph 1 reads all citizens shall enjoy freedom of religion. And in article 20 paragraph 2, no state religion shall be recognized and church and state shall be separated.
According to these words, shouldn't one be free to choose one's own faith? However in Matthew chapter 25, Jesus said that there would be the workers of God who are unjustly imprisoned and those who will suffer. In Luke chapter 22, Jesus promised his disciples saying you are those who have stood by me in my trials and I confer on you a kingdom just as my father conferred one on me so that you may judge the 12 tribes of israel. I hope everyone who hears these words will not be on the side of persecution. But become the children of God who participate in suffering in order to inherit the kingdom of God and eternal life. In Romans chapter 8 verses 17-18, it says that we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory and that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. It says that we should share in the suffering as the children of God because the glory we will receive in the future is much greater. The faith of perseverance is what makes it possible to be able to endure these hardships, the trials and the persecution.
Next let's read Hebrew chapter 10 verse 36.
He is saying that perseverance is necessary to receive God's promise. Therefore I earnestly hope that everyone is victorious through the faith of perseverance.
Now let me tell you today's conclusion. The objective of the life of faith is heaven and eternal life. The necessary process is, first, to be born again. The second is a process of growth and the third is the faith of perseverance. It is said that we must be born again because we are not born of God's seed. So first your spirit must be born again in order to become a child of God through the seed of God which is the word of God.
Next, the process of growth is a process in which a person begins with the elementary teachings then goes to the word of perfection. So this is the process of growth of an inner person. Next the faith of perseverance will be the unchanging faith that perseveres and endures when tribulation, persecution and trials come within the life of faith. In Matthew chapter 24 verse 13, Jesus said that those who stand firm to the end will be saved. I pray that everyone who listens today will be victorious with the faith of perseverance and become the children of God who will inherit the kingdom of heaven and eternal life.
Did you listen well today? The introductory seminar of the testimony on the parables of the secrets of heaven and their true meanings is now over today. And the next time the intermediate seminar of the testimony on the revelation of the old and new testaments by chapter will begin. Starting from the next session the level of studies is much higher than the introductory level. So an instructor who delivers the word much better than I will come and testify the word. I hope that you will attend and have the precious time to receive grace and be able to perceive. Lastly we will end by shouting we are one in the meaning that we are one in God and in Jesus. We transcend races, countries and religions and we are one in God. we are one.
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A total of 70,000 people formally attended the seminar series 'Testimony on the Parables of the Secrets of Heaven and Their True Meanings', and 7000 people from Korea and abroad registered for Shincheonji Church’s follow-up training course, with 3000 of them having enrolled on the full curriculum taught at the Zion Christian Mission Center. Moreover, 2155 pastors, 958 churches and 22 seminaries in 67 countries have signed MOUs with Shincheonji to teach the revealed word; and 100 pastors, evangelists and seminarians are currently taking Shincheonji's 6-8month study course, covering the entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Moreover, the number of combined views of the seminars on the Book of Revelation and the parables of the secrets of heaven has now exceeded 15 million. The current round of seminars of the Intermediate course, which will be broadcast online every Monday and Thursday until 27th June, will cover the core topics of the entire Bible. What a sign of hope in these testing times! All glory to God🙏