[Shincheonji, Intermediate Lesson 18]
Testimony on the Revelation of the Old and New Testaments by Chapter,
God’s Kingdom of Heaven Which All Creation Waits for in Eager Expectation
Rom 8 (Rv 7, Rv 14, Rv 21)
All pastors, theology students and saints who have the hope in the kingdom of heaven and eternal life, it is really good to see you. I am Han Gil Yeon, the head instructor of Chuncheon church of the Philip tribe of Shincheonji Church of Jesus. We sincerely welcome all those who are participating in the testimony on the revelation of the Old and New Testaments by chapter seminar.
The title of the word we will study today is an intermediate lesson 18 the effect of Jesus’ blood that atoned for sin. The main reference chapter will be Hebrews 10. Regarding today’s topic there may be pastors who know this content well because you read the Bible a lot. And there may be those who don’t know about it well. But I hope you can listen to my lesson today well. And I hope we can understand what is a way to atone our sins with Jesus’ blood through this time.
I’ll first briefly introduce the reference chapter. Hebrews 10, the main reference chapter for today was recorded approximately 2,000 years ago. And the recorder was Apostle Paul. The main point of today is about the effect of the blood of Jesus that I can atone people’s sin. To whom and when does the blood that Jesus gave have its effect? We will find out the time and the subjects.
Jesus has died on the cross for our sins. Before we find more about this atonement of sin, let us briefly look into the background as to how sin entered the world by looking at the history inside the Bible.
The background as to how sin entered this world is first there was a sinned angel appearing in the spiritual world and that was how Satan the devil the enemy came to be. This spirit that goes against God deceived the first man Adam through the serpent in this physical world. As Adam broke the covenant with God, he sinned and betrayed and thereby sin began on this earth.
The wickedness of men grew more and more in this world. And because of that people have become entities like a book with sin recorded inside like a bowl of sin. Eventually, the Creator God who is life left this global village in Genesis 6. As such death reigned over all people and the devil became the one who rules the whole world.
How will be the heart of the Creator God, looking down on the lives of the people who have fallen into sin? A man is upset even if he loses a small thing and wants to find it again. But God the Creator lost the whole world and even people. So God wants to find back the lost global village and restore everything as before. Then what is God’s purpose to achieve this will of God?
Firstly, it is to cease and lock up the dragon that makes people commit sin. And then, it is to create God’s new kingdom and new people whom the problem of sin have been resolved. After the sin of Adam, people who are born through the gene of sin of Adam all walk the way of sin. However, God wishes to create God’s new kingdom and new people on this earth who are born of the seed of God.
And God made a plan to come down to that place where the matter of sin has been resolved and fulfill the world of paradise that God reigns over. Here the most important thing is that as God left the global village as sin grew in this world the matter of sin must be resolved in order for God to return to this earth. In order to resolve the problem of sin people caught lamb and goats as recorded in the law at the time of the Old Testament.
Then, could sin really be atoned through this method? Also, how did the law and sacrifices start in the beginning? In order to find out how they started, let’s read the words of Exodus 19:5-6.
As we see in Exodus 19:5-6, God made a covenant with the people of Israel who came out from Egypt at the time of Moses and then gave him the law to keep through Moses. When we read Leviticus 9, an animal like a male goat had to be caught and offered as a sin offering. The blood of an animal that was killed on behalf of the person who sinned was taken before God. What was the role of these laws given through Moses? And why do we have to know about this?
In order to find that out, let us read today’s main reference which is starting from Hebrews 10:1
Here it mentions that the sacrifices of the law cannot make perfect those who draw near to worship. If the sacrifice of the Lord resolved the problem of sin and cleanse the worshiper then they would never have to feel guilty for their sins again and will not continue the offer the sacrifices.
However, it says that was not the case. As we continue to see in verse 3-4, it says
We can understand that through the sacrifice of the Lord Moses given by the blood of a physical animal the atonement of sin is not possible. So ultimately, the role of the law is only a shadow of the good things that are coming in the future and what made the people realize and think about it.
Then, what will be the good things that are coming that were shown through the law? This was the atonement of sin. God had hidden his plan of the true atonement of sin inside the law. Now, let us look at the first coming when Jesus came. Let’s read Hebrews 10:5-7 together.
It says that God did not desire sacrifice and offer. Also, it is written he was not pleased with burnt offerings which was a whole animal being burned and sin offered which was a sacrifice of sin for the purpose of cleansing sins.
So it is said that there is a body prepared for me. The one body of the righteous is prepared for the atonement of sin. Thus, there is this one person. It says that as it is written about me in the scroll I have come to do God’s will. According to the book of scroll that is mentioned here, thus the Old Testament Bible there was a person who came to this earth according to the promise and fulfilled the will of God.
You know very well who it is. Yes it was Jesus at the time of the first coming. Jesus became the sacrificial offering and bore the cross and shed his blood for the atonement of our sin. Sprinkling the blood of bulls or goats of the sinners could not bring the atonement of sin. However, atonement of sin was only possible through the blood of Jesus the righteous.
Jesus shedding his blood of sacrifice on the cross, this was a true sin offering that leads to the atonement of sin. Like this, Jesus became the reality of the law.
The event of showing the effect of Jesus’ blood, the Lamb started from Exodus 12. The people of physical Israel at the time of Moses were capture inside Egypt and they were under slavery. God sent ten plagues to Egypt in order to save these people and the Exodus coming out of Egypt happened.
As they escaped the plague of the firstborn which was the last 10th plague, in order to escape this plague in Exodus 12 a lamb was caught and his blood was put on the sides and tops of the door frames. And its meat roasted over fire was eaten. By doing this, the plague passed over that house. And that is why it is called the Passover as the plagues pass over this becomes the Passover.
This day of Passover that the people of Israel kept became the festival commemorating this day of how they were saved as they safely came out of Egypt as plagues pass over through the flesh and blood of the Lamb. Then, how did the true reality of this event at the time of Moses appear at the time of the first coming. Let’s find out by reading John 6:51-58
Jesus said he is a living bread that came down from heaven. He said that those who eat his flesh and drink his blood will have eternal life and he will raise them up in the last days. The reason why Jesus said this is because he was a reality of the Passover Lamb that brought salvation through the flesh and blood of the Lamb at the time of Moses. In John 1:29, it says that Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. In 1 Corinthians 5:7, it is said that Christ who is a Passover Lamb has been sacrificed. The reason why Jesus is referred to as a lamb-like is because Jesus is the one who allows the atonement of sin and only when one eats the flesh and drinks the blood of Jesus there is salvation and eternal life.
If Jesus is the Lamb then what will be his flesh and blood? It will surely not be the real physical flesh and blood. In John 1:1, God is said to be the word from the beginning. In 1 John 1:1, Jesus is also called the word from the beginning. If Jesus is a word, then the flesh and blood of Jesus will be the word of life of Jesus.
To summarize, the history at the time of Moses was shadow. And the physical reality of the lamb of Exodus 12 was Jesus of the first coming in John 6. Also, eating the flesh and blood of the lamb and being saved at the time of Moses was fulfilled in hearing and eating the word of life of Jesus and being led to eternal life.
However, the work of God is not the work that completes at the time of the first coming of Jesus. Let’s go on and read Hebrews 10:8-14.
In verse 8, it says that the sacrifice is offering and the burnt offerings and sin offerings God did not desire nor was pleased with them. Also, it says that the first is set aside and the second is established. Thus, first covenant through which God made a promise with the people of physical Israel became set aside and the second covenant thus the new covenant was promised to be established. Now, let’s continue to read.
What was planned through the new covenant is thus being made holy through the atonement of sin by the blood of Jesus. Also with the sacrifice of the law that the priest offered day after day it is said that it can never take away sins. Now, let’s continue to read.
Jesus offered for all time one sacrifice for sins. And by this one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy. As such as the sacrifice of the lord Moses cannot atone sin Jesus bore the cross and shed his blood for our sins and with that blood he established a new covenant.
One must know the content of this new covenant in order to receive the atonement of sin and be the reality of the people who have been made perfect. The content of this new covenant is recorded in the words of Luke 22:14-20. Let’s read this content together.
Luke 22 is the content about Jesus gathering his disciples on the night of the Passover before he bore the cross and making a new covenant through the blood of Jesus. This was a fulfillment of the prophecy of Jeremiah 31:31 as it was promised a day of establishing the new covenant.
As we see the content, it says the Passover will not be eaten again until it finds fulfillment in the Father’s kingdom. The Passover meal is the flesh and blood of the Lamb. Thus, it is a word of the blood of Jesus. Then, why can it not be eaten again? That is because soon after Jesus bore the cross. Jesus had to leave. Therefore until he returns it is said to commemorate by eating the physical wine and bread.
But what is important here is that it cannot be eaten again until it finds fulfillment in the Father’s kingdom but that also means when the Father’s kingdom is fulfilled at the time of the end that is when the Passover can be eaten again at that place. In other words it is a promise that at the kingdom of God fulfilled at the Lord’s second coming the Passover meal thus the flesh and blood of Jesus can be eaten. This is a new covenant.
Then, we must realize where the blood that Jesus shed on the night of the Passover at the time of the first coming is. In order for us to eat the blood of Jesus and keep the new covenant, everyone, what will be the book that contains the blood of Jesus that Jesus promised through the new covenant in Luke 22? Yes that’s right. It is inside the book of Revelation where the blood that Jesus shed is inside. Therefore, keeping the new covenant of Luke 22 means to eventually keep the Revelation.
Then what will be the blessing that is given to the people who keep this new covenant? In the main reference, Hebrews 10:15-18, let’s see together.
This is the covenant I will make with them after that time. It is not the covenant of the past made at the time of Moses. But it is a covenant that is newly established. Therefore, it is a new covenant. It is said about this new covenant that I will put my laws in their hearts. I will write them on their minds. Here the law is a new covenant so it is the word of Revelation. It means this word of Revelation must be engraved in the hearts and minds.
Even a judge of the world must have the words of combining the laws engraved in their hearts in order to be qualified as a judge and rule a judgment. Therefore, the one who has the law of God which is Revelation recorded in their hearts can receive atonement of sin through the word that is recorded and also judge the word through this word.
It is said that the flesh and blood of Jesus can be eaten again when God’s kingdom is fulfilled. Therefore, if we are the believers who have the hope of salvation and eternal life, then we must be the ones who hear and keep the word of life of Jesus. When we read these words in our hearts and minds and be the ones who keep these words. Then, what will happen?
It says their sins and lawless acts I will remember no more. It is said. The people whose sins and lawless acts are not remembered by God no more. Thus, the people who receive the atonement of sin I believe these are the people who will truly be blessed. These people appear at the time of the Lord’s second coming when the new covenant thus Revelation is fulfilled.
Who are the people who have been made perfect who received the atonement of sin through the blood of Jesus at this time? Let’s find out by reading Revelation 5:9-10.
It is said that the people are purchased by the blood of Jesus and made to be God’s kingdom and priest. The people who will eat the flesh and blood of Jesus in God’s kingdom as it was mentioned when the new covenant was made in Luke 22 are these very people. The kingdom and priests who are purchased by the blood of Jesus in Revelation 5.
Also, it is promised in Revelation 7 that the multitude in white who have been washed through the blood of Jesus will come out. These people are also the ones who ate the blood of Jesus and received the effect of the blood. At the time of Revelations fulfillment those who have been born of God’s seed been harvested and sealed with the word and become created at God’s new kingdom the 12 tribes and also after this the multitude in white who come out from the great tribulation are the people who receive the effect of the blood of Jesus.
In Revelation 1:5-6, it also says that Jesus freed us from our sins through the blood of Jesus and made us to be our kingdom and priests.
Also, in Revelation 12:11, they are the people who have fought and overcame the group of the dragon through the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony. There is the event of fighting and overcoming the pastors of Satan with the blood of Jesus in the last days.
To summarize the physical reality of the people who received the atonement of sin through the blood of Jesus are the harvested and sealed 12 tribes. Thus the 12 tribes of Shincheonji 144,000 priests and the people of the multitude in white that appear at the time of the fulfillment of Revelation.
The effect of Jesus’ blood appears on them. Therefore, we can say that the blood that Jesus promised and shed on the night of the Passover 2,000 years ago was for the new kingdom and new people of God that become created at the time of Revelation’s fulfillment.
This means we do not receive the effect of Jesus’ blood by simply confessing with our mouth that we receive atonement of sin through the blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus was shed only for the people who have recorded the words of Jesus in their hearts and minds and kept and obeyed the word and they are the kingdom of priests and the people of the multitude in white.
Truly let us all go inside the Bible and check what is the way of atonement of sin and whether I myself have been created according to the word of Revelation and become the physical reality of the people who receive salvation through the blood of Jesus. Then, what happens to the people who receive atonement of sin through the blood of Jesus and have the problem of sin resolved?
God, Jesus and the kingdom of heaven that we long for so much will come back to these people. Let’s read Hebrews 9:28.
Jesus was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many people at the time of the first coming. And to atone sin and bring salvation it is said that he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him. Those who are afraid of sin through the blood of Jesus when Jesus returns at the time of the second coming they are God’s new kingdom and new people who Jesus returns to.
As we see in John 14, Jesus said 2,000 years ago that he will go and prepare a place and when that place is prepared he will return and be together with us. That place is a spiritual world of heaven in Revelation 21 the holy city new Jerusalem. In John 14:23, it is said to those who obey Jesus’ words thus the people who kept the new covenant of Jesus the spiritual world of heaven will come down to them and be together.
Also, in Matthew 25, the sheep-like believers will receive the kingdom prepared thus inherit the kingdom of heaven. It is to that place where the sheep-like believers who kept a new covenant are gathered that God and the kingdom of heaven will come down to.
As we see in Revelation 21 the holy city new Jerusalem, the spiritual word of heaven and God is said to come down to new heaven and new earth thus Shincheonji. As God and the kingdom of heaven is together with the people at the new heaven and new earth, what will happen to these people who are together with the spiritual world of heaven?
It is a world of eternal life where there is no more death, the world of paradise where there is no more pain. The kingdom of hope, the kingdom of heaven that God and all who are living in this world long for.
Then what will be the way to eat the flesh and blood of Jesus that leads us to the atonement of sin at the Lord’s second coming? For us to enter into this kingdom of hope the world of paradise, the flesh and blood of Jesus that we must eat is a new covenant the book of Revelation. This Revelation was sealed with 7 seals and was in God’s right hand in Revelation 5.
At the time comes, Jesus takes this book and opens the seals in Revelation 6 and 8 and fulfills it. The word of this open book is given to an angel by Jesus and in Revelation 10 this angel gives the book to one pastor at the time of the fulfillment for him to eat and this is New John. And through this New John, the revealed word that has become open is given to the servants of God in Revelation 7.
It says in Revelation 22:8 that I, John, am the one who heard and saw these things. Therefore, this New John is a pastor appointed by Jesus to speak on Jesus’ behalf to deliver the events of the fulfillment of the entire book of Revelation. In Revelation 22:16, he is a messenger of Jesus that Jesus sands for the churches. This messenger of Jesus is the one who speaks the words of Jesus on his behalf.
Therefore, he is giving the Passover food thus the flesh and blood of the Lamb. Therefore, the Passover food that is promised to be eaten at the Lord’s second coming is a revealed word thus the word of the open book that New John receives and eats in Revelation 10. Therefore, engraving the revealed word that is testified by New John in the hearts and mind is to eat the flesh and blood of Jesus and thus this is keeping the new covenant.
Now, let’s look at the conclusion of today’s words.
Firstly, the time when the effect of Jesus’ blood appears is the time when the new covenant that is promised through the blood of Jesus thus when Revelation is fulfilled. Sin of a man can only be resolved by the blood of Jesus. But we must know that there is a time when the effect of this blood appears. That time is when the new covenant promised through the blood of Jesus thus Revelation becomes fulfilled.
Secondly, the objective of the blood Jesus shed 2,000 years ago was for the 12 tribes of Revelation thus the 144,000 and the multitude in white. When Revelation is fulfilled it is said that they are the kingdom and priests purchased by the blood of Jesus and the multitude in white who have been washed through the blood. The blood of Jesus was a blood shed for the new kingdom new people the 12 tribes of Shincheonji created at the time of fulfillment of Revelation.
Thirdly, God and the kingdom of heaven come down to the promised new kingdom and new people 12 tribes that are created through the blood of Jesus. It is to that place that has resolved the problem of sin where God and the kingdom of heaven come down to and by that it is promised that the world of paradise of the kingdom of heaven will be open. All beloved pastors and saints Jesus shed his blood on the cross for us 2,000 years ago. We must not let that blood of Jesus who is the savior of our lives to be merited to nothing. I truly hope that we will all keep the new covenant made by the blood of Jesus, become the reality of God’s new kingdom new people and all become the ones receiving the atonement of sin and be the family of God who receive salvation.
In the next lesson there will be an instructor who is much more competent than me who will testify to the words of lesson 19, The Sound of the Last, Seventh Trumpet. I hope we can all attend and have time to receive grace. Lastly let us complete by all shouting we are one with the meaning that we are one in God and Jesus. Beyond race, nationality and religion, we are one in God. We are one.
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Shincheonji Church of Jesus’ online seminar series on the Book of Revelation (‘Testimony on Prophecy and Fulfillment of Revelation, God's New Covenant’), aired on YouTube from October-December 2021 in 24 languages, and explained every one of the 22 chapters of Revelation to a viewership of over 6 million in 136 countries, of whom 16,000 were pastors. By the end of the Revelation seminar series, which was taught by the Chairman of Shincheonji and the Shincheonji 12 tribe leaders, 1200 pastors and church leaders in 57 countries signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Shincheonji as an expression of their desire to have this Word of the Bible be taught to their congregations worldwide. A pastor from the United States said of his decision to sign an MOU with Shincheonji, “I want to be able to grow in the word and I want to teach our congregation...and help bring them from death to life. I want to be one with God's kingdom and have open communication."
ReplyDeleteThen, to allow viewers of the Revelation seminar to more deeply understand the content in the Bible, lecturers from the Zion Christian Mission Center delivered teachings on over 100 parables, including those spoken by Jesus, in the seminar series, ’Testimony on the Parables of the Secrets of Heaven and Their True Meanings’, which was attended by 70,000 people. Following the seminar, thousands registered for Shincheonji’s intensive 6-8 month Bible course and 2155 pastors, 958 churches and 22 seminaries in 67 countries signed MOUs with Shincheonji. Now, with the completion of the third seminar series, the number of combined views of all three seminar series has exceeded 20 million. A Shincheonji Church official said, “Parables are the key element to understanding the secrets of the kingdom of heaven. The reason we can understand the true meaning of the parables is because the prophecy has been fulfilled.”
Contrary to the decrease in traditional denominations, over 140,000 people have become one with Shincheonji Church of Jesus after taking the Bible education course at Zion Mission Christian Center since 2019, despite the subsequent COVID-19 pandemic. Zion Christian Mission Center is a Bible education center operated by Shincheonji.
What Shincheonji Church provides is a free and concise explanation of Jesus' mission in the New Testament. It’s for this reason that Shincheonji has called for many pastors to partner with the Christian church, so they can provide the same education to their congregations and grow. In addition to pastors, the global media has been invited to hear the secrets of Shincheonji’s success and growth even during these turbulent times through four press conferences in the Philippines, North and South America, Europe and Africa. As to the reason for Shincheonji’s growth, Chairman Lee has said, “It is because we do what God has shown and taught us. I have delivered the word of God as it is, and many people were touched by the word which led them to Shincheonji Church of Jesus.”
Shincheonji will once again host another seminar on July 4th, catered to church leaders and pastors, through its YouTube channel, “66 Books of the Bible, Secrets of Heaven and Testimony of the New Testament Revelation”.
What a sign of hope in these testing times! All glory to God🙏