[Shincheonji, Intermediate Lesson 22]
Testimony on the Revelation of the Old and New Testaments by Chapter,
Faith and Obedience, and the World of Paradise—the Land of Sabbath-rest
Heb 3-4 (Rv 21, Rv 22)
All pastors, theology students and saints who have the hope in the kingdom of heaven and eternal life, it is really good to see you. I am Roh Min Ho, the instructor of Cheonan church of Matthias tribe of Shincheonji Church of Jesus. We sincerely welcome and thank all those who are attending Shincheonji Online Seminar, the testimony on the revelation of the Old and New Testament by chapter. The title of the word that we will meditate together today is intermediate lesson 22 the law of the new covenant that must be kept.
The reference chapter is Heb. 8. Let's have the time to realize about the law of new covenant through this time. So how is this word that we will look into today be related to who are the believers? I hope that we can get the certain answers about God's will by listening to today's lecture.
Firstly, I’ll briefly introduce about the main reference chapter. Heb. 8, the main chapter for today, is written about 2,000 years ago from today by Apostle Paul. Key point of this chapter is about the law of the covenant that must be kept and the blessings for those who keep it.
Through today's lesson you will find the answers to why God made the covenant with people and what is the covenant that we must keep, and how can we keep it, and what are the blessings for those who keep it, We will have time to find these answers. I'll first briefly explain about Heb. 8:1-6. Then, we will look into the topic of the covenant. Then, let us read Heb. 8:1-6.
When we see the content of the reference chapter it talks about a high priest offering gifts following the physical law of the first covenant. It is said it serve copy and shadow of what is in heaven. But it also said there is a high priest who sat at the right hand of the throne in heaven right. This high priest when we see Heb. 3:1 is referring to Jesus with the high priest.
And when we see verse 6 of the reference chapter, Jesus is said to be a mediator of a covenant that is founded on better promises. The better promise is talking about the new covenant that Jesus made 2,000 years ago, in other words it is talking about Jesus who is a high priest and also the mediator of the new covenant.
Now, what we need to look more closely is about this mediator of the covenant. Then, wouldn’t this mean that there is a subject whom this covenant is made with? Here, the word covenant means also the promise. The promise in the bible is not a promise made between. But it is a promise between God and the people.
Then, for God, what happened for him to make the covenant with the people? To know about this, I’ll firstly mention about god’s position and situation through the history of the Bible. God is a creator who created the people and the creation of heaven and earth. And Adam who was created like that, received inheritance of all things and God made a covenant with them.
However, the enemy of God, the evil spirit, the devil deceived Adam to take away all things which God created and made it into his position. And eventually Adam broke the covenant made with God and was deceived by the serpent and sinned for eating the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
This in other words was Adam’s betrayal. Through this the covenant with God was broken. Seeing what happened after Adam sinned in Genesis 6, the wickedness filled the whole earth and God who is good cannot be together with the sinner so eventually left this world. As a result, death and pain came onto the people.
Then, who has been ruling over this world that God left? Yes, that is right. It is God’s enemy, the evil spirit, Satan, the devil who has been reigning. Everyone, what will be God’s heart who had to leave because of Adam whom he created was deceived by the serpent and had everything that he had created stolen?
How bad would it be that he said? He lamented for creating men. Then, God wants to find back the whole world that was taken from him and wants to restore all things as before right. And that is why he’s been working for 6,000 years.
Then, what will be the objective of God who’s been working for 6,000 years? Firstly, it is to get rid of the first heaven and first earth that has existed since the time of Adam sinned and until now which is the corrupted traditional churches and to create God’s new kingdom and new people and second is to capture and lock up the dragon, Satan, the devil who took the whole world away and made all nations fall.
And third, is for God and the spiritual kingdom of heaven being one with God’s new kingdom and new people on this earth as it is in heaven so that there is a marriage where the spiritual world and the physical become one and for God to reign. To fulfill this objective God is choosing a pastor and the chosen pastor in every era and made a covenant with them.
Out of the covenants the most representative one is the covenant that appears in Exodus 19:5-6. Let us read Exodus 19:5-6.
Exodus 19:5-6 is the content of the covenant that God made with the physical Israelites. It is said that if they keep this covenant, they will become a kingdom of priest and a holy nation. The physical Israel needed to keep the covenant. Then what was the very first covenant that they needed to keep? Yes, that is right. The ten commandments are the law that they must keep and the very first commandment of the ten appears in Exodus 20:3 which is to serve no other gods before me.
However, the chosen people of physical Israel served gentile gods at the time of Solomon and by that they broke the covenant. Just as seen in Hos. 6:7, it says as at Adam they have broke the covenant and were unfaithful to God right. This in other words is the betrayal. Because the chosen people of physical Israel did not keep the covenant made with God like this.
As a result, there became something wrong with the covenant. By having the covenant broken like this God made a promise to create a new thing through the prophet Jeremiah. Then, what is this creation of a new thing? The creation of a new thing is not the first heaven and first earth that are descendants of the genes of the sin Adam.
But it is a promise that God will create the new kingdom and new people, the heaven and new earth. This promise is fulfilled in Revelation 21 through the first coming and second coming. God promised two things for the creation of the new thing. What were these two?
First is promising the sowing of two kinds of seed in Jeremiah 31:27 and the second is making a new covenant in Jeremiah 31:31. Now then through whom were these two kinds of promise fulfilled? What was prophesied in Jeremiah 31 is fulfilled after 600 years it was proclaimed when God came to Jesus and fulfilled everything that was promised.
At the time of Jesus first coming when we see Matthew 13, the two kinds of seed have been sowed in his field, in other words Jesus’ field as promised. And in Luke 22 on the night of the Passover, Jesus made the new covenant with his blood. With this the two prophecies for the creation of a new thing in Jeremiah 31 was fulfilled at the time of Jesus’ first coming.
Then, what is the content of the new covenant that Jesus made with his blood on the night of the Passover? Let us read Luke 22:14-20.
When we go and read Luke 22:16, it is said that this Passover meal will not be eaten again until it finds fulfillment in the kingdom of God, in other words, the food or Passover can be eaten when God’s kingdom is fulfilled. This is the content of the new covenant. Then what is the Passover food that is eaten in God’s kingdom? When we look at the time of Moses in Exodus 12, they ate the flesh and blood of the physical lamb and that was a way to be saved and receive life.
And the time of the first coming, Jesus said in John 6 whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life in other words they will live forever. Then, does it mean we literally have to drink Jesus’ blood and eat his flesh? No, right. Jesus spoke these things by figuratively referring to the event of Passover at the time of Moses and also referred himself as the Lamb.
Then, the blood and flesh of the Lamb which is the Passover food at the time of the first coming is the word of life that Jesus gives who is the Lamb. And to eat Jesus’ blood and flesh is to hear and realize Jesus’ words.
Then, the blood Jesus the Lamb shed at the night of the Passover at the time of the first coming, we would need to know where it is contained for us to eat Jesus’ blood and keep the new covenant right.
Everyone, do you know where Jesus’ blood is in? The blood of Jesus, the Lamb shed on the night of the Passover at the time of the first coming is in Revelation. Therefore, the book in which Jesus blood is in is Revelation and you were to keep the new covenant in Luke 22. Then, you must know and keep the Revelation.
Then, in order to learn how to keep the new covenant, let us see the words of Hebrews 8:7-13. Now, when we see Hebrews 8:7, it is said for if there have been nothing wrong with that first covenant no place would have been sought for another. This means there was something wrong with the first covenant right. And that is why establishing the second one, the new covenant was promised.
It is also written that it will not be like the covenant God made with their forefathers when he took them by the hand to leave them out of Egypt right. Then, it means this is not the first covenant made with the physical Israelites.
That is why it is not the previous first covenant but it is a new covenant and it is said to have the law of this new covenant in our minds and write them in our hearts then he will be our God and we will be his people. The law of the new covenant in today's main reference is revelation. Even the judges of the world only those who have the statutory law in their hearts can make a verdict of the judgment.
Also the people of the world are judged according to those laws. Just like that if the law of the new covenant is said to be Revelation, then only those who have Revelation written in their hearts are able to judge the world isn't it? This means that at the time when the new covenant is fulfilled people will be judged with Revelation being the standard of the judgment. That is why if we are the believers who have the hope in the kingdom of heaven and eternal life we must know Revelation.
If we do not know Revelation what will happen? Will God be able to bless those who simply say I believe even if they don't know about Revelation? Let us check through the Bible. Let us read Rev. 22:18-19.
As we see in Rev. 22:18-19, the one who adds or takes words away from Revelation is the one who does not keep the new covenant and receive the place and cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. That is why we must know and keep Revelation. As these are important verses that explain why we must know Revelation. I will explain this once again. In Rev. 22:18-19, it says that the one who adds or takes words away from revelation will receive the plagues and not enter the kingdom of heaven.
Then we must be the ones who know and keep Revelation and keep the new covenant. Then what will be the way to keep the new covenant that is this important? The way to keep the new covenant is written as engraving the law of God in our hearts and minds. Therefore it is to record these words of revelation into our hearts and minds.
In Revelation it is recorded as being sealed with God’s law. Being sealed means to engrave the word of the Bible into the hearts and minds as if being stamped. As one is sealed with God's law like this as it says in verse 11 no longer will they say know the Lord because they will all know me from the least of them to the greatest.
This means from general congregation members to pastors everyone will know the word of God. Then I would like to ask a question. There are numerous traditional churches in the world but is there any denomination that has from the least of the congregation member to the highest pastor who all know Revelation. Could pastors please answer this? It says Revelation is the law of God.
Has there been a denomination in the whole world where all the congregation members who enter into the church and also its highest pastors who all mastered Revelation? Can you please say about this? But in our Shincheonji church all congregation members must learn Revelation and even take an exam and if they do not receive 90% in the exam they cannot enter into the church.
God has said that to those people who are sealed with the law of God God will forgive their wickedness and remember their sins no more. And he said by calling this covenant you he has made the first one obsolete and what is obsolete and aging will soon disappear. Like this the first one that was established in other words the first covenant which was not kept by the physical Israelites became obsolete and aging and that is why the new covenant was established.
Then we will now continue on and learn about the physical realities of those people who keep the new covenant when Revelation is fulfilled. Regarding the physical reality of those people who keep the new covenant it is precisely recorded in the prophecy of the new testament four gospels and revelation. Firstly among the prophecy of the New Testament and 4 gospels we will learn about Matthew 8:11-12. As we see in Matthew 8:11-12 the subjects of the kingdom thus the traditional churches will be thrown outside into the darkness.
And those who are harvested and gather from the east and west will take their places in the kingdom of heaven. The subjects of the kingdom who are thrown outside here the traditional churches are those who have not kept the new covenant and those who have been harvested from east and west and take their places in the kingdom of heaven are those who have kept the new covenant.
And their physical reality is recorded well in Revelation 6 and 7. When we see in today's main reference of Hebrews 8:13, it says by calling this covenant you the first one is obsolete and aging and what is obsolete and aging will soon disappear. The subjects of the kingdom and the traditional churches that did not keep the new covenant become corrupted and obsolete and come to an end by receiving the judgment as written in Revelation 6.
And in Revelation 7 there are those who are harvested from the east and west and take their places in the kingdom of heaven they are the people who are born of the seed of God. They are the fruits who are ripened from the seed that was sowed at the time of the first coming and they are harvested in Revelation 14. And these people who are harvested are sealed with the revealed word in Revelation 7 and the 12 tribes 144 000 are created.
Who are these harvested and sealed 12 tribes 144,000? In order to find this out let's read Revelation 5:9-10.
As we see in revelation 5:9-10, these harvested and sealed 12 tribes 144,000 are the kingdom and priests purchased by the blood of Jesus. Also after the 144,000 are sealed, countless multitude of people will come out from the great tribulation and these people are called the multitude in white who have received the atonement of sin through the blood of Jesus in Revelation 7:14. Also in Revelation 12:11, the male child and his brothers fight and overcome the group of the dragon and the weapon that is used by those who are victorious is the blood of the Lamb Jesus and their word of testimony.
As such the blood of Jesus was shed for the 144,000, priests and the people of the multitude in white of the 12 tribes. Only the 144,000 and the multitude in white of the 12 tribes will be able to eat the blood of Jesus. Therefore the words of Luke 22 which says that the words of Jesus's blood will not be eaten again until it finds fulfillment in the father's kingdom becomes fulfilled at the time of Revelation’s fulfillment. What is found to be fulfilled in the father's kingdom is the 12 tribes, kingdom and priests.
Those who eat the words of Jesus' blood here are the 12 tribes 144,000 and the multitude in white. They are the people who eat the blood of Jesus according to Luke 22 and receive the effect of the blood. Everyone can you see the forehead of these priests who have their hands up the word seal meaning a stamp is engrained on their forehead isn't it?
Realizing the word and recording it in the hearts and minds are figuratively spoken as being sealed on the forehead. I hope that you will also be sealed like this. Now,
these sealed priests and the multitude in white are the physical reality of those who keep the new covenant. Let's find out what is the blessing that these people who keep the new covenant will receive.
In Revelation 1:3 it is recorded that the blessed are those who keep the words of the new covenant Revelation. They are the people who are sealed with God's law Revelation as written in Heb. 8:10-12. Also it is written that God will not remember their sins anymore. Therefore isn't this receiving the atonement of sin.
Also in Revelation 1:5 it is written that they have been freed from sin through the blood of Jesus. As God and Jesus are together with these people who have been freed from sin like this the place that Jesus has prepared as written in John 14. Thus the holy city new Jerusalem of Revelation 21 will come to the people who have kept a new covenant.
It is written in Matthew 25 that this holy city the kingdom of heaven will be inherited by the sheep like believers. These sheep like believers are those who have kept the new covenant. Also in Revelation 21:1-4, it is written that the kingdom of heaven which is the holy city new Jerusalem and god will come down to new heaven new earth Shincheonji. This Shincheonji is God's new kingdom and new people 12 tribes 144,000 and the multitude in white who have kept the new covenant.
Shincheonji 12 tribes become the priests and the people who receive the atonement of sin by keeping the new covenant and inherit the kingdom of heaven and eternal life. Now once again Shincheonji 12 tribes become the kingdom and priests who receive the atonement of sin by keeping the new covenant and will receive the kingdom of heaven and eternal life as an inheritance.
To our beloved pastors, theology students and saints, shouldn't all believers who have the hope of kingdom of heaven and eternal life check who they are according to the Bible and always reflect whether i have been created according to the Bible? I pray that we will reflect upon ourselves on today's words and keep the new covenant and all receive the blessings. At Shincheonji 12 tribes there is a promised pastor who received and ate the open book of Revelation who has seen and heard the events of the entire book of Revelation and this promised pastor is testifying plainly the prophecy and the fulfillment of Revelation.
And that is why the harvested and sealed 12 tribes of Shincheonji saints are able to engrave the law of the new covenant Revelation into their hearts and minds. This is keeping the new covenant and sealing the law of Revelation into the hearts and minds. Like this in our Shincheonji from the least to the greatest in other words from a person who just entered the church to the highest pastor everyone has mastered the book of Revelation.
Therefore our Shincheonji become the physical reality of those who kept the new covenant. Also in Shincheonji 12 tribes the promised pastor and the 12 tribe leaders who have mastered the new covenant Revelation are testifying the prophecy and even its physical fulfillment from Revelation 1 to 22 to the whole world according to the principles of 5ws and 1h.
Also this has been reported to all the nations in this global village and numerous pastors and saints around the world who heard this are acknowledging that this word that is testified is the word of truth and entering into MOUs with Shincheonji.
Even at this time through the elementary, intermediate and advanced courses taught from the mission center under Shincheonji Church of Jesus the new testament Revelations physical fulfillment and reality the secrets of the kingdom of heaven and its fulfillment are being testified to the whole world and countless number of people are streaming and learning this word.
Then why is it out of the whole world that only Shincheonji 12 tribes is a place that can master and testify the new covenant revelation? The reason is because the promised pastor who received the revealed word is here and because it is a Shincheonji 12 tribes that is created according to the promise of the new covenant Revelation and that is why it is able to master the new covenant Revelation and testify.
Dear respected pastors, theology students and saints I hope you will hear the words of the new covenant Revelation and keep the new covenant and become the family of heaven who receive the blessings.
This will be the conclusion of today's word.
Firstly the law of the new covenant that must be kept is Revelation. Therefore, writing the new covenant, Revelation into the heart’s of mind is to keep the new covenant.
Secondly what is the result of those who keep the new covenant and those who do not keep it? Those who keep the new covenant have their sins no longer remembered as they have sealed the law of God Revelation into their hearts and minds. Therefore as their sins are atoned through the blood of Jesus they can enter the kingdom of heaven.
Then what happens to those who do not keep the new covenant? As they have added and subtracted from God's law Revelation, they will go to hell.
Thirdly who are the physical realities of those who keep the law of the new covenant and receive the blessing they are the new kingdom and you people the 12 tribes 14,000 and the multitude in white and their physical reality is a Shincheonji 12 tribes who have been harvested and sealed at the time of Revelation’s fulfillment.
I sincerely pray that you will seal the words of the new covenant Revelation in your hearts and minds in God's kingdom Shincheonji that has been created according to the Bible keep the new covenant and enter into the hope of kingdom of heaven and eternal life.
In the next lesson there will be an instructor who is much more competent than me who will testify the words of the intermediate lesson 23 the elementary teachings and the place of maturity. I hope we can all attend and have a graceful time
Lastly with the meaning that we are one in God and Jesus we will shout we are one and complete. We are one in God beyond race, nationality and religion. We are one.
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