[Shincheonji, Intermediate Lesson 11]
Testimony on the Revelation of the Old and New Testaments by Chapter,
The Wedding Banquet of the Lamb, the Lamp, and the Oil
Mt 25 (Mt 22, Lk 14, Rv 19)
To all the pastors, theology students and saints around the world who have the hope of the kingdom of heaven, greeting. I am Kang Chang Hoon, the head instructor of Gu Ri church of Seoul James tribe of Shincheonji Church of Jesus. We sincerely welcome you for being together with us through Shincheonji online seminar on the testimony on the revelation of the Old and New Testaments by chapter.
Anyone who has the hope in the kingdom of heaven and eternal life I believe they will have much interest towards today's topic. The title is intermediate level 11: the wedding banquet of the Lamb, the lamp and the oil. With the main reference Matthew 25. We will also try to understand Matthew 22, Luke 14 and Revelation 19.
There may be some pastors who know this content very well and there may be those who don't. But please listen to the explanation once more today. And if you listen while thinking how this is different to what I normally know then I believe your time will be better used.
Before we go into the main content I'll briefly introduce about the main chapter for today.
What was recorded 2,000 years ago? Today's key chapter Matthew 25 is a word of promise that will fulfill Revelation 19 after the events of Revelation 18 happened at the time of the second coming.
Its key content is talking about the parable regarding who will enter the kingdom of heaven after Matthew 24’s event of destruction in Jerusalem at the time of the second coming. The words of verse 1~13 used the custom of Israel's actual marriage at the time to figuratively speak of how a spiritual wedding of heaven will look like when it is fulfilled. At the time of the second coming.
These words will be fulfilled with Revelation 19 at the time of the second coming. And through the event of the physical fulfillment, Matthew 25, Matthew 22, Luke 14 can be testified together. Then first, let's read Matthew 25:1~4 together.
Yes when we read here it is about the wise virgins who prepared their lamps and oil and are able to marry Jesus who comes as a bridegroom and enter into the kingdom of heaven. While the foolish virgins who did not prepare their lamps and oil properly were not able to marry Jesus and were not able to enter the kingdom of heaven and are sad about it.
So we can know whether one can meet Jesus and enter the kingdom of heaven or not is dependent on whether the lamp and the oil are present. Everyone. Do you know what the wedding with the Lamb signifies and where and when does this wedding take place?
And also have you all prepared the lamp and the oil? Anyone who has the hope of heaven and eternal life as a true purpose of faith must know today's main content. To help everyone to understand why today's content is important I would like to share a story with you.
Once upon a time there was a couple, a young man and a young woman who cherished and loved each other very much. As their love deepened they promised to marry one another. After this, they went to their respective homes. And then the young man wrote a letter to the young woman to meet at a certain location at a specific time. Through the delivery man, this letter was delivered to the woman but the thing was she in fact did not know how to read. But the woman was embarrassed by the fact that she did not know how to read so she did not ask for any help.
Days went by and the time the promised date proposed by the man was approaching and the man went out to the promised location with high anticipation. However the time went by and even night was approaching the woman did not appear and the man thought the woman did not want to marry him and eventually returned home heartbroken.
As time went by the woman became so curious about the letter sent by the man that despite her embarrassment, she went to the nearest person who can read to read the letter for her. After realizing the letter was about asking for her hand in marriage. The woman belatedly regretted it and wept loudly.
Now how was it? It is such a sad story isn't it? Everyone, what was the reason why these two people were not able to marry each other? The reason is that the woman could not understand the words written in the man's letter. And she did not ask for any help because she felt too embarrassed.
Just like the story I just told you, the New Testament Bible is like a letter of promise written by Jesus sent to us saying when and where to marry. Everyone, do you know where we should go? And with what do we prepare to marry Jesus? Let's not be embarrassed for not knowing but instead learn from the person who knows. So from this time onwards let's find out what we must do to go to the Lamb's wedding banquet of heaven. And furthermore what we must prepare.
First in order for us to understand this content we must know what the Bible says about marriage. In the Bible a physical marriage and a spiritual marriage are mentioned. And we must know that in today's main reference chapter is talking about the spiritual marriage figuratively spoken using the physical marriage as a parable.
If a physical marriage is where the bridegroom and the bride become one. Then the spiritual marriage means the spirit and the flesh become one. When the spirit descends on the flesh, they give birth to a child born from the seed of spirit. And with this the spirit becomes the position of a bridegroom and the flesh that becomes one with this spirit becomes a position of a bride.
There are verses that mentioned about the spiritual marriage like this throughout the Bible. So among them let's read Hosea 2:19-20.
As it says God who is spirit will be betrothed. God becomes a bridegroom. And in Jeremiah 31:31~32, it is said that God as a bridegroom will become a husband to them, the chosen people whom he has made a covenant with. Just like how the bridegroom comes to the bride and gives his seed to give birth to a child, it is said God has his children born of the seed of the word in Luke 8:11. In Galatians 4:19, Apostle Paul calls his congregation members his children and has formed them with the pains of childbirth.
From seeing these we can easily understand that the woman figuratively means the pastor who receives God’s seed, God's word and teaches it to the congregation members and makes them God's children.
Even in the past at the time of the first coming there was a wedding banquet of heaven where the spirit and flesh became one. So let's first understand what happened at the time of the first coming. At the time of the first coming God's spirit comes down to Jesus in John 1:32 and for he was in Jesus' flesh. Therefore in John 2:19, it is said the body of Jesus was the temple of God. Therefore because the spirit of God that dwelled in Jesus' body and Jesus' spirit became one. In John 10:30 Jesus says I and the father are one.
And this is the event at the time of the first coming which fulfills the words of Hosea 2:19-20 where God said he will betroth and with that God's spirit and Jesus who had a physical body was one. In this spiritual wedding God was a bridegroom and Jesus was a bride.
After this, since Jesus who ascended to the heavens was no longer in flesh then wouldn't the spirit of Jesus become the bridegroom? And wouldn't there be a flesh will become the bride at the time of the second coming? That is why at the time of the second coming the saints who had become one with Jesus's spirit were spoken figuratively as a virgins who will greet their bride room. However just because the saints vaguely dream of getting married with Jesus not all saints will greet Jesus as a bridegroom. Only those who prepare the lamp and oil and wear the wedding clothes like the wise virgins are able to greet Jesus as a bridegroom when he returns.
People who have hope of heaven and eternal life for their life of faith actually don't know where and when the wedding banquet of the lamb will be held or one needs to be prepared in advance. Then how are they different from the woman who doesn't know how to read in the story mentioned before?
Now at the time of the Lord's second coming when the purpose of our life of faith can be fulfilled I will explain where and when the wedding banquet of the Lamb will be held and one needs to be prepared in detail so please listen carefully.
At the Lord’s second coming the time when the wedding banquet of the Lamb will happen is after this as written in Revelation 19:1 happens. For it is written after this in Revelation 19:1, we can know that in other words it is after Revelation 18 where Babylon is judged. And when Revelation 19 is fulfilled the location is where the Lamb stands which is Mt. Zion Shincheonji Church of Jesus, The Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony.
If The Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony according to the prophecies of Revelation appears, it is said the heavenly marriage of the spirit and the flesh becoming one will be held there. The spirits that gather at this Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony will become the bridegroom and the saints who are the flesh gathered will be the bride.
The spirit of Jesus when we see Revelation 19:17 and Revelation 20:4-6, the birds in mid-air called out by an angel are figuratively speaking of the martyr’s souls. The brides are the pastor promised in the New Testament the one who overcomes. And also the saints of the 12 tribes who are harvested and sealed in Revelation 7, Revelation 14 and Revelation 20:4-6.
It is said the saints of the twelve tribes gathered at the temple of the tabernacle of the testimony where the wedding banquet of the Lamb is held are blessed. Aren’t you curious of how blessed they are? We will read Revelation 20:4-6.
Yes, the saints of the 12 tribes gathered at Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony where the wedding banquet of the Lamb is held will enter the first resurrection with their flesh becoming one with the spirit through a marriage.
First resurrection is where there is no more death and rather it is an amazing blessing promised by heaven to receive the kingdom of heaven and eternal life and reign with Christ for a thousand years. In order to participate in this first resurrection one must come to Shincheonji Church of Jesus, The Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony where the wedding banquet of the Lamb is held. If you are a true believer who has hope in the kingdom of heaven and eternal life you will certainly come to this place.
The saints who belong to these 12 tribes are the reality of the wise virgins and have their lamps and oil prepared wearing the wedding clothes and participate in the wedding banquet of heaven. Lamp, one of the conditions to keep as a lamp’s bride when we see the words of Psalms 119:105 is God's word. In other words it is a Bible. And the oil that we must put in the lamp is as we see that the witness who gives the testimony of the fulfilled realities as an olive tree in Revelation 11:4. The olive oil that comes from the olive tree is the word of testimony that comes from the witness.
Therefore the wise virgins are the saints who have received the words of the new covenant Revelation and the testimony of their fulfilled realities realized and engrave it into their hearts. While the foolish versions although they do have the Bible but have not received the testimony on the fulfilled realities and are the ignorant believers.
Now, let us read Matthew 22:11~13 which talks about the wedding clothes that must be worn in the wedding banquet of the Lamb.
Even if one has received an invitation to the wedding banquet of heaven, if they do not wear the wedding clothes then they are kicked out. It says that what the saints need to prepare is not just the lamp and oil but also the wedding clothes. I hope we can know of it. The reality of the wedding clothes is the righteous acts of the saints. We can know this through Revelation 19:8.
The righteous act here who means to wash one's heart and actions and doctrine with the word coming from the spring of the water of life flowing from the throne of God and Jesus and becoming clean. Cleaning the doctrine means to abandon Babylon's wine of adultery and instead realize the new covenant given by Jesus which is the words of Revelation and carry up according to its word.
Everyone, the pastors, theology students and saints all around the world who are listening to today's online seminar, do you know the words of the New Testament Revelation and are you keeping it? Have you seen the realities that appeared according to the promises of Revelation and testified about it. All the saints in Shincheonji 12 tribes have received a testimony on Revelation and its physical fulfillment through the promised pastor of the New Testament and fill their lamps with oil like the wise virgins. They have not added to or taken away from the word of the New Testament Revelation and are carrying it out and also have worn the wedding clothes.
I really hope we will all open the door to our hearts, see it with our eyes, listen with our ears, realize and become God’s heavenly family. I'll pray in the name of the Lord.
Next I will talk about the signs. The Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony is the house of the wedding banquet of the Lamb. We'll read the relevant verse Matthew 22:4 together.
If we summarize this content. God the king holds a banquet for his son. Jesus to be betrothed and had prepared dinner, in other words the food for the guest that is said to be his oxen and fattened cattle. Then if a place is said to be the house holding the wedding banquet of the Lamb then there must be such food prepared.
Has everyone eaten the meat of God’s oxen and fattened cattle? The saints of Shincheonji 12 tribes have gorged themselves on it. The oxen are figuratively describing the pastor and the task giving workers. And in Revelation 13 the pastors of the tabernacle of chosen people who worshiped the beast and received the mark, the reality of the oxen that was butchered and captured is the betrayers of Revelation 13.
The fattened cattle are the destroyers who devoured the sheep like chosen people in revelation 17 and 18. Providing the meat means providing the evidence or testimony on who these people are. And eating and gorging on it means to realize and to be satisfied with it. Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony is testifying the physical reality of the betrayer and destroyer. And this becomes a proof that Shincheonji is a place of the wedding banquet of the Lamb.
And the reason why the only place on this earth that can testify the prophecies of the entire Revelation and its fulfilled physical reality is Shincheonji Church of Jesus, The Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony. It is because Jesus fulfilled Revelation and showed the promised pastor of the New Testament who has heard and seen at the location of the fulfillment. And this pastor is at Shincheonji
However even though everything has been prepared and even the testimony of the reality of Revelation has been given to them it's been told in advance there are people who do not come to this wedding banquet of the Lamb. Who is the reality of these people who rejected the invitation even though it is from God and Jesus? Let's read the related content Luke 14:21-24
Yes it is said even though they received the invitation to the wedding banquet of heaven they rejected and do not get a taste of God's banquet. It is said these people are the subjects of the kingdom who are thrown out in Matthew 8:12. And the reality of them is that they are the people of the traditional churches that come to an end by not being harvested in revelation 6.
Although they have the Lamb, the Bible they do not receive the word of testimony on the physical fulfillment and are the foolish virgins and only say Lord Lord with their mouth. But do not keep the new covenant Revelation and end up becoming the habitual believer not wearing the wedding clothes so they are kicked out.
On the contrary, they are those who take their places in God’s kingdom, the kingdom of heaven, In Matthew 8:11, they are those who come from the east and the west and take their places. And as explained before they'll be the saints of harvested sealed saints of the 12 tribes of Revelation 7.
Likewise there will be the separation between the people who participate in the wedding banquet of the Lamb and those who do not. The Bible records about these people who do not marry with the Lamb but they are the ones who marry with the devil instead.
That is why next we will look into the marriage with the devil at the second coming. The marriage to the devil at the time of the Lord’s second coming is well recorded in Revelation 18. The location will be at the dwelling of the devil Babylon. Even at this Babylon there are the spirits and flesh that are gathered. The gathered spirits become the bridegroom and the reality of them is the spirit of the devil as we see in Revelation 18:2.
Furthermore the gathered flesh becomes a bride and the reality of them is the devil's pastor and the church-goers of all nations who belong to Babylon in Revelation 18:2. They have eaten the food of the devil, the maddening wine of adultery and they've all fallen. This is like Daniel 4:20-22 where the Babylonian king, king Nebuchadnezzar.
In the past it was figuratively spoken of as the large tree. And there are birds nesting on its branches and the wild animal sheltered by it. It means all people of the world have eaten the fruit of this tree. Then what did Jesus say about the pastors and congregation members of all nations today at the time of the Lord's second coming in advance in Revelation? it is said they do not marry with the Lamb but commit adultery and even marry with the devil.
It is a very serious and shocking content. What is the physical fulfillment of the food, the wine of adultery that is eaten at the marrying with the devil? The maddening wine of adultery is the fruit of the knowledge of the good and evil that must not be eaten. The reality of this is commentaries.
Since it is said that all nations have been drunken by these commentaries which are the devil's food. Wouldn't that mean everyone? We also belong to all nations. Currently people are arbitrarily making their own denomination, doctrine, preaching, teaching their congregation members with their commentaries.
These words are Revelation 18 being fulfilled in the churches of the world today. Surely if you have realized this path quickly repent and come towards God's word again. The place God's people must be at. Where is the wedding banquet of the Lamb held? It is the shincheonji 12 tribes and not Babylon where there is a marriage with the devil.
God, Jesus and the Bible we must become one. Everyone, who are you according to the Bible? Are you the ones who marry the devil in Revelation 18? Or are you those who marry the Lamb in Revelation 19? We must base our faith on the words of the Bible and evaluate it with the Bible. It is a serious matter which determines the kingdom of heaven or hell. I pray in the name of the Lord and that all pastors, theology students and saints will belong to Shincheonji 12 tribes where the wedding banquet of the Lamb is held and receive the blessing of the kingdom of heaven and eternal life by participating in the first resurrection.
Now I will organize and summarize today's content in our table form. Revelation 18 records about the marriage with the devil. And the location is the dwelling place of the devil Babylon. The bridegroom is the spirit of the devil and the bride is the devil's pastors and churchgoers of all nations. The food that is eaten at that place is a wedding maddening wine of adultery, the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, in other words commentaries.
On the contrary, Revelation 19 reports about the wedding with the Lamb. And it will be the location where the content of Matthew 25 today's reference verse is fulfilled. This location is Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony. And at this place, the bridegroom is a spirit of Jesus and also the martyred souls. The bride is a promised pastor of the New Testament. The one overcomes and the harvested and sealed saints of the 12 tribes who believe and follow the words delivered by the one who overcomes.
The food eaten at this place is God's oxen and fattened cattle which is a word of testimony about the physical reality of the betrayer and destroyer.
Now I will deliver the conclusion. The wedding banquet of the kingdom of heaven that is written in parables of Matthew 25 is fulfilled today like Revelation 19. And people of all nations are being invited to the location of this banquet which is Shincheonji Church of Jesus, The Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony. Just like the words of Luke 14 those who reject the invitation to the wedding banquet of heaven are thrown out into the darkness and receive judgment in the end.
Those who receive the invitation and belong to the Shincheonji 12 tribes become one in spirit and flesh in heaven. Just like Revelation 20:4~6 participate in the first resurrection and receive the blessings of heaven and eternal life. I really hope everyone listening to the Shincheonji online seminar today will receive the blessings of heaven and eternal life.
Next time, the intermediate lesson number 12 will be taught by an instructor who teaches much better than me. I hope you eagerly look forward to the next lesson. Finally with the meaning of being one in God and Jesus we end by chanting we are one and finish. Transcending race, nation and religion we are one in God. We are one.
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A total of 70,000 people formally attended the seminar series 'Testimony on the Parables of the Secrets of Heaven and Their True Meanings', and 7000 people from Korea and abroad registered for Shincheonji Church’s follow-up training course, with 3000 of them having enrolled on the full curriculum taught at the Zion Christian Mission Center. Moreover, 2155 pastors, 958 churches and 22 seminaries in 67 countries have signed MOUs with Shincheonji to teach the revealed word; and 100 pastors, evangelists and seminarians are currently taking Shincheonji's 6-8month study course, covering the entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Moreover, the number of combined views of the seminars on the Book of Revelation and the parables of the secrets of heaven has now exceeded 15 million. The current round of seminars of the Intermediate course, which will be broadcast online every Monday and Thursday until 27th June, will cover the core topics of the entire Bible. What a sign of hope in these testing times! All glory to God🙏