[Shincheonji, Intermediate Lesson 9]
Testimony on the Revelation of the Old and New Testaments by Chapter,
The Secret of the Kingdom of Heaven on Two Kinds of Seed and the Harvest
Mt 13, Rv 14
To all the pastors, theology students and saints around the world who have the hope of the kingdom of heaven, greetings! My name is Kim Jin Sung of Matthew tribe Je Mul Po church of Shincheonji church of Jesus. Today, through the testimony on the Revelation of the Old and New Testaments by a chapter Shincheonji online seminar, we sincerely thank you for attending today's seminar. The word we will meditate together today is intermediate level lesson 9, the secret of the the kingdom of heaven on two kinds of seed and the harvest.
The reference chapter will be Matthew 13 and Revelation chapter 14. Among the pastors who are listening to this seminar there may be those who know or may not know also about this content. At this time let us open our hearts widely and I'll be thankful if you can listen well to my explanations.
Firstly I will shortly explain about today's main reference Matthew 13. Matthew 13 is a chapter about the secrets of the kingdom of heaven where Jesus explained about the secret of heaven in parables. The time when it was recorded was approximately 2,000 years ago from today. And the recorder is Jesus' disciple Matthew.
The key point of Matthew 13 and Revelation 14 is regarding the content of the two kinds of seed and the prophecy and fulfillment regarding the harvest. In Matthew 13 Jesus spoke about the secrets of the kingdom of heaven in many different parables.
Firstly he spoke about the parable of sowing the seed from verse 1~9. And then from verse 18 to 23 he interpreted the parable of sowing the seed. As Jesus spoke about the parable of sowing the seed he said that the seed fell on the path, rocky field, thorny field and good soil. And as he explained sowing the seed means to deliver the message about the kingdom of heaven. And when the message about the kingdom is sowed in the people's heart which is the field. He spoke about how the field can be distinguished into four types.
On a person like the path is a person who hears the secrets of the kingdom of heaven but does not understand. The bird which is the evil one will come and take away the seed and therefore cannot be saved. A person like the rocky field is a man who hears the word and at once receives it with joy. But when trouble or persecution comes, he gives up on the word and falls away. In other words it is the person who loses due to the persecution coming because of the word.
Also the one who is like the thorny field is like a man who hears a word but because of the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth is choked. And lastly the one who is like the good soil is a man who hears the word and understands. It produces crops yielding 100, 60 or 30 times. This in Luke 8:15 is called those with the noble and good heart who hear the word retain it and by persevering produce a crop.
As Jesus speaks in parables like this. In verse 10~11, the disciples asked Jesus why do you speak to the people in parables? And Jesus answered that the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you but not to them. So he spoke about there are people who must understand the secrets of the kingdom. However there are those who should not understand it.
Thus the reason why Jesus spoke the secrets of the kingdom of heaven in parables is to hide the secrets of the kingdom of heaven from the people who should not understand it. Thus Satan and those who belong to Satan also as written in verse 34 and 35 Jesus spoke in parables so that God who prophesied to speak in parables in Psalm 78 comes to Jesus and fulfills the word of the Old Testament prophet.
Therefore, all pastors and theology students and saints who are listening to the word of the kingdom of heaven being testified today, I pray that when the secrets of the the kingdom of heaven that Jesus hidden parables the revealed word about the two kinds of seed and harvests become testified we will all understand its true meaning and become the good soil that are the fruitful people of the kingdom of heaven.
Now we will learn about today's topic which is the secret of the kingdom of heaven on two kinds of seed and harvest. As we will learn soon about the two kinds of seed that are sowed at the time of the first coming written in Matthew 13.
Then through the history of the Bible let's learn about the reason why the two kinds of seed were sowed and also the story of God. God, in order to find back the global village that was lost God made a covenant with the chosen people in each era. Among them God made a covenant with the people of physical Israel who were the descendants of Abraham in the Old Testament. In Exodus 19:5~6, God made a covenant with the people of the physical Israel and promised that now if you obey me fully and keep my confident although the whole earth is mine you'll be for me a the kingdom of priest and a holy nation
However the people of the physical Israel did not keep the covenant with God
and worshiped the gentile gods and thereby committed sin before God. As we see in Hosea 6:7, and also 1 King chapter 11, it is written that Solomon and the people of the physical Israel broke the covenant just like Adam and became corrupted before God.
Eventually it was at the time of Solomon when the covenant was broken due to the rebellion. As a result, the people of the physical Israelites were destroyed by the gentiles. As we see as Abraham's descendants are also born from the gene of Adam who sinned they could not believe in God until the end and commit sin again at the time of Solomon.
As the physical Israel broke the covenant and betrayed like this, God promised through the Old Testament prophets about the future events. And this is the prophecy of Jeremiah 31 that was made through prophet Jeremiah. In Jeremiah 31:22, God prophesied to create the new thing. Then what would be the creation of the new thing?
It is different from the covenant made at the time of Moses. It is not through the chosen people who betrayed who are born from the gene of Adam who sinned. The new thing is creating the new kingdom new people through the new chosen people. And this becomes complete when Revelation 21 is fulfilled.
What are the two works that God did for the creation of the new thing? It is promising to sow the two kinds of seed and to make a new covenant. Firstly in order to find out about the two kinds of seed. Let us read Jeremiah 31:27.
As we read God promised that the seed of men and seed of animals would be planted in the house of Israel and the house of Judah. In other words it is a promise about two kinds of seeds that are sowed in one field. And for about 600 years this word was spread. And God who promised this came to Jesus and fulfilled his promise.
God as we see in Isaiah 14:24 God is the one who will surely fulfill all his word of promise. Therefore even the prophecy about sowing the seed spoken by prophet Jeremiah was fulfilled 600 years later at the time of the first coming. As God who made the promise came to Jesus who was a promised pastor of the Old Testament and fulfilled these words what would have happened? As prophesied, the sowing of two seeds became fulfilled in Matthew 13:24~30.
Then, how did the promise about sowing the two kinds of seed become fulfilled at the time of the first coming? Let's find out through Matthew 13: 24~30
It says that Jesus told them another parable: the kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat and went away, it says. As the good seed and the weed were sown in one field, the prophecy Jeremiah 31:27 became fulfilled.
As it continues in verse 26 it is written when the wheat sprouted and form heads then the weeds also appeared. The owner's servant came to him and said sir didn't you sow good seed in your field? Where then did the weeds come from? An enemy did this, he replied. The servants asked them do you want us to go and pull them up? No, he answered because while you are pulling the weeds you may root up the weed with them. Let both grow together until the harvest.
At that time I will tell the harvesters first to collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned. Then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn. Like this, it is written that the two kinds of seeds will be sowed in one field and grew together. And at the time of harvest, the two kinds of seed will be distinguished. The good seed will be harvested to the barn and the weed will be tied up in bundles and be burned.
However, as the disciples did not know its true meaning, therefore Jesus explained about the parable of the sowing of the two kinds of seed in Matthew 13:37~39. He answered the one who sowed the good seed is a son of man. The field is a world. This field is the world of Jesus who sowed the good seed. Then would this world be the world of non-believers or the world of Christianity? Yes, it will be the world of Christianity.
In a sense the good seed stands for the sons of the kingdom. The weeds are the sons of the evil one. And the enemy who sows them is a devil and the harvest is the end of age. Then pastors, the field mentioned before was a world and this world is a world of Christianity. Therefore, what kind of world is a world that comes to an end? Yes you're right. It is the end of the world of Christianity, thus the end of the traditional churches.
It has been 2,000 years since a seed was sowed in the Christian churches and thereby this becomes the traditional churches. Furthermore it says harvesters are angels. To summarize, the field where the two kinds of seed were sowed was Jesus' field which is the churches of Christianity. Inside the churches, they are the sons of the kingdom who are born of the good seed. But there's also the sons of the evil one born of the weed
Also Jesus explained in verse 40~43 about the result of the ones born of the good seed and born of the weed. It says as the weeds are pulled up and burned in the fire so it will be at the end of the age. The son of a man was sent out his angels and they will weed out of his kingdom everything that causes sin and all who do evil.
At the time of the harvest who will be the ones who are not harvested when they should be, but only do evil? They are the ones born of the weed the devil seed and not become harvested. Furthermore it says they will throw them into the fire furnace where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth which means there will be the judgment.
In verse 43 it is written that the righteous will shine like the son in the kingdom of their father who has ears let him hear it says. The righteous are referring to the people born of the seed of God which is the good seed. Those who become harvested. Then I’d like to show you in an illustration regarding the words just explained in Matthew 13:24~30, 37~39 and also verse 40~43.
First of all it is said there are two kinds of seeds sowed in one field. So what are the two kinds of seed? Yes, that's right. It is a seed of God, the good seed and the seed of the devil, the weed. Also the one who sowed the good seed is a son of man Jesus and the enemy who sowed the weed was the devil and the devil's pastor. Where is the one field where the two kinds of seed were sowed? Yes, that's right. The field was his field so the world of the churches of Christianity.
These two kinds of seed grew together until the time of harvest. This time of harvest in Matthew 13:39 is referred to as the end of age thus the end of the churches of Christianity. Therefore it is the end of the corrupted traditional churches. Therefore whether one is a son of God born of God seed or the son of the devil born of the devil seed it is not distinguished until the time of the harvest.
However finally at the time of harvest they become distinguished. How do they become distinguished at that time? At the time of harvest those who are born of God's seed the sons of God will be harvested to the barn they'll become the people of the kingdom of heaven. But the ones born of the devil seed will become the sons of the devil remain in their own field, their own churches, be tied up in bundles and receive a fire judgment.
At the time of harvest one may claim that I am born of God’s seed, I am the child of God. However if one is not harvested and remains in their church who will they be? Yes, that's right. It is called they are the sons of the devil. Are these my words? Or are these the words of the Bible? They are the words of Matthew 13 inside the Bible.
Therefore have I been harvested according to the promise? Or have I not been harvested? We must think. At the time of harvest, one must become harvested at the time of harvests. And this becomes the evidence that one is a child of God. As the seed has been so 2,000 years ago, when would be the time of now? Is it the time to sow the seed? Or would it be the time to harvest? Yes, that's right. It is now the time of harvest.
At the time of the second coming according to the promise of Matthew 13, it is to harvest the people born of God’s seed. Then how does the work of harvest happen? Let us read Revelation 14:14-16 together.
As it says the angel swung in sickles over the earth and the earth was harvested. The harvesters are the angels. And according to the promise of Matthew 13 Jesus comes together with the angels and the fruits born from the seed sowed at the time of the first coming who have become ripe. Thus the people born of God’s seed become harvested. Then when the angels harvest what would be the sickle which is a tool of harvest? When we look from the physical logic, as a fruit that is ripe is harvested by using a sickle, the sickle that harvests the saints born of God’s seed will be the word of God that is used to evangelize the saint.
And also it means the person who has a word of God who is doing that work of harvesting. Like this, the wheat like saints who are born of God’s seed and are harvested are the first fruits of 144,000 that are gathered in mount Zion recorded in Revelation 14:1~5. And this mount Zion where the first fruits are gathered becomes the reality of the barn promised in Matthew 13.
Also as it says in relation 14:1~5, on the forehead of the 144,000, first fruits, there's the name of God and the name of Jesus written on them and they become the new kingdom the new people, the 12 tribes sealed by God’s seal in Revelation 7. As it is written God will spread his tent over them and will be together with them. Therefore this place is the new heaven new earth, Shincheonji where God, Jesus and the holy city New Jerusalem, thus the spiritual realm of heaven come down to according to the promise of Revelation 21:1~4.
Therefore the reality of mount Zion where the harvested sons of the kingdom of heaven are gathered becomes God’s new kingdom the new people, the 12 tribes. This is the completion of the creation of the new thing that God promised. As we realized inside the word, the people who have not been harvested are the sons of the devil who entered the eternal hell, the burning surfer. However the people who are harvested are the sons of God and will be saved and will enter the eternal kingdom of heaven.
Then how are the ones who are harvested and not harvested become written in the words of Matthew 8:11-12. Let us read the verses together.
As we see in Matthew 8:11~12, the subjects of the kingdom will be thrown outside into the darkness. Therefore they are the reality of the people who have not been harvested and the ones who come from the east and the west and take their places in the kingdom of heaven will be the reality of the people who are harvested.
They are spoken in Revelation 6 and 7 as the traditional churches that received a judgment, and the new kingdom new people the 12 tribes. Also in Revelation 21:1, it is spoken as the first heaven first earth that passes away and the recreated new heaven and new earth.
To summarize those who are not harvested thus the once born of the devil seed is the subject of the the kingdom the traditional churches that received the judgment and the first heaven first earth and those who are harvested, thus the ones born of God’s seed are the ones who come from the east and the west and take their places in the kingdom of heaven, the new kingdom new people, 12 tribes and the new heaven new earth.
As we can see God's objective and will is to harvest the people born of God’s seed on this earth, harvest, seal and create the new kingdom new people the Shincheonji 12 tribes according to the promise of Revelation 7, 14 and 21. And God settles everything of the past and comes down to the new kingdom new people Shincheonji 12 tribes and reign over.
We believe this is God’s objective and will. Therefore in today's time at the time of the fulfillment of Revelation the last days of harvests what we must check is
who am I in the Bible and whether I have been created according to the promise of the Bible. Furthermore we who are living in this generation must put in sincere effort according to the promise of God and Jesus to be born of God’s seed harvested, sealed and belonged to the promised new kingdom new people 12 tribes so that we are the people of the kingdom of heaven that God can acknowledge.
Lastly we would like to summarize the word that was shared today. The physical Israel of the Old Testament sinned. And therefore God promised to sow the two kinds of seed and make a new covenant for the creation of the new thing in Jeremiah 31. And at the time of the first coming of Jesus, the seed of God and the seed of the devil, thus the two kinds of seed were sowed in his field which is the world of the churches of Christianity. At the time of the second coming, the first heaven first earth comes to an end. And by harvesting the people born of God’s seed and sealing them the 12 tribes have been established.
Therefore God's objective and will is to settle all the corrupted things of the past and to establish God's new kingdom and new people. Through the people born of God’s seed and as a world that God forever reigns becomes fulfilled this was the objective and the will of God. Have you heard today's word well?
Next lesson will be intermediate level 10 the second coming of the Lord and the signs of the end of age. Main reference will be Matthew 24 as Jesus spoke about the signs of the end of age on Matthew 24. Through this content I hope that we can brightly realize about what are the events that's going to happen at the end of age at the time of the second coming.
The instructor who will lead us in the next lesson will deliver the word much better than me. I hope that we can have a hopeful heart and look forward to the next lesson and we can all see each other again. Lastly with the meaning that we are one in God and Jesus let us shout we are one. And finalize. We are one in God beyond race, nationality and religion. We are one.
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A total of 70,000 people formally attended the seminar series 'Testimony on the Parables of the Secrets of Heaven and Their True Meanings', and 7000 people from Korea and abroad registered for Shincheonji Church’s follow-up training course, with 3000 of them having enrolled on the full curriculum taught at the Zion Christian Mission Center. Moreover, 2155 pastors, 958 churches and 22 seminaries in 67 countries have signed MOUs with Shincheonji to teach the revealed word; and 100 pastors, evangelists and seminarians are currently taking Shincheonji's 6-8month study course, covering the entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Moreover, the number of combined views of the seminars on the Book of Revelation and the parables of the secrets of heaven has now exceeded 15 million. The current round of seminars of the Intermediate course, which will be broadcast online every Monday and Thursday until 27th June, will cover the core topics of the entire Bible. What a sign of hope in these testing times! All glory to God🙏