[Shincheonji Online Seminar, Intermediate Lesson 6]
Testimony on the Revelation of the Old and New Testaments by Chapter,
The Promised Pastors of the Old Testament and the New Testament
Mt 1, Rv 10, Rv 12
To all the pastors, theology students and saints around the world who have the hope of the kingdom of heaven and eternal life, it is great to meet you. My name is Oh Jae Joon. I'm the head instructor of Chung Ju church of Philip Tribe of Shincheonji church of Jesus. To everyone attending the Shincheonji Online Seminar Testimony on the revelation of the Old and New Testaments by Chapter, we sincerely thank you. The work that we will meditate together today will be intermediate level, lesson 6 promised pastors of the Old Testament and the New Testament.
Main references will be Matthew 1, Revelation 1:1-3, Revelation 2 and 3, Revelation 10 and also Revelation 22:16. There may be pastors who read much of the Bible and know well about today's topic. There could be some who are not well aware of. However, as you listen well to today's lecture I hope that we can find out about the answers to God's will. So therefore once again let us open our hearts widely today and learn about who is the promised paster of the Old Testament and the New Testament.
How can we check and also most importantly what is the relevance of this word and myself? Let us certainly realize and have a precious time to receive grace. First of all we would like to look into the key point of today's title.
The promise pastor is referring to the pastor that God promised in advance in the Bible. In other words it is the pastor, promised in the Bible. In the Bible there are two broad promises: Old Testament and New Testament. The promised pastor promised the Old Testament will be Jesus. The promise pastor promised in the New Testament is a messenger that Jesus promised to send for the churches. It is the one who overcomes. Then the promised pastor of god, what kind of work does the promised pastor do? How can we recognize him?
From now, let us look into it one by one through the Bible. In the Bible there are broadly four types of pastors. Firstly, the prophetic pastor then general pastor and also promised pastor and finally the false pastor we can divide.
Firstly, the prophetic pastor. It is the pastor that God chose to tell in advance about what's going to happen in the future. In other words it is a pastor who has a task to receive the word of prophecy and recorded it. Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, all these Old Testament prophets are prophetic pastors.
Secondly, there's also the general pastor. It is a pastor that has a task to deliver what the promised pastor fulfilled. In terms of general pastors, from the time of Moses until the time of the First Coming, the pastors who delivered the law Moses. And also from the First Coming of Jesus until today the second coming, there are those pastors who delivered the work of the First Coming are all general pastors.
Thirdly, it is our promised pastor. It is about today's topic and also it is the most important pastor as well. The promised pastor is a pastor that God promised inside the Bible promised through the prophetic pastor. The promised pastor in the Bible, it is the promise pastor of the Old Testament and also the promise pastor of the New Testament. About this, we will learn in detail soon.
And lastly there's also a false pastor. As the name suggests, it is not the truth but the pastor who teaches false truth in other words lies. It is Satan's pastor belonging to Satan.
Today at this time we will learn about the promised paster of the Old Testament and the New Testament. Firstly at this time, let us learn about the promised pastor of the Old Testament first. Our pastors, we believe in Jesus, right? I also believe in Jesus. However, the name of Jesus is not prophesied inside the Old Testament. However, what is the reason why we can believe in Jesus as our savior? About this according to the Bible let's find out.
Let us read the words of John 5:39.
Yes you had read well. This Bible that Jesus referred to the scripture is referring to the scripture of the Old Testament. This Old Testament scripture, it says it testifies about Jesus. Likewise, inside of the Old Testament Bible there is no word Jesus. However there are many prophecies about one pastor that is promised throughout the Old Testament. And this word of prophecy was fulfilled by Jesus.
Then about the promised pastor of the Old Testament, what kind of prophecies were there? How were they fulfilled? About the prophecy and the physical fulfillment of Jesus, said the Old testament. Let's find out in detail. First of all when we see the birth of Jesus, in Isaiah 7:14, it said the virgin will give birth to a son. Now according to this word of promise in Matthew 1:18~23, at the time of the First Coming, it was from the body of virgin Mary. Jesus who was conceived from the holy spirit and became born. And also in Mic. 5:2, this savior who will be born in Bethlehem was already promised.
And at the time when Jesus was born, the Roman emperor commanded a sensus as such Joseph and Mary who were living in Galilee Nazareth had to go all the way to Bethlehem. As we see in the words of Matthew 2, as we know very well, Jesus was born from a manger in Bethlehem and thereby this word of prophecy was fulfilled. And the magi from the east brought treasures and incense and myrrh and came and visited Jesus in Bethlehem.
And also in Hosea 11:1, it says I will call my son out of Egypt. According to this prophecy to fulfill it, the fact that there is a king of Israel that was born was proclaimed by the magi from the east. And king Herod who heard that commanded for all children, male children, under two years old to be killed in Bethlehem. And Joseph and Mary who fled in order to escape from this killing, by that, that prophecy that the son will come out of Egypt was fulfilled. This is written well in Matthew 2:15.
Also in the Old Testament in Zechariah 9:9, it even prophesizes about Jesus’ entering into Jerusalem. According to Matthew 21, Jesus according to that prophecy rode on a foal of a donkey and entered into the temple of Jerusalem. Why was it not a big donkey but a worthless looking foal of a donkey, baby donkey? And why did Jesus enter into Jerusalem like that? It may have seemed strange however all these things, it was a process of fulfilling the prophecies promised in the Old Testament.
Not only that God prophesied through the prophet Jeremiah about the creation of a new thing. To fulfill this, God prophesied in Jeremiah 31 to sow the seed. And Jesus did sow the seed of God’s word in Matthew 13. Now through this, it was a corrupted world, the physical Israel that all came to an end. And through the seed of God's word, what began was the creation of the world of spiritual Israel. The reason was because it was our inner person who was born of the gene of sin. However for us to be born again as God's children, born through the seed of God's word such a creation happened.
As we also see in Ezekiel chapter 3 Ezekiel receives the book of the open scroll and receives a command to deliver those words to the corrupted chosen people. This content was prophesied through prophet Ezekiel when it was fulfilled. According to Hosea 12:10, God spoke parables through that prophet. It was not Ezekiel who received a book and delivered it. But there was a pastor, Jesus who was figurably described as Ezekiel who received the book and delivered the word to the corrupted chosen people.
As we see in Matthew 15:24, according to the prophecy of Ezekiel, Jesus did receive the revealed word from God and delivered those words to the lost sheep of God's people, in other words the corrupted chosen people. And by that, the words of Ezekiel 3 were fulfilled. Also as we see in Jeremiah 31:31~32, it is prophesying to establish a new covenant.
The people of Israel did not believe in Jesus who came according to the covenant of God of the Old Testament. As they sinned, Jesus according to how it is recorded in Luke 22:14~20 on the night of the Passover through the blood of Jesus, Jesus made a new covenant. Through this, what was promised to Jeremiah? The word of prophecy to make a new covenant was fulfilled. This new covenant is referring to the New Testament. And among the words of the New Testament, the word that today's believers must know, it is a word of prophecy promising about the future events. It is a book of Revelation.
Even the first covenant, Old Testament, it was all fulfilled according to the words of prophecy. Likewise this new covenant, the New Testament, book of Revelation, it will certainly all be fulfilled. I hope that our believers will all remember this. And also as Jesus on behalf of our sins as he bore the cross and resolved the matter of sin and through that blood made a new covenant and left. And when Jesus was on the cross in Matthew 27:35 as Jesus' clothes were divided by casting lots. All this was also fulfilled according to what was recorded in Psalms 22:18.
Likewise, God through Isaiah, Jeremiah Hosea, through these Old Testament prophets he recorded these words of prophecy. And when the time came at the time of the First Coming, God came to Jesus and fulfilled all those words. In John 1:32 as the holy spirit came down to Jesus like a dove, just like those words God came to Jesus and fulfilled all the words of prophecies that were promised. All together, let's read John 19:30.
Yes thank you for reading. As Jesus right before he died on the cross, he said it is finished. Then what is it that was all finished? That is all the prophecies of the Old Testament. They were all fulfilled. It was what he meant. As we acknowledge Jesus or the promised pastor of the Old Testament, the reason why we can do that is because Jesus fulfilled all the prophecies promised in the Old Testament. Then Jesus in the New Testament gave us a new promise, a new covenant.
^^ 18:07
Today is the time, not the fulfillment of the Old Testament but the fulfillment of the New Testament. Then rather than the time of the First Coming where the Old Testament was fulfilled, we should be even more interested and find out about the time of the Second Coming when the New Testament becomes fulfilled. Isn't it? The part that I will deliver now will be the most important part of today's topic.
It is a word that applies to today's time. It is about the promised pastor, promised in the New Testament promised by Jesus. Even in the Old Testament Bible there were many promises about Jesus. Likewise in the New Testament 4 gospel and also in the book of Revelation, there are many prophecies about the promised pastor in the book of Revelation. Especially in Revelation in each chapter, it all includes about the promised pastor God Jesus and also all believers who believe in this word.
When the prophecies become fulfilled we must also learn about this word, isn't it? Then from now on, about the 4 gospels of the New Testament and inside the prophecies of the New Testament book of Revelation, how the promised pastors prophesied? we will find out together. All together. Let's read Revelation 1:1~3.
Yes first of all in Revelation 1:1, this records about the root of how the revelation of the New Testament become delivered. Book of Revelation, it is Jesus' disciple apostle John who recorded this revelation.
In revelation 1:1, it says revelation of Jesus Christ. This means Jesus revealed. Here, when it says revelation it means to open and show. In God's hand, there was the prophecy of the book of Revelation that was sealed. But that book, Jesus receives it and opens the seals and fulfills it. So therefore it is no longer a sealed scroll but it becomes an open book.
And John recorded this open book that he saw which is the book of Revelation that Jesus opened and fulfilled. That is why it's a revelation that John recorded. Now in Revelation 1:1, it records about the root of how the revelation is conveyed which can be shown through this drawing.
First of all, the sealed scroll that was in God's right hand which was this book of revelation’s prophecy that was sealed in parable. So therefore no one was able to know. However Jesus took that sealed scroll in Revolution 5 and 6, opened it and fulfilled it. Like this, 2,000 years ago, what was promised? The sealed word of the New Testament as Jesus takes it, opens it and reveals it. The prophecy now becomes fulfilled and the physical reality appears. And this becomes conveyed to the servants.
And God wanted to show this fulfillment to the servants which is the revealed word. So therefore for God to show what must soon take place to the servants, he gave this open book to the angel and the angel to John, and John received this open book and ate it. And thereby John becomes a pastor who received this open book and now delivers what must soon take place to whom? To the servants. This is very important work. The reason why is because through that one pastor that is promised that is like John, this is how Jesus' revelation becomes conveyed.
Then what must soon take place that the promised pastor will deliver? What must soon take place is referring to the events of the entire chapters of the book of Revelation. It says what must soon take place is to be shown to the servants. Then, who will be these servants? As we see in Revelation 7, there are 12,000 in 12 tribes and thereby these 12 tribes become sealed. Revelation 7:4 refers to them as servants. So therefore the one who seals the one who is receiving the sealing they all belong to the 12 tribes and they become God’s servants.
These servants are the 12 tribes, 144,000. Now if we summarize the content so far, God wanted to show what must soon take place. In other words, the events of the entire chapters of Revelation to be shown to the servants was God’s command. And thereby according to that command John through the angel delivered it all.
Then what is important here is at this time of the fulfillment of Revelation John who receives this revealed word and conveys it, it is not referring to the apostle John of 2,000 years ago. Hosea 12:10 says God spoke parables through the prophets. Likewise, 2000 years ago apostle John is figuratively used to describe the promise pastor of the New Testament Bible which is New John.
New John would be a name that we can call the promised pastor of the New Testament. Then as we see in Revelation 1:2, New John testifies the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ and everything that he saw. Now this means John is the one who speaks on behalf of God and Jesus. The word of God and the testimony of Jesus, In other words, everything that he saw becomes testified without adding or subtracting. This New John is promised in the New Testament Bible.
Also as we see in verse 3, blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy. And blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what has written in it, it says. The words of the New Testament, Revelation was sealed through seven seals and parables for 2,000 years. No one in heaven or on earth was able to know its true meaning. However, the word of the prophecy of revelation now can be read by someone. This does not mean simply reading a book. It means there is a person who knows its meaning. In other words the one who mastered the words of revelation and its physical fulfillment would be New John who received the revealed word of the New Testament from Jesus.
Through this New John, people are able to receive the testimony of this word. So therefore there is one person who reads it but there are many who can hear it. Like this, the revealed word, there's the one who reads it and those who hear it. However the ones who are blessed are those who take it to heart, in other words those who keep these words. So through this, we can see that all believers in the global village must now see, here and realize about the physical reality of this prophecy which we've been waiting for 2,000 years. Now such a time has come.
At the time of the second coming of the Lord, Jesus works through the seven spirits and the seven stars of God. In revelation 1:20, these seven stars are a mystery. They refer to the messengers of the seven churches. Likewise, Jesus appoints the seven messengers that were mystery and started his work. They are the messengers who prepare the way for the Lord at the time of the Second Coming.
But as we see in Revelation 2 and 3, inside of the tabernacle of these seven messengers, there's the Nicolaitans’ group of Satan that enters in. And the seven messengers that Jesus appointed became one with the Nicolaitans and committed sin. At this time, Jesus selects one person. This one person is the one whom Jesus selects. And with his right hand, he appoints from revelation 1:10. Onwards he is a promised pastor of the New Testament.
Jesus to this one pastor chose all the content of Revelation 2 and 3 and its mysteries and by that also commanded him to send the letters of repentance to the seven messengers. And also this mystery is not told to anyone else but only to this one person that is referred to as John. Also it is not only to repent but also it is told to fight and overcome the enemy Nicolaitans.
The reason why is because these seven messengers, they listen to the words of the enemies Nicolaitans receive full sacrifices to idols and his teaching and committed sexual immorality with Satan. So therefore to the seven messengers telling them to repent and fight and overcome in the war against the Nicolaitans was done.
And also in the very location of the event the one who fights and overcomes this group of Satan and Nicolaitans becomes the one overcomes that appears. Inside of Revelation 2 and 3, the one who receives this promised blessings, it will be the promised pastor of the New Testament. What kind of blessing does the promised pastor receive? Let's read Revelation 2:17.
Yes, thank you for reading. When we see the content of the promised blessing Jesus says to the one overcomes will give the hidden manna which is the fruit of eternal life. And also the white stone which is the authority to judge and also the iron scepter which is of authority to rule nations. And not only that God, Jesus and the kingdom of heaven will be together with the one overcomes. And the one overcomes will be able to sit together on the throne of Jesus.
So therefore at the time of the fulfillment of Revelation, God Jesus and the kingdom heaven is together with the one overcomes. So therefore finding the one overcomes is the same as finding God, Jesus and the kingdom of heaven. Like this at the time of the fulfillment of Revelation, finding this pastor the one who overcomes the promised pastor in Revelation 2 and 3 is a very important work.
Also as recorded in Revelation 10, the promised pastor of the New Testament is the one who received the open book that Jesus delivered through the angel. And he received a task to deliver the word of this book. At the time of the First Coming, Jesus received and ate the open scroll of Ezekiel 3 and delivered those words to the corrupted people of the Israelites.
However in Revelation 10, it is not that Jesus eats and delivers the word but rather it is John who receives and eats the open book and delivers it. This john is not Jesus
but rather it is a promised pastor of the New Testament of today which is figurably being described comparing to Jesus' disciple John.
Jesus opens the seals from Revelation 6, opened the entire book and fulfilled everything that is recorded inside of it. And through this angel delivered this open book and gave it to John to eat. And then it is now commanded he must
deliver those words to many peoples, nations, languages and kings. And thereby Jesus fulfilled the prophecy.
And John is the one who received the word and ate it, delivered it. What we must remember is that when this promise of Revelation becomes fulfilled that person who fulfills these words of prophecy is a promised pastor, New John. So therefore this book, it's not in God’s hand nor with Jesus nor with the angel but it is inside the stomach of New John isn't it?
In other words now other than New John, nobody else has this book. So therefore John is the one who is the only pastor who perfectly realizes and masters the prophecy and the fulfillment of the New Testament. He becomes the walking Bible. So therefore as he received and ate this book, according to Revelation 22:8, he's the one who has seen and heard all the events of this book.
And to this New John we must receive that testimony. Then we will also know clearly about the events of Revelation. And also this word of testimony is the law of God that all believers in all nations must know and keep isn't it? So therefore Jesus promised to send his messenger for the churches. Let's read revelation 22:16.
Yes, thank you for reading.
In revelation 22:8, as we see I, John, am the one who heard and saw these things. At the time of the fulfillment of revelation, New John is the one who has seen all the fulfillment of the book of revelation as Jesus fulfilled every verse of it. He becomes the witness inside of Revelation who has seen and heard the fulfillment. And thereby this pastor becomes Jesus' messenger who testifies what he has seen and heard.
Jesus promised to send his messenger to the churches to testify all these things, in other words, the events of the entire chapters of revelation. So, therefore there must be the work that Jesus' messenger gives a word of testimony, isn't it? Then the messenger of Jesus that Jesus promised in other words a promised pastor, he is the one who ate the open book in Revelation 10. And he's the one who saw all its fulfillment at the place of the fulfillment
So therefore he's able to testify the prophecy of the 4 gospels and the book of Revelation and even its physical fulfillment. The one who is testifying all he saw and heard to the churches today is the promised pastor of Shincheonji. Then now as if the promise of all the New Testament has been fulfilled through this promised pastor, then we must hear the testimony from the promised pastor and check it, isn't it?
And if we check it and if it is correct we must also believe in the prophecy and its physical fulfillment and be the ones who can be saved. Up until now, we saw the promised pastor prophesied in Revelation
But not only in the book of Revelation but also in the prophecy of the 4 gospels especially in Matthew 24, there's a prophecy about the promised pastor. Mathew 24 is the content about the signs of the coming of the Lord at the Second Coming and of the end of ages.
In verse 45, it speaks up the faithful and wise servant who be in charge of the servants in the household giving them the food at the proper time. When the master returned, he said he will give all his possession to this servant. Then the master that will return is our Lord Jesus. Then this servant is not Jesus. It is Jesus' servant. We are able to know it is a promised pastor
Also, as we see in John 14:17, New John is a pastor who is together with the spirit of truth that is promised to come. Jesus said 2,000 years ago that the spirit of truth the advocate will come and would teach us all truth and allow us to be reminded of everything that Jesus said. And also that spirit of truth will be inside of you, in other words, will dwell in a person.
In 1 Corinthians 3:9, as it says you are God’s field you are God's building. Likewise spirit works through this body as a house and works through the flesh. Likewise, this spirit of truth, the advocate, will work through one pastor and that pastor will be used as a flesh who speaks on behalf and delivers the words of Revelation. So therefore the New John who is the pastor who speaks on behalf today becomes the advocate in flesh whom the spirit of truth the advocate is together with.
And by this, this is a work of the spirit of truth, the advocate, that Jesus promised in John 14:26 and thereby it is the work of the spirit that allows us to remind it of everything that Jesus said. Likewise inside of the 4 gospels and Revelation, there are many contents, promising about the promise pastor. As this is God's promise, they must be fulfilled. Isn’t it? And also for us as believers, we are the ones who must know and believe in the word that has been fulfilled according to that promise.
Then through the promised pastor, New John, what kind of work does Jesus fulfill at the Second Coming? Let's find out together. Before we saw the promised pastor of the New Testament, is the one who receives the promised blessing of revelation 2 and 3 the one overcomes. If there's an event of overcoming, then there also must be a spiritual war and a place where the spiritual war happens according to the Bible.
There must be a subject to fight and overcome. There also must be a weapon to fight. This war happens in Revelation 12. Let's read revelation 12:10~11
Yes, as we saw Revelation 12 starting from verse 1, there is a sign in heaven. There's a woman clothed with the sun, moon and stars that is pregnant with a child here. Thus heaven and the sun, moon and stars is a parable figuratively describing the things of nature. In Genesis 37, Jacob's tabernacle and his family were figuratively described as heaven and his sun, moon and stars. So thereby heaven refers to the chosen people's tabernacle and the sun, moon and stars is referring to the chosen people.
And also this place is the tabernacle of the seven golden lampstand in Revelation 2 and 3. It is the tabernacle of heaven in Revelation 13. This child of Revelation 12, together with his brothers, fights and overcomes the group of the dragon, the beast with seven heads and ten horns, in this tabernacle of heaven, overcoming by fighting with the blood of the Lamb and the word of testimony.
This war is a spiritual war. Fighting with the word. It is God's group and Satan’s group fighting through the word of testimony. And there was a victory by the child. In revelation 12 the one overcomes by fighting and overcoming the group of the dragon. Finally there is God's kingdom, power and salvation.
Through those who were victorious in revelation 12, in revelation 15, God uses them as the bowls of wrath. They are the ones who saw everything at the place where the betrayal and destruction happened. They are the witnesses. They are those who fought and overcame the group of the dragon of Satan. So that is why they can be used as bowls who contained God's wrath.
And then in Revelation 16, to the betrayer and to the destroyers that deceived all nations, the bowls of wrath are poured. And by that the betrayer and the destroyer are judged. Also in Revelation 18, it is Babylon the home for demons that become judged. By that, people who were captured inside of all nations, who were deceived, are now finally able to come out to the nation that God is together with the temple of the tabernacle of the testimony.
Then at the time of the Second Coming, how does God's new kingdom, new people that is the place of salvation become created? Jesus returns at the time of the fulfillment of Revelation and becomes one with the promised pastor. And firstly harvest the fruits that are born through the seed that was sown at the time of the First Coming.
According to the promise of Revelation 14, those who are born of God’s seed become harvested. And then in Revelation 7, according to those words of Revelation 7 with the revealed word they are sealed and then the 12 tribes are created. These 12 tribes are God's kingdom of priests who have been purchased through the blood of Jesus, in other words the sealed 12 tribes 144,000. And after the 144,000 are sealed, there's the great multitude in white that come out from the great tribulation. They become the people who wash themselves with the blood of Jesus.
This kingdom of god is created at the time of the Second Coming. They are the ones when the previous era that have sinned just like the days of Noah, days of Lot, become ended. And now it is a new kingdom ,new people, the 12 tribes that become newly created. This becomes a place where God and the kingdom of heaven comes down to and becomes one.
Like this, finding the place where the one overcomes a promised pastor spoken through the Bible and this kingdom of heaven the 12 tribes becomes a way to receive atonement of sin at the time of Second Coming and be led to salvation and kingdom of heaven. To our beloved family of faith, today according to the promise of Revelation 14 and 7, by keeping the word of promise of the Bible and also
harvesting those who are born of God’s seed and to all saints congregation members giving Bible exams. By that, sealing with the revealed word and created as the 12 tribes according to the promise of Revelation there is such a place that is created.
That place is Shincheonji Church of Jesus where the promised pastor of today is at. Through the promised pastor of the New Testament, today Shincheonji according to the Bible is doing the work of harvesting those who are born of God’s seed and also by sealing with this word created the 12 tribes. Then I must check ‘Am I one who has been harvested or not harvested?’ Have I been sealed with the word? Do I belong to the 12 tribes or not?’. We must think.
According to the Bible being harvested and sealed and by belonging to the 12 tribes, God’s kingdom, God's family, I hope that we can all receive the blessing of the kingdom of heaven and eternal life. Let us all read. Revelation 21:6.
Yes, thank you for reading.
Like this. Jesus spoke of one pastor inside the 4 gospels of the New Testament and Revelation. To this promise pastor, Jesus comes and by fulfilling everything in Revelation 21:6, it says it is done. I'm the alpha and omega, beginning and the end. It is what Jesus says.
Yes today, the conclusion of the word is this. In order to save God's people who sinned, the promised pastor who has been sent, promised in the Old Testament, it was Jesus. And also for the churches of the New Testament, there's also a promised pastor in the New Testament promised to be sent. It is the one who received the open book in Revelation 10 and it is the one overcomes in Revelation 12 and Revelation 2 and 3.
If the Old Testament, 39 books, was referring to one person Jesus then the New Testament, 27 books, also is telling us about one person the promised pastor of the New Testament. Like this, the Bible is telling us about this promised pastor, promised by Jesus and also the promise that we must believe and keep today. It is the New Testament. It is the new covenant, the book of Revelation. So thereby in order to know how the book of revelations prophecy become fulfilled, one must meet this promised pastor, promised by Jesus, listen to his testimony and also be able to check the words of prophecy and his fulfillment and be able to believe in it and keep it.
However as we see in Luke 18:8, Jesus said when the son of man comes, will he find faith on earth? Then at the time of the Second Coming of the Lord do I have the faith that is acknowledged by Jesus? We must be. Isn’t it? And also as we see in Revelation 22:18~19, if one adds or takes words away from this book of Revelation, one cannot enter the kingdom of heaven it says. We must know the word. Then we will not add or take away, isn't it?
At the time of the First Coming, one must know Jesus to receive salvation. Likewise at the time of the Second Coming, it is a promised pastor of the New Testament one must know that is the way of salvation. Today when revelation is being fulfilled, the one who saw and heard all of its fulfillment of Revelation and also the one who received a revealed book and who testifies as a true person giving the word of testimony. There is the promised pastor of the New Testament.
To this promised pastor of the New Testament let us learn the book of Revelation and be the ones who knows God's will properly and be the true believers that can be led to salvation. Next time it will be the words of Matthew 6 which will be the reference we will learn lesson 7, the words of the true meaning of the Lord’s prayer.
Then inside of this Lord's prayer that Jesus commanded us to pray. What kind of deep meaning is there? Let us learn together. Let us have a heart to anticipate and learn together and receive much grace together. Finally instead of God and Jesus the fact that we are one with that meaning will proclaim we are one. We are one in God Jesus and the word we are one.
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A total of 70,000 people formally attended the seminar series 'Testimony on the Parables of the Secrets of Heaven and Their True Meanings', and 7000 people from Korea and abroad registered for Shincheonji Church’s follow-up training course, with 3000 of them having enrolled on the full curriculum taught at the Zion Christian Mission Center. Moreover, 2155 pastors, 958 churches and 22 seminaries in 67 countries have signed MOUs with Shincheonji to teach the revealed word; and 100 pastors, evangelists and seminarians are currently taking Shincheonji's 6-8month study course, covering the entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Moreover, the number of combined views of the seminars on the Book of Revelation and the parables of the secrets of heaven has now exceeded 15 million. The current round of seminars of the Intermediate course, which will be broadcast online every Monday and Thursday until 27th June, will cover the core topics of the entire Bible. What a sign of hope in these testing times! All glory to God🙏