[Shincheonji Bible Seminar for Pastors] Revealed word Recognized by pastors with 40 Years of Service and elders … “(Let’s) Realize, Become One, and Make Peace”

[Shincheonji Bible Seminar for Pastors] Revealed word Recognized by pastors with 40 Years of Service and elders … “(Let’s) Realize, Become One, and Make Peace”

▎Bible Seminar arranged in response to the request from pastors after Ulsan and Busan Bible Seminar in January.  

▎Over 450 people, including more than 250 pastors from across the country, attended Seminar.

▎Chairman Lee emphasized, "Let's truly become one in the Word."

“I want to understand the words of Revelation well and share it with my fellow pastors. By transcending denominations and uniting under Jesus' 'revelation,' I believe we can bring peace to not only this land but also ourselves."

Pastor Kim, who has served in the Presbyterian Church for over 40 years, shared his impression of attending the "Shincheonji Bible Seminar: Testimony on the Fulfilled Realities of Revelation” held on June 8th at the Shincheonji Peace Training Center in Cheongpyeong.

This Bible Seminar is in response to continued requests from pastors after seminars in Ulsan and Busan in January this year.

Including more than 250 pastors, over 450 people who had inquiring mind about the reality of the fulfillment of Revelation attended seminar organized by Shincheonji Church of Jesus, The Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony (Chairman Man Hee Lee, hereinafter referred to as Shincheonji Church of Jesus) 

At the seminar, Chairman Man Hee Lee clearly explained the prophecies of the Book of Revelation and the testimony of its fulfillment, receiving warm applause from the pastors in attendance.

Chairman Lee emphasized to the pastors, “If the words of the Bible are being fulfilled according to the prophecy, you must check if it is correct. And if it is correct, you must believe it. Whether power or honor, nothing in the world can compare to the blessings given by God. Shouldn’t we value these words of life that Jesus gave us by sacrificing his life? We are people of faith as recorded in the Bible. We all believe in the same God, Jesus, and the same word given by the same God. Why should we become enemies or fight when nothing is different between us? Rather than blindly condemn (others) as heresy or take sides, let’s discuss with each other if there are different interpretations of the scriptures. Let's have a conversation. Let us really become one in the Word.” 

A pastor who has been in ministry for over 40 years and recently began learning the Book of Revelation through exchanges with Shincheonji Church of Jesus attended the seminar and said, “I have never learned about the Book of Revelation and have been neglecting it. Now that I am studying the revealed words through Shincheonji Church of Jesus, I have come to understand the entire Bible, realizing that it is truly God’s will as well as a good opportunity. When I talk with fellow pastors, I feel that I understand the book of Revelation better now. I hope my fellow pastors will join the Bible Seminar in the future and I will take the lead in doing so.”

Mr. Lee, who is an elder and has lived a religious life in the Presbyterian Church for over 40 years, experiencing in pioneering churches several times, attended the Bible Seminar and said, “I am sure I am not the only one who was surprised by the practical, systematic and logical lecture of Chairman Man Hee Lee who is advanced in age. I was impressed by the lecture (of Chairman Lee) in which I listened carefully with the analytical attitude because everything was realistic. I confess that I also neglected the Book of Revelation because I did not know anything about it. As an elder, I would like to encourage many pastors around me to listen (this seminar) together and preach focusing on the Book of Revelation during service so that more congregations can realize it.”

Continuous attendance and changes in positive perceptions of pastors and religious elders have been steadily observed at the Bible Seminar held for several years by Shincheonji Church of Jesus. Accordingly, there is an analysis that pastors attending the Bible Seminar and exchanging the Word (with Shincheonji Church of Jesus) has passed its beginning stage and is now becoming a mainstream trend within the religious field.

In fact, as of June 5th of this year, a total of 646 MOUs for exchange of words have been signed between domestic churches in Korea and Shincheonji Church of Jesus. As of the same day, overases MOUs status is 12,538 churches in 83 countries and 1,341 churches in 41 countries changed signboards to Shincheonji Church of Jesus.

In addition, currently (as of the end of May), the number of pastors taking introductory, intermediate, and advanced level course at the Zion Christian Mission Center under Shincheonji Church of Jesus reaches 5,614.

Shincheonji Church of Jesus plans to expand exchanges with pastors of existing denominations not only through this Bible Seminar but also by providing opportunities for consistent communication in the future.

An official from Shincheonji Church of Jesus said, “We will continue to hold the Bible Seminar in Korea as well as in each continent throughout the year to inform the testimony of the fulfillment of the Book of Revelation worldwide. The Bible Seminar will become) an important opportunity to make the religious field to become one centered on the Word and to grow mutually through communication and exchange.”

#ShincheonjiChurch  #ShincheonjiBibleSeminar #TestimonOnFulfilledRealityOfRevelation

#ChairmanManHeeLee #Revelation #RevealedWord

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