[Shincheonji, Intermediate Lesson 14] Testimony on the Revelation of the Old and New Testaments by Chapter, God’s Objective and Will / Mt 7:21-23 (Jer 31, Mt 13, Lk 22, Rv 7, Rv 21)
To all the pastors, theology students and believers from all over the world whose hope is in heaven and eternal life, greetings, it is nice to meet you. My name is Kim Chung Gil, the head instructor of the Yeosu church of Peter tribe of Shincheonji Church of Jesus. I would like to extend a sincere welcome to all of you for attending the Shincheonji online seminar. The word of God all of you and I will share it today is intermediate lesson 14, God's purpose. The main reference will be from the contents of Jeremiah 31, Matthew 13, Luke 22, Revelation 7, Revelation 19 and Revelation 21.
It will be nice if all of you can listen to today’s lecture and find out the answer to what God’s purpose is. As we can see through the Bible, God has been working for about 6,000 years to accomplish his will and purpose from the time of Adam until now. Then, for what reason and purpose has God been working for until now?
In order for us to understand the purpose that God intended to accomplish, let us first examine the story and position of God through the events of the world of Adam and the history of the Bible.
God who is the creator created the heavens and the earth and all people. But a creative being the serpent deceives Adam who inherited the heavens and the earth and took away all things that God had created, even people and made them his own. So, God had to leave the world that he had created because of Adam’s sin.
It has been about 6,000 years since this work has taken place. Then, let’s think about the position God was in. Even if people lose even one thing they cherish, don’t they struggle to find it? Then, how would God’s heart be where everything he had created himself and even the hearts of the people were taken away from him by the serpent who is the creative being?
With God being in this position and God who left this world, God’s purpose is to work to regain what was lost. And because God recorded his purpose in the prophecies of the four gospels and the book of Revelation, God’s purpose will be completely fulfilled when the new covenant Revelation promised by Jesus is fulfilled.
Then, what is the purpose of God who has been working for 6,000 years? First, it is to get rid of the first heaven and the first earth which are the traditional churches that haven been corrupted since Adam’s sin and to create a new kingdom and new people, the 12 tribes.
And, second, it is to capture and lock away the dragon who has taken away the whole world and destroyed all nations.
Third, just like how God’s will will be done here on earth just as it is in heaven through God and heaven in the spiritual realm becoming one with God’s new kingdom and new people. What will be fulfilled is a spiritual realm and physical realm will become one which is marriage and God will reign?
Because God’s purpose is today's main content, the three purposes of God that I just talked about will continue to be displayed at the top of the screen. And I’m starting now with the Bible being our standard. We will learn why God’s purpose is this and through what process it is accomplished. Let’s go through them one by one.
God made a covenant with his chosen people in every era. Among them, he made a covenant with the physical Israelites, the descendants of Abraham who followed Moses from Egypt. Exodus 19:5-6 of the Old Testament is where this content is well explained. Let’s read these words together
The words you read is the content of God’s covenant with the physical Israelites. If we take a brief look at the content of the covenant he said, if you obey me fully and keep my covenant you will become a kingdom of priests and a holy people. So, this covenant was conditional. Then, shouldn’t the physical Israelites listen to God and keep the covenant?
Then, what was this covenant that they needed to keep? Among the commandments that God commanded the people of Israel to keep, there was the first commandment. Isn’t the first the most important? The content is recorded in Exodus 20:3 where it says you shall have no other gods before me. Then, do the people of Israel keep this covenant? No, they didn’t. As we take a look at 1 Kings 11 in the Old Testament, Solomon who was a king of Israel, they were worshiping other gods. They have broken the covenant just like Adam.
Also, the physical Israelites who made a covenant with God rebelled and betrayed as it states in Hebrews 8:7, there was fault that was found in the first covenant which was the covenant with the chosen people who betrayed. So, God promised to create a new thing through the prophet Jeremiah about 2,600 years ago. The new thing here refers to the new kingdom and new people of God without sin. Not the world that has been passed down through the lineage of Adam who sinned.
The creation of a new thing is completely through the new heaven and new earth Shincheonji recorded in Revelation chapter 21. Then, what did God promise for the work of creating a new thing? There are two main things.
First, in Jeremiah 31:27, God promised to sow the two seeds.
Second, God promised to make a new covenant Jeremiah 31:31.
Then, when and through whom will this promise be fulfilled? After this was preached to Israel for about 600 years, God who promised this came to Jesus and fulfilled the promise. Let’s take a look at the situation at the time of the first coming.
At first coming, according to the prophecy, two seeds were sown in Jesus’ field in Matthew 13. This was to fulfill the promise of sowing the two kinds of seeds in Jeremiah 31:27. Also, Jesus spoke about making a new covenant for the work of creating a new thing. And as promised, the new covenant was made with the blood of Jesus in Luke 22.
This was to fulfill the promise of making a new covenant in Jeremiah 31:31. Then, let’s take a look at how the two seeds were sown at the first coming. And when the realities of the two seeds will be distinguished? As we see in Matthew 13, Jesus sowed the good seed in his field. And the enemy, the devil, sowed the weeds where the good seeds were sown.
Hence, two seeds were sown in the same field. Jesus, the owner, was afraid that the weeds would be pulled up with the wheat. So, he said let them both grow together until a time of harvest. What is the location this field is referring to where the seeds were sown? In Matthew 13:24, it says that Jesus sowed the good seed in his field. And in :38, this field is the world. Then, it would be the world of Jesus, Jesus’ church.
Then, what are the two seeds referring to that were sown in Jesus’ field, the church of Jesus? In Matthew 13:38, the good seed stands for the sons of the kingdom, the sons of God. And the weeds are the sons of the evil one, sons of the devil. Then, the sons of God and the sons of the devil will grow together in the same field until the time of harvest.
Then, the time when the sons of God and the sons of the devil will be distinguished will be the time of harvest. When the time of harvest comes? What will take place? Judgment and salvation will take place. The sons of God who are born with God’s seed will be harvested to the barn and receive salvation. But the sons of the devil born with the devil’s seed will remain in the field and receive judgment by fire.
If you are a believer who hopes for heaven you must confirm with the Bible whether this present time is a time of sowing the seeds or if it is a time of harvest. If right now is the time of harvest, shouldn’t we be harvested? Didn’t it say that if you are not harvested, you will become the sons of the devil. These words are not my words. These are the words of Jesus.
To be harvested or not harvested, it depends on heaven and hell. I’d like for all of you to please keep this in mind. When is the time of harvest? Jesus said harvest is the end of age in Matthew 13:39. In order to understand when the end of age is we will read Matthew 24:14.
Just like it says here in this verse, this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations. And then the end will come. What is the gospel of the kingdom that will be preached in all the world? It is the prophecies of the four gospels of the new testament and the prophecies of the book of Revelation.
Also, this gospel of the kingdom has been preached in all the world for the past 2,000 years. But, Jesus said when the end comes, he will return and make a new covenant. How can we know if right now is the time of the second coming? It is through harvest. In Matthew 13:39, it states harvest is the end of age. Because there is a fulfillment to the work of harvest, we can know that this present time is the end of age.
Then, let’s read Revelation 14:14-16 to see if the work of harvest is really promised at the time of Revelation fulfillment, the time of Lord’s second coming.
As you read here there was really an angel harvesting the ripe in the field just as Jesus had said.
Then, why does this harvest take place? Isn’t it for the work of the creation of God’s new kingdom and new people? Jesus sowed the seed at the first coming. And according to the promise he made about harvest, he came to the promised shepherd today and is fulfilling the work of harvest.
Then, the two seeds that grew in the same field will be distinguished at the time of harvest. How will they be distinguished? Yes, just like how all of you know so well, the sons of God born of God’s seed will be harvested to the barn and go to heaven. On the contrary, the sons of the devil, who are not harvested, will remain in the field and go to hell.
Then, Lord’s second coming is the time of harvest is the end of age. At the end of age, the traditional churches are the first heaven and the first earth that the devil has been ruling over will come to an end. And those born of God’s seed will be harvested, sealed. The new heaven and new earth, new kingdom and new people, the 12 tribes will be created. Because this is a very important content, I will go over again as I point to the board.
The work regarding the end of the age is to put an end to the first heaven and first earth, the traditional church, harvest, seal and create the 12 tribes of new heaven and new earth will be the work of the end of age.
Then, those who are harvested and seals with the word of Revelation, the creation of the new kingdom and new people the 12 tribes. When and after what work and how will they be created? It is to get rid of the old corrupt era and to recreate a new nation which is why in Revelation 21:1. The corrupt former heaven, the first heaven and first earth passes away and recreates the new heaven and new earth, new kingdom and new people.
We can confirm through Revelation 6 and Revelation 7 the reality of the first heaven and first earth and new heaven and new earth. In Revelation 6, the reality of the first heaven and first earth is referring to the sun, moon and stars darken and fallen the traditional church that is judged. And in Revelation 7, the reality of the new heaven and new earth are those who have been harvested, sealed the new kingdom and new people of the 12 tribes.
We will find out how the traditional church that is being judged and the 12 tribes of the new kingdom and new people promised out of the four gospels of the New Testament in Matthew 8:11-12. As we see here, the traditional church that is being judged are the subjects of the kingdom that are thrown out in Matthew 8:11-12. And the new kingdom and new people the 12 tribes in Revelation 7 are those who came from the east and west and sat down in the kingdom of heaven.
What we need to remember here is this promised new kingdom in Revelation 7. Is the kingdom of god created like a stamp just as it is in heaven in Matthew 6.
So, the prophecy of sowing two seeds, these two seeds that were sown. The prophecy of a new covenant, the covenant that was made. The prophecy about Jesus’ return, and Jesus returning. The prophecy of the work of harvest and the work of harvest that is taking place. The prophecy of the creation of the 12 tribes and creating 12 tribes. I hope all of you can understand that all of this was a process for accomplishing God’s purpose.
If the first heaven and the first earth passes away, and a new kingdom and new people are created, the dragon in Revelation 20 is captured and locked away and the spiritual realm and the physical realm in Revelation 19 are married. The world where God can reign needs to be fulfilled. So, God's purpose will also be fulfilled too. But, if you tell this dragon to go to the abyss will the dragon go on its own? No. which is why there is war.
Therefore, God made the new kingdom new people as God’s powerful soldiers. Fight against the enemy, the dragon and win, and lock away the dragon into the abyss. So, this war is so important. This is because the war between God and the devil, the two gods that have existed for 6,000 years will come to an end only when the book of Revelation is fulfilled and the wins will rule and reign over this world.
So, who will win in this battle? the soldiers of God? Or the soldiers of the dragon? As we see in Revelation 12:11, a child born to a woman who had suffered harm and the brothers, the soldiers belonging to God fought and overcame the group of the dragon. With what and how did they fight and win? They have conquered by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony for they loved not their lives even unto death. Therefore, we can see that this war is not a physical war but a spiritual religious war fought with the words of their testimony.
Those who overcome in Revelation 12 become bowls that contain God’s wrath and judge the betrayers and destroyers in Revelation 15 and Revelation 16. The reason why they are able to be used as God’s bowls of wrath is because they are the witnesses who saw the betrayers and destroyers at the location where the event of Revelation took place.
In Revelation 16, through those who overcome, God’s wrath is poured out onto the betrayers and destroyers and are judged. As a result, the organization of the dragon Babylon was split into three parts. However, the judgment did not end here. In Revelation 16, God carried out the work of judgment through those who overcome.
Now, in Revelation 18, it is God’s direct judgment on Babylon, the home of demons. What would be the reason why God carries out this judgment? As it is said at the time of the Lord’s second coming will be like the days of Noah and Lot. To judge the end of a corrupted era, God judges. But if these chosen people who are still captivated remain in Babylon, wouldn’t it be impossible to judge?
So, in Revelation 18:4, it says come out of her my people so that you will not share in her sins so that you will not receive any of her plagues. After God does the work of calling out God’s people God will judge Babylon with fire and plagues. It is the same when God judged with flood after Noah and his family got on the ark.
Also, it was the same when God judged with fire after Lot and his family were taken out of Sodom and Gomorrah. This is how the war between God and the devil on Revelation ends in chapter 18. And now that the war against the devil has been won there must be good things that happen right? Now, in Revelation 19, the army of the white horse that belongs to God finally drives out the officials of Babylon who ran away while Babylon was being judged.
As all of the dragon’s minions are captured, there are no soldiers to help the dragon. So, as a result, the dragon will be captured. This will be the final judgment against Babylon. Capturing and locking away the dragon. And as we see in Revelation 20:1-3, an angel seized the dragon with a great chain. Here, seizing the dragon with the great chain means that you have captured the dragon with the word of testimony.
What kind of creature was this dragon that was seized? This was a serpent that deceived Adam and God who left the world because of the devil and Satan who took away the world all things that were created and even the hearts of the people for 6,000 years. Now that the dragon has been seized and thrown into the Abyss, there will no longer be the work of deception.
What we need to understand here is that God has been working till this day to seize the dragon. So at the time of Revelation, the work of harvest, sealing, creating the new kingdom and new people, the 12 tribes, war with the group of the dragon, judging the betrayers and destroyers also judging Babylon and capturing the dragon.
I hope you can all perceive this is all part of the process to accomplish God’s purpose. Now the dragon is seized. What work will take place?
God’s final purpose will be fulfilled, that is where the spiritual realm and the physical realm will become one, marriage of the spirit and flesh where God can finally reign. In order to understand this, we will read Revelation 19:1-6.
Just like we have read, the spiritual realm and the physical realm become one. The marriage of spirit and flesh and God’s reign will be fulfilled. In Revelation 18, the home of Demon’s Babylon married the demons and became one with the devil which is why after God judges Babylon in Revelation 18. In Revelation 19, God, Jesus and the souls of martyrs will become one with those who have been invited to the wedding banquet according to the promise. Spiritual marriage will take place.
What will take place now? Those who married at the wedding banquet of the Lamb will participate in the first resurrection in Revelation 20. In Revelation 21, God and heaven will come down to Shincheonji so that the reign of God that God has so long for and desired will be fulfilled. This is the fulfillment of the new covenant, the fulfillment of God’s purpose and our hope which is the kingdom of heaven and eternal life.
I will organize today’s words. The title of today’s lesson is God’s purpose. God’s purpose is to get rid of the first heaven and first earth, harvest and seal the sons of God born with God’s seed to create the new kingdom and new people of the 12 tribes.
To capture and throw the dragon into the abyss who took away all things God has created and the hearts of the people.
And the spiritual realm and physical realm becoming one, marriage of the spirit and flesh, God’s reign is God’s purpose.
All of God’s purpose and will that will accomplish were recorded in the prophecies of the four gospels of the New Testament and the book of Revelation. And it has been fulfilling in this way today. We, the 12 tribes of Shincheonji, are witnessing and preaching to the whole world because we have mastered the Bible and know the purpose and will of God.
At the time where God’s purpose is being completed, who am I according to the Bible, have I been created according to the bible? Please confirm and become part of the family of God’s new kingdom and new people of the 12 tribes. And fulfill your hope of heaven and eternal life in the world of peace ruled by God.
Next time, you will learn intermediate lesson 15 regarding God’s food and Satan’s food. The instructor who will lecture the next lesson will be able to convey the message much better than me. I hope to see all of you again next time with the heart of hope and anticipation.
Lastly, we are one in God and Jesus and the Bible. I will shout we are one. It will be greatly appreciated if you can join us. We are one in God, Jesus and the Bible. We are one.
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A total of 70,000 people formally attended the seminar series 'Testimony on the Parables of the Secrets of Heaven and Their True Meanings', and 7000 people from Korea and abroad registered for Shincheonji Church’s follow-up training course, with 3000 of them having enrolled on the full curriculum taught at the Zion Christian Mission Center. Moreover, 2155 pastors, 958 churches and 22 seminaries in 67 countries have signed MOUs with Shincheonji to teach the revealed word; and 100 pastors, evangelists and seminarians are currently taking Shincheonji's 6-8month study course, covering the entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Moreover, the number of combined views of the seminars on the Book of Revelation and the parables of the secrets of heaven has now exceeded 15 million. The current round of seminars of the Intermediate course, which will be broadcast online every Monday and Thursday until 27th June, will cover the core topics of the entire Bible. What a sign of hope in these testing times! All glory to God🙏