[Shincheonji, Intermediate Lesson 7]
Testimony on the Revelation of the Old and New Testaments by Chapter,
The True Meaning of the Lord's Prayer / Mt 6, Jn 8
Pastors, seminarians and saints from all over the world who wish for heaven and eternal life, it is nice to meet you. I am the head of Seo Dae Moon church of the Simon tribe of Shincheonji church of Jesus. My name is Lee Jung Soo. I sincerely welcome you and thank you for coming to the Shincheonji online seminar, the testimony on the Revelation of the Old and New Testaments by chapter.
The title of the word that will be shared today is lesson seven. The true meaning of the Lord's prayer. The main reference is Matthew chapter six. And we will also look at the contents of John chapter eight. While you listen to this, I would appreciate it if you would think about why it is important for believers to know the true meaning of the Lord's prayer and how these words relate to us believers today.
Of course there may be some of your pastors who know this content and some who may not. But I would be grateful if you would listen to my explanation once more through this time today.
Let me introduce the main reference for today. The gospel of Matthew was recorded approximately 2000 years ago by Matthew, one of Jesus' 12 disciples. The Lord's prayer is recorded in Matthew chapter six. It contains the promises that will be fulfilled in the future so that when the time comes it will be fulfilled. The time of the fulfillment is at the fulfillment of the new covenant Revelation which is a time of the Lord's Second Coming.
Many people recite the Lord's prayer as a habit. But if the Lord's prayer contains promises to be fulfilled at the time of the Lord's return, then shouldn't we who live at the time of the Lord's return know about this?
Everyone, you, who are listening to these words, do you know the true meaning that God has put in the Lord's prayer? If you just pray without knowing its meaning, it will not do any good to you. Then now we will take a look at the true meaning of the Lord's prayer one by one. Let's read Matthew chapter 6:9-13 together.
Yes as you have read the Lord's prayer begins with saying our father in heaven. Then where is this heaven where God is? Of course it is not talking about the sky that is up there right? Because God is the most high, the place where God is is expressed as heaven. So it does not matter where God is. Wherever God is, that place becomes heaven.
But as we have seen in Revelation chapter 4, we know that God who is spirit resides in heaven of the spiritual world. Therefore the heaven that is mentioned in the Lord's prayer refers to the heaven of the spiritual world where God's throne is.
Next let's look at the phrase our father. Our father in heaven is God who is spirit. Just as every person has physical parents who gave birth to them, God is the father of our spirit. But just because we call God as father does not make him our father.
For example if we grab someone just anyone on the street and we call them as a father, wouldn't that person be taken aback? In the same way there are qualifications to call God as our father and we need them in order to call him as our father. In the world when children are born with the seed of their father they become his children and they can call him as their father.
And in order to call God as our father, we must also be born of God's seed. What is this seed of God? If we go to Luke chapter 8:11, we can see that the seed of God means the word of God. Therefore only those who have the word of God can call God as father. But there is something that we need to think carefully about. When it comes to the spiritual seed, there is the seed of God. But on the other side there is also the devil's seed.
Depending on which seed that you have out of these two seeds, the result would be vastly different. Let's see what happened at the First Coming by reading today's reference John chapter 8:41~44.
Yes, as you have read, the Jews at that time were the people who called God as their father. Despite that Jesus said to them that their father was actually the devil. When the Jews heard this at that time, how much would they have been offended by those words? However Jesus had no choice but to say this. And the reason was because they had no truth in them which was a seed of God and that because they were lying.
At that time the pastors were the shepherds of the traditional churches in Jerusalem
who claimed that they were good believers of God did not even know the true meaning of the law but they blindly thought that the law was the best. But Jesus who was a son of God came to this earth not to abolish the law but to fulfill it. So he had taught the free law and he had testified to the truth.
However they persecuted and even killed Jesus because what Jesus said was different from the laws that they had kept until then. So there was religious conflict of persecuting and being persecuted at the time. As such the Jews at that time did not accept the truth and only persecuted. So seeing their actions, we can tell that they were the children of the devil born of the seed of the devil no matter how much they called God as their father.
If we also go to Matthew chapter 13, two types of spiritual seeds were sown into one field. And as a result two types of sons appear. At this time, the field where the two kinds of seeds were sown is the field of Jesus. And Jesus had sown the good seeds. So it means that both God's seed and the devil's seed were sown within the church of Jesus where the believers of Jesus were gathered.
Today all believers in Jesus call God as their father. But there are those born of the seed of the devil among them. And this is a very big problem. Those born of the good seed which is the seed of God become the sons of the kingdom of heaven. But those born of the weeds become the sons of the evil one. In other words the children of the devil.
Not only that it is also promised that those born of God's seed will shine like the sun in the kingdom of heaven. And that those born of the devil seed will be thrown into the furnace meaning that they will eventually be thrown into hell.
Now when and how will those born of these two kinds of seeds be recognized? First, the time that we can recognize them is the time of the harvest which is the end of the world. Before the harvest time, they were in the same field in one field. But when the harvest time comes the wheat and the weeds are separated.
Then how can you know at that time? It is by distinguishing between those who have been harvested and those who have not been harvested. Those born of God's seed are harvested and go to the heavenly barn while those born of the devil's seed remain in the field without being harvested and they become burned.
Furthermore we can see in Revelation chapter 7 that those who are harvested are sealed by God's word and belong to the 12 tribes of the kingdom of God which is newly created.
Therefore those who are able to call God as their father at the time of the Second Coming of the Lord are only those who are born of God's seed, harvested and sealed, and belong to the 12 tribes of God's new kingdom and new people.
However even today just as it was at the time of the First Coming those who are not harvested persecute those who are harvested. It is the same kind of religious conflict as we've seen in John chapter 8 which takes place at the Lord's second coming. Even though one calls God as their father at the time of the harvest if they only do the work of persecution and they are not harvested it is without a doubt that they are the children of the devil born of the devil's seed.
Then shouldn't I myself reflect upon whether I am truly a person born of God's seed or not? And whether I have been harvested or not? And even now we must become the believers who meet the exact qualifications to be able to call God as our father.
Next let's look at your kingdom come. This is very important. Should we not know what is the kingdom that comes and when and to where it comes as well as what it has to do with me? To give the answer first, the kingdom that is to come as expressed here is a kingdom of heaven in the spiritual world the Holy City New Jerusalem in Revelation chapter 21.
As seen in Genesis, God was originally with the people who he had created in his image and likeness here on this earth. However, Adam and Eve had sinned due to the serpent's deception and their descendants continued to sin. And so God had to leave this earth. From then on God became the God in that far heaven. Since then this world has become a world that was ruled by the devil.
However the will of God who had left was to restore this land and to return to it. For this purpose he had sent his only begotten son Jesus 2 thousand years ago and God and the kingdom of heaven had come to Jesus. But the Jews at that time did not recognize Jesus but rather crucified him on the cross. And so the kingdom of God had no choice but to leave again.
However we can see in John chapter 14:1-3 that Jesus gave a promise to his disciples before he left that he must go and prepare a place and that when that place is ready he would return to this earth again. The place that Jesus has prepared in heaven according to this promise is the Holy City New Jerusalem mentioned in Revelation chapter 21.
The reason why this place is called as a New Jerusalem is that it is different from the Jerusalem that Moses had seen from heaven during his time. And that is why it is called as a New Jerusalem. This is the kingdom of heaven in the spiritual world that Jesus established through the 12 disciples who became martyred and they were the twelve cornerstones.
Jesus promised that when this place is prepared he will come to the earth with this dwelling. So the kingdom that will come in the Lord's prayer as mentioned is the heavenly kingdom of the spiritual world the Holy City New Jerusalem. Then when and to whom will this kingdom come to? Let's read the words of Revelation chapter 21:1~2.
Yes, as you have read, the heavenly kingdom of the spiritual world the Holy City New Jerusalem is promised to come to the new heaven and new earth which is Shincheonji. Also in Revelation chapter 3:12, it is promised that it will come upon the one who overcomes. Therefore the one who overcomes who is promised that the heavenly kingdom will be with is the one who we must meet today, the promised pastor or shepherd of the New Testament.
There is also one more important verse. In Matthew chapter 25:34, we can see that Jesus comes in the last days and separates all the nations as the sheep are separated from the goats.
And he promised to give the kingdom that was prepared since the creation of the world to the sheep like believers as an inheritance. This kingdom prepared since the creation of the world is the Holy City New Jerusalem that Jesus has prepared. Therefore the very place where the sheep like believers are gathered is going to be where the Holy City New Jerusalem that Jesus has prepared will come down upon.
To summarize once again, the place where God's kingdom comes down to is new heaven new earth Shincheonji where the one who overcomes is. And only when you become a sheep like believer can you partake in the kingdom of God that it descends upon.
Next is your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. This is also very very important. In order for God who has left because of the sins on this earth to return back to this earth, the kingdom of God which is created as it is on this earth as shown in heaven. This spiritual kingdom of heaven must appear. This has been happening since the time of Moses. As seen in Exodus chapter 25, Moses saw the things in heaven and built the tabernacle for God to dwell in here on this earth.
However it is said that this tabernacle in the days of Moses was not the reality but that it was a copy and a shadow of what is in heaven. If so, when will this reality appear? At that time it will appear on this earth through the works of the first and the Second Coming. We can see from John chapter 5:19, that at the time of the First Coming Jesus said that he also saw what God in heaven was doing and that he did the same things here on this earth.
Likewise even at the Second Coming today, God and Jesus choose the promised pastor or shepherd of the New Testament and show the heaven of the spiritual realm the Holy City New Jerusalem and make him build this new heaven and new earth Shincheonji as it was seen from heaven.
When this new heaven and new earth is completed God who I had left as well as the kingdom of heaven will come down to the people of the new heaven and new earth. So this new heaven new earth becomes the heaven where the spirit and the flesh become one. And these people in new heaven and new earth will be able to enter into the eternal rest.
It is for this very purpose that God has been working for 6,000 years. The promised pastor Shincheonji is the witness who was chosen by Jesus and has seen and heard how Jesus fulfills the New Testament Revelation. In addition he is the one who has seen himself the appearance of the spiritual world as mentioned in Revelation chapters 4 and 21.
Because of this the 12 tribes of Shincheonji were created on this earth as it is in heaven, it is the kingdom of God that was created according to the new covenant Revelation. The creation of Shincheonji was done as if it was stamped with the seal that the entire chapters of the book of Revelation in the New Testament were engraved and the organization, the names, the church name and even all of these people's names were made according to the book of Revelation.
I'm going to say it once again because this is so important. The twelve tribes are Shincheonji that have been created according to the new covenant Revelation. The creation of Shincheonji was done as if it was stamped with the seal that the entire chapters of the book of Revelation in the New Testament were engraved and the organization, the names, the church name and even people's names were also made according to the book of Revelation.
Furthermore Shincheonji is the new kingdom and new people that has been created according to the promise of the book of Revelation. And it is the promised kingdom, the promised people. In this way if the kingdom of God that has been made on earth as it is in heaven has appeared, shouldn't we welcome it and confirm it If it is true instead of persecuting? I ask all of you who hear these words to open your hearts wide and to confirm it through the Bible.
Next is to give us today our daily bread. In regards to the today that is referenced here if we go to Hebrews chapter 4:7, a certain day was set and called as today. Therefore today in the main reference is referring to the time of the Lord's Second Coming when the prophecies of the New Testament are fulfilled.
Then what is the daily bread that we must seek for and eat at the time of the Second Coming. Today many believers misunderstand this food to be a physical food eaten by the mouth. So in many cases only the physical food is sought after. However as we see in Matthew chapter 6:31~32, Jesus said not to run after what to eat or what to drink, in other words the physical food.
Thus we are able to tell that the kind of food that Jesus told us to seek for is not the physical food but it is a spiritual food which is the word of God. In order to know more about this daily bread, we need to know about the manna which was a daily bread at the time of Moses. If you go to Exodus chapter 16, you can see that the Israelites who followed Moses had no food in the wilderness.
And so God had given them this physical food which was manna. At the time of Moses, this physical food manna was their daily bread. However, the daily bread that was to be eaten at the First Coming was not the physical manna from the time of Moses.
Jesus talked about manna at the time of Moses in John chapter 6 saying that the people in Moses's time died even though they had eaten the manna. But the food that God gives is the food that people may eat and not die. And Jesus said that he himself was a living bread from heaven that is spiritual manna. He also said that we must eat the flesh and drink the blood of Jesus to gain eternal life.
The reason is that just as it was in the days of Moses people ate the flesh of the lamb to receive salvation. Since Jesus was likened to a lamb Jesus said that when we eat his flesh and drink his blood then we would gain eternal life.
If this is the case doesn't it mean that if we do not eat the flesh and the blood of Jesus that we would not have eternal life? If we go to John chapter 1 and 1 John chapter 1 it is said that both God and Jesus are the word. So we can tell that the flesh and the blood of Jesus are the words of Jesus that give life to our souls.
Furthermore at the time of the First Coming Jesus was the one who testified to the revealed word of the fulfillment of the Old Testament. Therefore the daily bread to be eaten at the time of the First Coming was a revealed word of the fulfillment of the Old Testament.
Now there is one more important point here. If you go to Luke 22:14-20, you can see that Jesus made a new covenant with his disciples on the night of the passover through his blood. The content of this new covenant is that we would not be able to eat the flesh and drink the blood of Jesus that is our daily bread until it finds fulfillment in the kingdom of God.
In other words when the kingdom of God is established the flesh and blood of Jesus can be eaten again. Then when would be the time when the flesh and blood of Jesus is eaten again? And where is the kingdom, where it finds fulfillment? Also who from where eats this food and receives salvation? We can find this answer only by going into the book of Revelation. Let's read Revelation chapter 5:9-10.
Yes, as you have read, when the time comes to fulfill the book of Revelation, God's kingdom and priests who were purchased with the blood of Jesus appear. This kingdom in Revelation chapter 5 is the kingdom of God that has appeared according to the new covenant. So this daily bread, the flesh and the blood of Jesus can only be eaten when the time of revelations fulfillment comes.
Also in Revelation chapter 1:5-6, it is said that the priests of this kingdom were freed from their sins by the blood of Jesus. Furthermore in Revelation chapter 7:14, there is a great multitude dressed in white who has washed her clothes in the blood of Jesus and they come out of the great tribulation. Therefore we can see that the blood of Jesus that was shed 2,000 years ago is the blood of salvation for the priests and the great multitude in white of the 12 tribes of the kingdom of God that appears at the time of revelations fulfillment.
Only these priests and the great multitude in white will be those who receive salvation by eating the flesh and blood of Jesus which is a daily bread at the time of the Second Coming. Now let's read Revelation chapter 2:17 to have a better look at the daily bread that we must eat at the Second Coming.
Yes as you have read Jesus said that he would give the hidden manna to the one who overcomes. This hidden manna will be our daily bread to eat at the time of the Second Coming. At the First Coming, Jesus told the secrets of the kingdom of heaven of the New Testament by hiding it in parables.
And he promised that when the time comes he would speak plainly about his father without the parables. Therefore, since no one is able to know the secrets of the kingdom of heaven that Jesus had spoken of in parables until the prophecies of the New Testament are fulfilled. These secrets of the kingdom of heaven that were hidden in parables are called as the hidden manna.
However when the time comes and the promises of the New Testament are fulfilled, the revealed word of the fulfillment of the New Testament gets to be testified. Therefore the daily bread to eat at the time of the Second Coming is a hidden manna, the revealed word in which the New Testament is fulfilled.
Because Jesus had promised to give this word to the one who overcomes, we must meet the promised pastor of this New Testament, the one who overcomes to be able to eat the hidden manna which is our daily bread. In Revelation chapter 10, the open scroll in heaven is given to the promised pastor the New John to eat and he is commanded to prophesy again to many peoples, nations, languages and kings.
This open scroll was originally sealed with seven seals in the right hand of God in Revelation chapter 5. It was sealed with seven seals. So no one in heaven or on earth or under the earth was able to open it or to see inside. Jesus took this sealed scroll and opened the seals one by one in Revelation chapters 6 and 8 fulfilling what was recorded.
At this time the one who had seen and heard everything next to Jesus was the promised pastor, the New John. Jesus sent an angel to this New John so that he can eat this open scroll and commanded him to testify to the churches what he has seen and heard as we see in Revelation chapters 22:8 and :16.
Regarding this in Matthew chapter 24:45~47, there is a promise that the faithful and wise servant of Jesus will give the food at the proper time. This food at the proper time is that when the book of Revelation is fulfilled the words of the entire book of Revelation becomes the food.
When the prophecy of Matthew chapter 24 is fulfilled the words of Matthew chapter 24 becomes the food to be eaten at this time. Then from whom should all pastors and believers on earth receive their daily bread from at the time of the Second Coming so that they can eat of it?
We must know that we can eat this food only through the promised shepherd who has seen and heard the events of the entire book of Revelation. In this way, God gives his food to his people. But on the other hand Satan gives his food to his own people.
Now let's move on to Satan’s food and find out what it is. If we go to Revelation chapter 2, we see that Satan's Nicolaitans entered the tabernacle where the seven angels were appointed by Jesus and they fed them the food, sacrificed the idols and made them commit adultery.
At this time the food sacrifice to idols is the falsehood of these false pastors which in other words is Satan's food. Also in Revelation chapter 13 Satan’s pastors fight and overcome the saints of God's tabernacle. And the saints of the tabernacle worship Satan's pastors and receive the mark of the beast. So God's tabernacle is destroyed at this time.
In this way the seven angels whom Jesus had appointed and the saints eat Satan's food and worshiped Satan's pastors. But this is not the end of it. If you go to Revelation chapters 17 and 18, the prostitute who has the name of Babylon written on her forehead deceives all the nations with the wine of adultery and even makes them marry together with the demons.
It means that all nations will be destroyed by this wine of adultery in the end. This is truly a horrible thing. At this time this prostitute refers to the false pastor who receives Satan's seed and raises her children. And the wine of adultery that she gives is Satan's food and refers to the false pastor's words, their lies.
Ultimately it means that when the book of Revelation is fulfilled all nations will be deceived by the lies and will be thrown into Babylon, the kingdom of demons. If so, shouldn't we look at ourselves and see what kind of food we are eating at this time? So I hope that you understand that in order to receive salvation we must be able to discern between God's food and Satan's food and that you can reach salvation
only by eating the daily bread by finding the promised pastor who gives God's food.
This revealed word from the Shincheonji online seminar that you are currently listening to is the daily bread for the Second Coming that believers today must eat. It has testified to all the prophecies and the realities of the book of Revelation that have not been heard anywhere for 2 thousand years.
And continues to the explanation of the parable of the secrets of heaven and even to the testimony on the Revelation of the old and New Testaments by chapter. The promised pastor of Shincheonji has never learned these words from anyone. But since he has seen and heard the prophecies of the New Testament and the events of Revelation fulfilled by Jesus he is testifying to it just as he has witnessed.
Furthermore I would like you to know that he is preaching this message so that all believers around the world may listen to this word and enter the kingdom of heaven together.
Now let's examine this next part. Forgive us our debts as we have also forgiven our debtors. To understand this better let's read Matthew chapter 6:14-15.
Yes since you have read Jesus said that only when we forgive our brother's sins
will God forgive our sins. So when we pray to God to forgive us of our sins, we must first forgive our brother's sins. Also in the words of Matthew chapter 18:21-35, Jesus answered Peter's question saying that we must forgive seventy-seven times.
Furthermore he tells a parable about forgiveness. A king had lent the servant a large sum of 10,000 talents but the servant could not repay it. But the king had pity on him and forgave him of that huge amount of money. However the forgiven person went back and put a fellow servant in prison for not repaying a few pennies that were borrowed from him.
Hearing this the king was taken aback and called the servant he had forgiven and put him in prison until the servant paid all of the money back. This parable helps us to realize that we have been forgiven of our many sins by the blood of Jesus and that God cannot forgive our sins if we do not forgive one person who has sinned against us.
Therefore only by forgiving the sins of others can one's own sins be forgiven too. If we believe in God and Jesus and have faith in order to receive heaven and eternal life, I believe that we should stop persecuting and cursing and instead we should love, forgive and become one together in Jesus.
Next let us find out about this part ‘Lead us not into temptation’. In Matthew chapter 24 in which the time of the Lord's Second Coming is promised, it is prophesied that many people will turn away from the faith and hate one another. The reason for these things to happen is that as you can see in the image here. The abomination that causes desolation belonging to Satan stands in the temple of God. So those in God's temple are deceived and turn away from the faith.
Regarding this in Revelation chapter 3:10, it prophesies that there will be an hour of trial temptation that is going to come upon the whole world. That is why we believers should pray that we may not fall into temptation and that we will not turn away from the faith.
Next is ‘deliver us from the evil one’. As mentioned just now, at the time of the Lord's Second Coming the destroyer who destroys God's temple will appear. Therefore this destroyer who destroys God's temple at the Second Coming will be the evil at the Second Coming.
They are described as the beast with seven heads and ten horns in Revelation chapters 12 and 13. And in Revelation chapters 17 and 18 their kingdom is expressed as Babylon, the kingdom of demons. At the Second Coming these evil destroyers will appear so we should pray for deliverance from them.
Now is the ending part. Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. When will be the time when God's kingdom and power and glory are revealed? In Revelation chapter 19:1, and afterwards we see that after the judgment of Babylon the kingdom of demons in Revelation chapter 18 that the era of God's rain begins and a great multitude in heaven returns the glory shouting amen hallelujah.
Therefore the time of raising the kingdom, power and glory must be at the time in which God reigns after judging Babylon, the kingdom of demons. In this world for 6,000 years after Adam's sin, the kingdom, power and glory of God has been taken away by Satan. Therefore, I believe that we should pray together and participate in God's works that the kingdom of the devil will end soon and that the kingdom of God can be completed on this earth and all glory can return to God forever.
Now let us summarize today's words. Today's title was intermediate lesson seven, The true meaning of the Lord's prayer. In this Lord's prayer the promises to be fulfilled at the Lord's Second Coming are recorded. And it promises that his will will be fulfilled on earth as it is in heaven. What has been accomplished in heaven? Is the Holy City New Jerusalem and the kingdom of God created on this earth today as if it is stamped from what we have seen in heaven is the 12 tribes of Shincheonji.
As heaven and God come upon these 12 tribes of Shincheonji and are with them forever, the era of God's reign will finally come to fulfill. This is the purpose in which God has been working for the past 6,000 years.
Now is the era when the promised kingdom of God has been revealed. So I hope that we will not just recite the Lord's prayer but understand and realize the true meaning of this Lord's prayer and put it into action in order to fulfill our hope of heaven.
Now let me briefly introduce you to the next session. Next time using Matthew chapter 8 as the main reference we will look into the word about the subjects of the kingdom and those who take their places in the kingdom of heaven. This is lesson eight of the intermediate curriculum. A lecturer who can deliver the message much better than I will testify this
Then I hope that you will join us and the next time as well in eager anticipation. So let us all shout together today and finish. We are one in God and Jesus. we are one.
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A total of 70,000 people formally attended the seminar series 'Testimony on the Parables of the Secrets of Heaven and Their True Meanings', and 7000 people from Korea and abroad registered for Shincheonji Church’s follow-up training course, with 3000 of them having enrolled on the full curriculum taught at the Zion Christian Mission Center. Moreover, 2155 pastors, 958 churches and 22 seminaries in 67 countries have signed MOUs with Shincheonji to teach the revealed word; and 100 pastors, evangelists and seminarians are currently taking Shincheonji's 6-8month study course, covering the entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Moreover, the number of combined views of the seminars on the Book of Revelation and the parables of the secrets of heaven has now exceeded 15 million. The current round of seminars of the Intermediate course, which will be broadcast online every Monday and Thursday until 27th June, will cover the core topics of the entire Bible. What a sign of hope in these testing times! All glory to God🙏