[Shincheonji, Intermediate Lesson 16]
Testimony on the Revelation of the Old and New Testaments by Chapter,
The Place Prepared by Jesus and the Spirit of Truth, the Counselor
Jn 14, Jn 16
Pastors, theology students and congregation members all over the world whose hope is in heaven and eternal life, it is nice to meet you. My name is Kim Jin Hoon, the head instructor of Kim Hae church, an Andrew tribe of Shincheonji Church of Jesus. I wanted to express a warm welcome to everyone who attended the Shincheonji online seminar for the testimony on the revelation of the Old and New Testaments by chapter.
Today, the words I will be testifying to is an intermediate lesson titled the place Jesus has prepared and the spirit of truth the counselor. The main reference is John 14 and 16. There may be some pastors that have read the Bible a lot that may know the content regarding the place Jesus has prepared and the spirit of truth the counselor and there may be some that don’t know very well. However, I hope that you will listen to my lecture and learn the answers to God’s will together during this time.
Now, let’s first take a look at the two main promises that Jesus made when he left in John 14. About 2,000 years ago, Jesus who came at the first coming said in John 14 that he would go and prepare a place and promised the disciples that he would come back again when he prepared that place. And when Jesus left he promised to send the spirit of truth, the counselor.
Because Jesus left he said that he would send another counselor. This is a prophecy that will be fulfilled 2,000 years later which is today at the time of the second coming. The purpose of this prophecy was recorded as in John 14:29 is that when the words of prophecy are fulfilled it is to see and believe what has been fulfilled.
Now, we will take a look at the place Jesus prepared. But, first let’s read the words of John 14:2-3 together.
The first promise Jesus made when he left was that he was going to prepare a place for the saints to live. If so, who was this place really prepared for? If you look at John 14:23, he went to go prepare a place for those who keep the commands of Jesus that is the saints who keep the new covenant.
If so, where is the place Jesus went to go prepare? It says in Matthew 6:10, your will will be done on earth as it is in heaven. We will first take a look at what the place prepared that is fulfilled in heaven is like. Let’s read the words of Rev. 21:1-3 together.
The place that Jesus prepared and comes to is the holy city new Jerusalem coming down from heaven in Revelation 21. Since Jesus went to heaven and prepared a place calling it new Jerusalem we can see the word ‘new’, right?
Then, why is it called new Jerusalem? This is not the time of Moses and it is not of old that is the Old Testament. But, it is new. When you look at Revelation 21, the names of the 12 Apostles are written on the wall of the city foundation of the holy city new Jerusalem. Jesus made the new Jerusalem by using the 12 disciples as the foundation.
Because the 12 disciples are in spirit and not the flesh, the new Jerusalem that Jesus created is a spiritual organization, the kingdom of heaven in the spiritual realm.
Then, Jesus clearly promised that he would come again when that place was prepared. Then, where will he come to? In Matthew 6:10, it says as it will be done on earth as it is in heaven. That place where that prophecy is fulfilled will become the reality of where that prepared place will come down to, right?
To understand this, we saw in Revelation 21:1-3. The holy city new Jerusalem comes down out of heaven from God and it says that the dwelling of God is with men. The place where this holy city new Jerusalem comes down upon is the new heaven and new earth recorded in Revelation 21:1. Also, this new heaven and new earth are the 12 tribes of Shincheonji created according to the promise in Revelation 7.
This will become the 12 tribes of Shincheonji that are recreated by harvesting and sealing those born of God’s seed in Revelation 7 after the first heaven and first earth are judged and come to an end in Revelation 6. At the time of the second coming, the 12 tribes are created on this earth and God and the kingdom of heaven come down.
This new heaven and new earth, the 12 tribes of Shincheonji will become the place where Jesus had prepared comes down upon. That is why it is as if it was stamped like a copy that it is the same as it is in heaven made here on earth and becomes one.
The kingdom of heaven in the spiritual realm the holy city new Jerusalem comes down upon the 12 tribes and becomes one. Then isn’t belonging to the 12 tribes the same as entering the kingdom of heaven? I hope that all of you will find and belong to the 12 tribes of the kingdom of heaven on this earth as it is in heaven and become those who can fulfill the hope of the kingdom of heaven.
Also, the 12 tribes as seen in Revelation 7 are the sealed 144,000 and the name of God and Jesus are recorded on their foreheads as seen in Revelation 14 and are recorded as the harvested firstfruits. Then, where is the place they are gathered? That place is Mt. Zion in Revelation 14. As we see in Revelation 14:1-3, Jesus is standing on Mt. Zion and with him are the 144,000 and they sing a new song before the throne.
We can know well that the throne of God is at Zion. In other words, we can know that the throne of God, the spiritual realm of heaven, the holy city new Jerusalem comes down upon Mt. Zion. God left the places where they became mere flesh but is one with 144,000 who are sealed with God’s seal on Mt. Zion.
The book of Revelation that God fulfills and the place where God will come is where the sealed 12 tribes are at in Revelation 7 and 14. Therefore, this will be the place in John 14 where the place that has been prepared will come down upon. Also, in Matthew 25 it is promised that there will be those who inherit the kingdom prepared since the creation of the world when Jesus returns.
Then, let’s read Matthew 25:31-34 together to see who will inherit this.
Just as we read, those who are blessed and will inherit the kingdom prepared will be the sheep like believers who are on the right side of God. The prepared kingdom to inherit will be the place he went to prepare in John 14 and Jesus went to prepare this place for these people, right?
Then, what are the qualifications to enter the kingdom of heaven where the place that has been prepared will come? First, we must act according to God’s will. And we must be born again of water and the holy spirit. Also, we must be born of God’s seed, be harvested and sealed and belong to the 12 tribes of God’s kingdom.
Also, the name must be recorded in the book of life of the 12 tribes of God’s kingdom and wash their robes, the clothes of their heart with the words of revelation as clear as crystal. They can only enter the holy city, the kingdom of heaven.
Also, in Revelation 22:18-19, it is written that if you add or subtract from the new covenant, Revelation, you will not be able to enter the kingdom of heaven. If you love God and hope for the kingdom of heaven, you must not say that you love only with words but most not add or subtract from the new covenant, believe in the reality of the fulfillment and be those who have actions of keeping the new covenant.
Pastors, theology students and congregation members all over the word, I really pray in the name of Jesus that all of you will have the qualifications to enter the kingdom of heaven and become the sheep-like believers who can live together at the place that the Bible has promised.
Then, the second main point of John 14 is that Jesus promised to send the spirit of truth, the counselor after he left. Now, let’s take a look at the spirit of truth, the counselor that Jesus promised. First if we look at the meaning of counselor, the word used here in Chinese characters means a teacher who protests God’s people with grace using characters that represent protection, grace and teacher.
To understand this more accurately, let’s read 1 John 2:1 together.
In 1 John 2:1, it says Jesus is an advocate. We can see that Jesus is a counselor that advocate of God who speaks on his behalf. Therefore, Jesus is God’s advocate and the counselor. Then, whose words that Jesus preach? In John chapter 14:24, Jesus said these words you hear are not my own. They belong to the Father. About 2,000 years ago, Jesus came with the duty of the counselor. The duty to testify the word of God on his behalf as an advocate. It is recorded in Luke 1:17 at the time of the first coming John the Baptist came in the spirit and power of Elijah. The spirit of Elijah came upon John the Baptist and did the work of the duty of Elijah.
Just as John the Baptist came in the spirit and power of Elijah, then whose name did Jesus come in? Yes, he came in the name of God, right? To understand this, if you look at John 5:43, it is recorded that Jesus came in God’s name. Then, to say that he came in the name of God means that Jesus was sent by God and his duty was to preach the word of God, right? In other words, at the time of the first coming, Jesus is an advocate who came to preach the word of God on his behalf.
Therefore, as written in John 13:20, to accept Jesus at the time of the first coming, is to accept God and to not accept Jesus was the same as not accepting God. Also, John 15:23 says that he who hates Jesus hates God as well. Those who did not accept Jesus at the time and persecuted him are the same as those who persecuted God.
In this way, the words of the shepherd who testifies on behalf are the words of God. I hope that all of you can receive life by listening to the word that is testified on behalf that was sent by God and obey it. So far, we have looked at the content of Jesus the counselor at the first coming.
Now, we are going to learn about another counselor that Jesus promised to send at the second coming. Since this is a very important topic in Today’s lesson, I hope you will pay attention and listen carefully. Now, let’s read together the explanation of the counselor in John 14:16-17.
As seen in John 14:16, Jesus said that he will send another Counselor. But, why did he say another counselor instead of just saying counselor? The reason for this is because Jesus, the counselor of the first coming, left. And so he promised to send us another counselor. He also said that it is a spirit of truth and that is because God’s word is truth. So we can know well that it is a spirit that will bring the word of truth.
However, it is not going to be a spirit that you can’t see that will be teaching the word of truth to people, right? As John 14:17 says the spirit of counselor will be inside of you, in other words dwell inside a person. Therefore, the logic of testifying on behalf is not the spirit directly convenient to the people. But, Jesus promised that the spirit of truth will be inside a person and will testify on behalf.
So, the one who testifies on behalf, the counselor, we can see there is a counselor in the spirit and a counselor in the flesh. We can know that the counselor in the flesh is a flesh that testifies on behalf. The counselor in the spirit is a spirit of truth that testifies to the word of God. Also, the flesh that the spirit of truth is one with the counselor in the flesh as a chosen shepherd of God receiving the word from the counselor in the spirit and testifies on behalf to the saints and is a messenger that Jesus has sent to the churches.
This is just like a bottle of water that becomes a water bottle and a bottle of wine that becomes a wine bottle. So, the spirit of counselor inside that person is a shepherd, that messenger that Jesus has sent. At the time of the first coming, the spirit of God was one with the promised shepherd Jesus. And just like the Old Testament prophecies and fulfillment were testified, even today at the time of the second coming, the spirit of truth enters the promised shepherd of the New Testament and testifies to the prophecy and fulfillment of Revelation.
Pastors, theology students and congregation members all over the world, when you hear these words when will these words be fulfilled? And what does this have to do with me? Shouldn’t we think about this at least once? Just as God says that Jesus was the Counselor, the one who testifies on behalf, the advocate, today the shepherd who Jesus sent the spirit of truth to be one with is the one that testifies on behalf. He is the counselor in the flesh, the promised shepherd of the New Testament.
Then, who is the advocate we must find? Among the things we learned today, this content is very important. In this era that we are living in, God, Jesus and the one who testifies on behalf, the advocate, he is a messenger who comes in Jesus’ name promised in John 14:26 today. To understand this, let’s read John 14:26 together.
Just as Jesus came in the name of the Father, another counselor in John 14:26 promises to come in the name of Jesus to teach all things and remind all the things Jesus said. The fact that another counselor came in the name of Jesus means that he was sent from Jesus.
Then, what is the work and testimony that another counselor who was sent in the name of Jesus does? To understand this, we first saw in John 16:13-15. The counselor will guide into all truth. Secondly, he will not speak on his own. He will only speak what he hears and said that he will teach us things to come with the things that belong to Jesus.
Therefore, another counselor who came in the name of Jesus is not Jesus. But with the duty of testifying the words of Jesus he is the shepherd, the advocate who testifies on behalf. Also, when another counselor comes, it is the end times where the prophecies of the Bible will be fulfilled. Aren’t you curious what will take place at that time? To understand this if you look at John 16:25, he said that when another counselor comes he will not speak figuratively or in parables but will speak plainly about the fulfillment.
Today when the book of Revelation is fulfilled, another counselor will testify to the fulfillment that God and Jesus promised. And as he testifies on behalf, I hope that we can all become the true believers who listen and keep the words of the counselor that Jesus has promised.
Now let’s take a closer look at another counselor promised in the book of Revelation in the New Testament that is New John, the one who testifies on behalf of Jesus. First, the name New John refers to a shepherd promised to come in the position of John at the time of Revelation fulfillment. To understand this, let’s read Revelation 1:1-2 together.
As we saw in Revelation 1:1, in order for God to show the servants what must soon take place, he made it known by sending his angel to his servant John. This is a process by which the Revelation is conveyed. To take a closer look at this in Revelation 5:1, the scroll sealed with 7 seals was in God’s right hand which is the word of revelation where God’s secrets are recorded.
The time has come today to open the scroll sealed with 7 seals in God's right hand. Jesus takes it and opens each of the 7 seals in Revelation 6 and 8. He fulfilled all the prophecies written in the book. And the opened scroll in Revelation 10 is fed to New John through the angel.
Also, after receiving the word, New John saw and testified to all the events of Revelation that were fulfilled in the word. Therefore, when Jesus fulfills these prophecies the one who directly saw and heard these things is just one person which is New John and the servants of God who receive that testimony of the Revelation are the 12 tribes in Revelation 7, 144,000 and the great multitude in white.
It says in Revelation 1:2 that New John who testifies on behalf of Jesus as an advocate will testify to everything he saw that is the word of God and the testimony of Jesus. Therefore, the only one who sees, hears and testifies to the reality of the fulfillment of the book of Revelation is New John, the messenger of Jesus who testifies on behalf, the advocate today at the second coming.
Also, in Revelation 1:9-20, Jesus is one with New John, the one who overcomes and through him sends a letter to the 7 messengers of the 7 churches in Revelation 2-3 telling them to repent, fight and overcome Satan’s Nicolaitans. Today when the book of Revelation is fulfilling, New John who fought and overcame Satan’s Nicolaitans receives the promised blessings of the hidden manna, the white stone, the iron scepter to rule all nations and the morning star.
The shepherd who received the blessings promised in Revelation 2-3 is the one who overcomes the promised shepherd. Isn’t where the one who overcomes is at the place where God, Jesus, the kingdom of heaven and salvation is? Also, if we look at Revelation 3:12, it says that the name of God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem coming down from heaven and Jesus’ new name will be recorded on the one who overcomes, New John.
From this, we can see that God, the kingdom of heaven and Jesus descend and are one with the one who overcomes, New John. And the one who went up to the spiritual realm of heaven in Revelation 4 is New John. In Revelation 12, New John fought with the blood of Jesus which is the word of Jesus and the word of testimony and became the one who overcomes.
Also, if you look at Revelation 22:8, when Jesus fulfills all of the events of Revelation, the one who saw and heard those things beside him was New John. This New John is the messenger of Jesus who was sent to the churches as seen in Revelation 22:16.
Therefore, New John is a messenger of Jesus. He doesn’t speak his own words but only testifies to what he has seen and heard. He testifies the words of Jesus on behalf and hearing the words of the messenger that Jesus sent on behalf means listening to the words of God and Jesus. It is learning the revealed word of Jesus.
For this reason, the promised shepherd of Shincheonji who was sent as a messenger of Jesus is testifying the overall events of Revelation, the prophecy and fulfillment as a last trumpet along with the 12 tribe leaders to all the Christian pastors in the world.
Currently, pastors from all over the world are listening to this and are welcoming it. Many churches, denominations and seminaries have signed MOUs with Shincheonji. And many places are inviting the lectures from Shincheonji. Isn’t this clear proof that another counselor that Jesus promised, the spirit of truth is with the promised shepherd of Shincheonji?
If you want to meet God and Jesus today, we pray in the name of Jesus that you meet the one who overcomes, the messenger that God and Jesus are with and hear the overall events of Revelation becoming the people who seek truth.
Now, let’s summarize what we heard today.
Jesus said that he was going to prepare the place for the saints who keep the new covenant. That place that is prepared will be the holy city new Jerusalem, the spiritual realm of heaven and Revelation 21 where Jesus built the 12 disciples as the foundation.
And the place where God and the city of new Jerusalem comes down on this earth will become a new heaven and new earth where God’s people will live. It is a place where we will dwell on this earth as it is in heaven and it is the kingdom of heaven we must find.
Also, the meaning of the counselor in John 14 and 16 is a teacher who protects with grace. And its duty is to testify the word of God and Jesus on behalf.
Also, at the time of the first coming, the messenger of God was Jesus. And at the time of the second coming, the messenger of God and Jesus is a promised shepherd that Jesus has chosen, the one who overcomes New John.
Lastly, the kingdom of God that the messenger of Jesus has established is the new kingdom and new people the 12 tribes of Shincheonji. The 12 tribes are those who are born of God’s seed, harvested and sealed and is God’s new kingdom that has been recreated as seen in Revelation 7, 14 and 21.
In the name of Jesus we pray that pastors, theology students and congregation members all over the world will find the promised shepherd who testifies on behalf and understand the meaning of the word, keep it and receive all the promised blessings.
Lastly, with the meaning of becoming one with God, Jesus and the word, let’s shout together. We are one inside of God and Jesus. We are one.
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A total of 70,000 people formally attended the seminar series 'Testimony on the Parables of the Secrets of Heaven and Their True Meanings', and 7000 people from Korea and abroad registered for Shincheonji Church’s follow-up training course, with 3000 of them having enrolled on the full curriculum taught at the Zion Christian Mission Center. Moreover, 2155 pastors, 958 churches and 22 seminaries in 67 countries have signed MOUs with Shincheonji to teach the revealed word; and 100 pastors, evangelists and seminarians are currently taking Shincheonji's 6-8month study course, covering the entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Moreover, the number of combined views of the seminars on the Book of Revelation and the parables of the secrets of heaven has now exceeded 20 million. The current round of seminars of the Intermediate course, which will be broadcast online every Monday and Thursday until 27th June, will cover the core topics of the entire Bible. What a sign of hope in these testing times! All glory to God🙏