[Shincheonji, Intermediate Lesson 13]
Testimony on the Revelation of the Old and New Testaments by Chapter,
The Word in the Beginning and Being Born Again / Jn 1, Jn 3
To all the pastors, theology students and saints around the world who have the hope of the kingdom of heaven and carrying a life of faith, greetings. It is nice to meet you all. My name is Shin Dong Mun, a head instructor of Wangsimni church or John tribe in Shincheonji Church of Jesus. Thank you for attending Shincheonji online seminar on the testimony on the revelation of the Old and New Testaments by chapter
God's word of life that you and I will meditate together today is intermediate lesson 13, the word in the beginning and being born again. The main reference for today will be John 1 and John 3. There may be some pastors who know this content very well and there may be those who don't know it very well. But I hope that you will listen to the explanation once more today.
Before we go into the main content I'll briefly introduce about the main chapter today. The time of recording is approximately 2,000 years ago from today. The recorder is an Apostle John. And, Apostle John recorded the things he had seen and heard from Jesus into the gospel of John, 1~3 John and the book of revelation.
If I were to briefly introduce about Apostle John, Apostle John was one of the twelve disciples of Jesus. He was the son of Zebedee and brother to James. In the book of John it records the content that testifies the fulfillment of the Old testament, the second coming and the promised pastor.
As we see in John 5:39, the reason why believers study the Bible is to become the people of heaven and attain salvation and eternal life. The purpose of life of faith shouldn't be anything other than salvation and eternal life which is promised in the Bible. Then, what is most important as life for all believers who have the hope in heaven and eternal life? It is the word of God.
Through today’s time, let us understand how the word in the beginning is important and also what it means to be born again.
Then first let us understand about the word in the beginning. What would be the word in the beginning? To find out about this let us read from John 1:1~5.
Yes you have read well. Just as the words we have read the word, in the beginning is God. And because the word has a power of creation there is life in the word. And this word that makes life it's said to be the light of men. Then, I’ll explain about the word of today’s reference verse by verse one by one.
Firstly, when we see verse 1, it reads, in the beginning was a word and the word was with God and the word was God. And also in 1 John 1:1~2, it reads that Jesus is also the word from the beginning. For the word in the beginning is said to be God and Jesus, the place where God and Jesus are together with would have the word and also the place without the word therefore would not have God and Jesus. This becomes a proof.
And since God is a word in the beginning, believing in the word is the same as believing God and seeing the word means to see God. And also following the word means to follow God. And knowing the word is the same as knowing god. Then, what is it that God wants the most? It is to know him, in other words to know the word of God. Let us read Hosea 6:6.
Yes you have read well. God said that he desires mercy not sacrifice and desire acknowledgement of God rather than burn offerings. More than anything else, what God wants the most is to know God. Then, through what can we know God? Since John 1:1 says the word is God. Therefore knowing God is the same as knowing the word.
However how are many of the believers today rather than properly knowing God's word and carrying out God's will? Aren't people although zealous they are not enthusiastic about realizing God's word but still are satisfied by their own zeal and loyalty even though they lack in knowing God's will.
Even in Romans 10:2~3, it is written they are zealous for God. But their zeal is not based on knowledge since they did not know the righteousness that comes from God and sought to establish their own. That is why even though their enthusiasm and faithfulness while they do not know the word cannot make them a believer God wants, and rather they sought to establish their own righteousness when they do not know of God’s righteousness. We must know this.
Therefore more than anything else, we must first know God's word properly. And then the diligence and faithfulness and service with the knowledge will make God even more pleased and God will receive more glory. Also in verse 2, it is said that he was with God in the beginning. The he mentioned in this verse was together with God from the beginning. That is why if the word is in me then God is in me? And I am in God we mustn't forget about this.
In verse 3, through him all things were made without it nothing was made that has been made. Like this God who is spirit made the creations with the word in the beginning. And since it said without him nothing was made that has been made. Therefore this word has the power of creation. Let us read Genesis 1:1.
Yes you have read well. So God created the heavens and earth and the creations with the word. Therefore God becomes the creator of all creations of heaven and earth. Furthermore when we see Zechariah 12:1 God who created the heavens and the earth and all creations also created the spirit of man within him. Then, with what was it created with? It was created with the word of God. Therefore we too need to become people who are created through the word of God.
And for God has a power of creation, it can prophesy and surely fulfill the things he prophesied. However, the devil for he was originally a created being has no power of creation. He cannot prophesy nor fulfill them. Believers must know and perceive this difference clearly.
Next is John 1:4 which reads ‘In him was life’, in other words inside the word there was life. And that life was a lot of men. And also in John 6:63 it is written the words I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life. Therefore the place with the word has God and Jesus with them and also has life. But on the contrary if there is no word God, Jesus and also life would not be there.
To summarize, since it is said the word in the beginning is God and life, a person who does not have the word of God does not have life, in other words it can be called as the dead. When God's word enters in those who don't have the word the spirit that was dead comes to life and will be in God. Therefore the people with God's word in them can be said they're the ones who are alive.
Then what kind of people should we become? We must become the people of God who put in the effort to know God's word so that we can have the word of God and become the living who has a word of God in them? And also in verse 4~5, it says the light shines in the darkness but the darkness has not understood it.
And then what will be the light and darkness that are mentioned here? Everyone, if the physical light shines to the darkness, would the darkness understand or not understand? Or would it become lighter or darker? If the physical light is shown to the darkness, the darkness fades and becomes light. This is the logic. However, seeing the word of today's reference since it is saying the light shines into the darkness but the darkness has not understood it. We can understand that this word is not referring to the physical light.
Then let us understand what this light is and also the true meaning of the word. Light shines to the darkness but the darkness has not understood it. In 1 John 1:5, it is said that God is a light.
Also in John 1:4, God's word of life is said to be the light. Then, on the contrary, what would be the darkness? Since the word is said to be the light the darkness will be referring to the ignorance of not having the word. Then specifically, what kind of word would be the light? When we see Psalm 119:130, it says the unfolding of the word gives light. It gives understanding to the simple. Therefore the word that is unfolded and that is open thus the revealed word will be the light that shines a light to the spirits in darkness.
Also in John 8:12, Jesus God's son whom God has sent is called as a light. Therefore the light is God and the word of life. And also the pastor who received that word. And also in Matthew 5:14, Jesus called his disciples who realized the word you are the light of the world. Therefore, people who realize the word also becomes a light. They become the children of life born again with the word.
Therefore, for the light is God. And the word of life and it is also the pastor who receives that word and the ones who realize the word. In contrast, the darkness without the light is Satan, the devil who reigns over the world of darkness. And it also refers to the ignorance without the word. They are also the pastor without the word and those who do not realize the word.
Then, let us see what happens in the end to the children of light who realized the word today and the children of darkness who have not realized the word. Let us read the words of 1 Thessalonians 5:4-5.
Yes, you’ve read well. In 1 Thessalonians 5: 1-8, it is written that the ones who have realized the word of God become the children of the light who belong to the day and the ones who have not realized the word become the children of the darkness who belong to the night. The children of light will receive Jesus and be led to salvation and the kingdom of heaven.
However, if the children of darkness cannot receive Jesus, destruction will come on them suddenly. Then in order for us to become the ones who belong to God in today's time we must have the word of God which is a light inside of our hearts. Then God will naturally be together with us and we will be inside of God and be the children of God and will be qualified to go to the kingdom of heaven. Let us remember this important point.
We should not treat this opportunity to understand this word lightly. In John 1:5, it says the light shines in the darkness but the darkness has not understood it. This means the pastor who received the word testifies the revealed word to those who are ignorant of the word. But as the hearts of the people were ignorant, it means they have not understood the work of light.
The light of 2,000 years ago was Jesus as God was together with him and he received the revealed word according to the promise of Ezekiel 3. And the darkness was the Pharisees, the teachers of the law, the ignorant Jewish pastors and the Jews. Jesus who came as a light shined a light the revealed word that testifies the fulfillment of the Old Testament.
However the Pharisees and the teachers of the law and the Jews who were ignorant of the word that generation people did not receive the word did not acknowledge Jesus and rather persecuted and Jesus walked the path of suffering. However even the pastors of the Jews blocked the way of Jesus and persecuted. The ones, who sought the truth came forward to Jesus, listened to the revealed word that testifies the fulfillment of the Old Testament.
And by realizing it they have become the children of the light who belonged to the day receiving salvation. However even when Jesus desperately delivered the word of life the revealed word those who do not listen became the children of the darkness. And they have not realized a word and by that received judgment. We must see this history of the past and reflect what kind of life of faith we must carry today.
Also in today's time of the fulfillment of revelation, the one who received the open book from heaven in revelation 10 thus the revealed word the promised pastor becomes a light. The darkness is Babylon of revelations 17 and 18 and the people of all nations who have been deceived. Just like the time of the first coming the promised pastor who comes as a light shines the light of the revealed word that testifies the fulfillment of the New Testament to the ignorant pastors of Babylon and the people, nations, languages and kings who are the people of all nations who have been deceived by the maddening wine of adulteries.
However the pastors of Babylon who belonged to the darkness just like the pastors of the time of the first coming as they fear the fact that they testified falsely about the Bible do not listen to the word of testimony of the promised pastor and even block their congregation members from listening to it. And then they even persecute the promised pastor who is delivering the truth.
Therefore the word that is sour in the stomach becomes fulfilled. However those who seek the truth will come out to the revealed word the light. And those who hear the revealed word that testifies the fulfillment of the New Testament and realizes it will become the children of light and receive salvation.
In contrast, those who do not listen to the word of life, the revealed word no matter how many times it is delivered to them become the children of the darkness who have not realized a word. They will receive judgment. We who have met this era of the fulfillment of the prophecy of the New Testament revelation what kind of people must we become? We must become the children of light. We must now reflect ourselves to the word of the Bible and must check whether I am the child of light who have realized the revealed word or am I the child of the darkness who has not realized?
And we must listen to this revealed word and realize it completely and become the children of light that God acknowledges. I hope we can all be the precious family of God who can receive the blessing of heaven and eternal life together.
We will summarize the words we have learned so far. The word in the beginning is God. And, inside this word there is a power of creation. All creations and even the spirits of the people have been created through this word. Also as God has a power of creation, he prophesied and he was certainly fulfilled his prophecy.
However the devil who was originally a created being does not have the power of creation. And he cannot prophesy nor fulfill. And also inside the word there is life. And this life is called the light of men. This spirit of light means the word of God, God and also the pastor who received the word and the saints who have realized the word.
In contrast the darkness without the light is Satan who is the ruler of the world. Ignorance without the word and also the pastor and the churchgoers without the word. Like this, we have come to realize how precious is the word in the beginning. Therefore, we must know this word and put it into our minds and write it in our hearts. This is to be sealed by God. We believers must now regard the word of God as the food of eternal life and must be sealed by this word and keep it in our lives.
Next we will learn about the word about the one who is born again of the water in the spirit will enter the kingdom of heaven. Now let us read John 3:1~6 all together.
Yes, you have read well. In John 3, there was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a member of the Jewish ruling council. He came to Jesus and the content of this conversation with Jesus is recorded. Jesus spoke to Nicodemus about one of the most important teachings of the gospel and Christianity which is being born again.
Jesus said no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of the water and the Spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh but the spirit gives birth to spirit. Therefore, this was not regarding the flesh being born again. However Jesus was speaking about the spirit being born again. Then we will find out about what it means about the water and the spirit that allows a spirit to be born again. And also what it means to be born again of the water and the spirit.
As we see the words of Deuteronomy 32:2 and Amos 8:11, the word of God is figuratively described as water. Even a person washes his own body with physical water many times. That spirit cannot be cleansed nor become born again. Just like physical water provides life to all living creations and people and washes the physical dirt. The word of life of God gives life to our soul and watches away the spiritual impurities. Therefore it is figuratively describing as a water.
And also, we will find out about being born again that Jesus spoke of. This born again is the born again of the spirit. In 1 Peter 1:23 it says you have been born again not of perishable seed but of imperishable. It's what it says. Then what is a seed that is imperishable? Let us read Luke 8:11.
Yes, you have read well. The imperishable seed thus the seed of God is the word of God. Therefore being born again means to be born again not of the physical water or the physical seed but of the word of God. It means to a person who's been born again of the seed of God, God's word, the spirit will be together with that person and therefore that person can enter the kingdom of heaven.
Then what is the reason why God said one must be born again? All people of this world are sinners who are born from the gene of sinner Adam. Therefore people must be born again. As spoken in the Bible one must be born again of the seed of God in order to enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore for this work, God prophesied in the Old Testament that God’s seed will be sowed.
And at the time of the First Coming of Jesus, the promised seed was sowed. And in today's time the fruits that are born of God’s seed are harvested and sealed and God has created the new kingdom, the new people, the 12 tribes. This new kingdom and new people is thus Shincheonji 12 tribes. They are the sons of God who are born of God’s seed and only they can enter the kingdom of heaven.
Before God sowed the seed, harvested and sealed and created the 12 tribes, all were sinners born from the gene of sinner Adam. However only those who belong to the 12 tribes who are born again of God’s seed that Jesus sowed become the sons of God who are without sin and enter into the kingdom of heaven.
Then at the time of the Lord's second coming which is the time of harvest, who are the children of God, born of God’s seed? And who are the children of the devil, born of the devil’s seed? Just by going to church does one become the child of God, born of God’s seed? No it is not.
As we see the word of the new covenant made by the blood of Jesus only those born of God’s seed are the sons of God, thus the children of God and the only children of God are the ones who are harvested at the time of harvest. Their result is going to the kingdom of heaven.
However, those who are not harvested at the time of harvest and remain in their own field proves that one is a child of the devil, born of the seed of the devil. Their result is going to hell. Therefore at the time of harvest, being harvested is a blessing.
All family members listening to this word in Korea and abroad have you been harvested? Or have you not been harvested and are you remaining in the field? Firstly we must check ourselves with this Bible. And let us all have the humble attitude and go inside the Bible and I hope we can all be born again of God’s seed be harvested and sealed and become the family of God who belong to the 12 tribes and receive the blessing of the kingdom of heaven and eternal life.
Let us find out what is the kingdom of heaven that those who are born again of the water and the spirit and the seed of God can enter into. Jesus who came at the time of the First Coming sowed the seed of God in Matthew 13 as promised and prophesied about the harvest. And Jesus who made the new covenant went to prepare a place for the saints who have kept the new covenant. And Jesus promised to come back when that place is prepared. Let us read the words of John 14:1~3 together.
Yes you have read well. The place that Jesus went and prepared is the holy city New Jerusalem in revelation 21. It is the spiritual realm of heaven. The place, that the holy city New Jerusalem that Jesus prepared comes down to, becomes the reality of the kingdom of heaven that we must go to. This place is created after the first heaven and first earth of revelation 6 passes away. It is created through the harvesting and sealing in revelation 7. It is God's new kingdom and new people Shincheonji 12 tribes.
And also in Revelation 21, as God and the holy city New Jerusalem the spiritual realm of heaven come down to Shincheonji 12 tribes that have been created. The Shincheonji 12 tribes where God and the spiritual heaven have come down to become the kingdom of heaven created on this earth. Then, who will be able to enter into God's kingdom, the Shincheonji 12 tribes? Those who have been born again of God’s seed sowed by Jesus and become harvested and sealed.
It is the 12 tribes, the 144,000 and the multitude in white who will enter in. These 12 tribes, the 144,000 and the multitude in white are the family of God who are born again of the water and the spirit at the time of the Lord's Second Coming.
They become the reality of God's children who are born again of God's seed who received the blessing of the kingdom of heaven and eternal life. Also in order to enter into the kingdom of heaven that the holy city has come down to in Revelation 22 it is written that one must wash their robes with the water of life coming from the throne of God. This robe is the cloth of the heart.
Today learning this word from Shincheonji Zion Christian Mission Center is the process of being born again by washing the robes with the word of the water of life. If we are the true believers who believe in God, Jesus and the word, we should not simply only hear this word but also act according to this word and put in the effort to be born again through the water of life
With the word that has been given, let us be sealed in our minds and hearts. And I hope we can all be the precious family of God that receive the blessing of heaven and eternal life.
We will summarize today's words and complete. The word in the beginning is God. And also inside this works there's a power of creation and all creations and even the spirits of the people have been created through this word. Also God has the power of creation. Therefore it will prophesy and always fulfill his prophecy.
However the devil who is a created being does not have the power of creation cannot prophesy and cannot fulfill. And also inside of this word there is life. And this life, it says it is a light of men. Therefore the place where the word is at is also the place where God is at. And without the word there is no God nor there is life.
Therefore following this word is thus following God and knowing this word is also the same as knowing God.
And secondly the one who is born again of the water in the spirit enters the kingdom of heaven. Being born again of the water and the spirit means to be born again of God's seed, the word of God. Therefore the revealed word that has life allows people of mere flesh to be born again as a children of God and allow them to receive God's holy spirit.
Therefore in order to become the people of heaven at the time of the Lord's Second Coming when revelation is fulfilled one must meet the promised pastor of the New Testament the one who overcomes New John and hear and realize the revealed word that testifies the fulfillment of the New Testament. Thus the word of the water of life in Revelation 22.
Today, the only place where God Jesus and the kingdom of heaven is together with and the place where those who are born again are at is the place where the promised pastor of the New Testament the one overcomes is that the new heaven and new earth 12 tribes. And also in today's time of the fulfillment of Revelation in order to enter the kingdom of heaven one must carry a life of faith according to the will of God.
One must be born again of the water and the spirit which is God's seed.
One must be born of God's seed and be harvested and then become sealed and be registered in the book of life of God's new kingdom the new people the 12 tribes in order to enter the kingdom of heaven.
This is a life of faith that is according to the will of God. Did you hear today's word well? Next time we will share the word with the topic intermediate level 14 God's objective. The instructor who will give the lecture next time is someone who will deliver the word much better than me. He will testify the word for us. With great anticipation, we hope to see you again next time.
Lastly, let us shout we are one with the meaning that we are one in God and Jesus and we will complete. Beyond race, nationality and religion, we are one in God. We are one.
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A total of 70,000 people formally attended the seminar series 'Testimony on the Parables of the Secrets of Heaven and Their True Meanings', and 7000 people from Korea and abroad registered for Shincheonji Church’s follow-up training course, with 3000 of them having enrolled on the full curriculum taught at the Zion Christian Mission Center. Moreover, 2155 pastors, 958 churches and 22 seminaries in 67 countries have signed MOUs with Shincheonji to teach the revealed word; and 100 pastors, evangelists and seminarians are currently taking Shincheonji's 6-8month study course, covering the entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Moreover, the number of combined views of the seminars on the Book of Revelation and the parables of the secrets of heaven has now exceeded 15 million. The current round of seminars of the Intermediate course, which will be broadcast online every Monday and Thursday until 27th June, will cover the core topics of the entire Bible. What a sign of hope in these testing times! All glory to God🙏