[Shincheonji] The Zion Christian Mission Center ahead of the fourth 100,000 graduation ceremony

The Zion Christian Mission Center
ahead of the fourth 100,000 graduation ceremony...
Currently, 110,000 students and 30,000 people,
waiting for graduation. 

▎ Practicing Jesus' teaching, "give it for free"... Uninterrupted growth since 1991 

▎ Graduates who were pastors and seminary students, 522 in 2022 → 6,274 in 2023, rapid growth 

The Shincheonji Church of Jesus, The Temple of the Tabernacle of Testimony(Chairman Man Hee Lee, hereinafter Shincheonji Church of Jesus) established the "Zion Christian Mission Center," a free Bible education institution, in Sadang-dong, Dongjak-gu, Seoul in 1990. Since then, they are practicing Jesus' words, "I received it for free, so you should give it for free." 

The Zion Christian Mission Center quickly spread across the country only by teaching based on the Bible. The Zion Christian Mission Center, which started with 86 graduates in 1991, produced 1,365 graduates in 1998, 11,214 graduates in 2010, and 25,099 graduates in 2014, showing an unprecedented growth that has never been curtailed. 

Later in 2019, 103,764 people completed elementary, intermediate and advanced courses, passed graduation tests and attended graduation ceremony. The world's largest graduation ceremony for a single denomination, unprecedented at home and abroad, was held, drawing international attention.


Since then, even during the COVID-19 pandemic, based on a systematic curriculum, it was switched to online lectures, opening an era of biblical education without place and time restriction. Accordingly, an average of 20,000 people graduated through the online graduation ceremony from 2020 to 2021. 

106,186 in 2022  and 108,084 in 2023 students graduated the courses, respectively, proving the excellence of the word once again. It is noteworthy that the trend of graduation of pastors and seminary students has also increased rapidly. 

In 2022, a total of 522 students were pastors and seminary students, but the following year, it jumped more than 10 times to 6,274. As of the end of April this year, more than 10,300 religious leaders at home and abroad are already taking classes, and more than 1,800 religious leaders are waiting for graduation who have completed the curriculum. 

Including them, as of the end of May, 110,000 students are studying at the Zion Christian Mission Center, and 35,000 students are waiting for this year's graduation ceremony after completing all courses, ending up 100,000 graduation ceremonies will be held this year also. 

The secret to such rapid growth can be found through the survey of the graduates. According to a survey of 1,504 of the class 114 graduates of the Zion Christian Mission Center last year, 96.5% of the graduates answered positively to the question, "Do you think you were taught based on the Bible said during the course?" 

When asked if the lecture helped you understand the Bible, 96.1% of the respondents answered positively. 

Student Kwak, who is waiting for graduation ceremony living in Daejeon City, flashed back saying "Before I realized the word, I believed only the slanderous words that people said. I thought of Shincheonji Church of Jesus as a heresy and pseudo, and I thought I couldn't come out once I went in. When I learned the word with courage, I was able to know the content of the Bible that I hadn't realized during 25 years of my religious life. I hope people don't just listen to others, but learn and check it themselves.".


This reaction of the graduates is because they are  systematically educating the basic knowledge of the Bible to prophecies and realities that even pastors find difficulty with and helping people understand the entire Bible. 

The purpose of teaching the words of reality that God's prophecy has been fulfilled as promised is to divide it into ▲ elementary, ▲ intermediate, and ▲ advanced courses according to the student's level. After going through this process, students must finally pass the final test to become a graduate. 

The elementary course is to learn basic biblical knowledge, talk to students to study with an open mind, and to study the true meaning of the secret of heaven that Jesus said in a metaphor in the entire Bible. The intermediate course is to learn the flow of the entire Bible, and to learn history of God's creation and re-creation by chapter of the Bible, so that you can learn the work of God who is alive through prophecy and its fulfillment. 

Lastly, the advanced course is to learn the book of Revelation, a book that synthesizes the prophecy of the New Testament. The Book of Revelation contains the most important content that ends the work of God's 6,000-year restoration, and in this curriculum, you will learn how the prophecy of the Book of Revelation today was fulfilled in what order and how it was fulfilled based on 5w1h principle. 

An official at the Zion Christian Mission Center said, "There is a reality that the New Testament was fulfilled just as the covenant with Abraham was fulfilled at the time of Moses and the Old Testament was fulfilled at the time of the First Coming of Jesus. Our mission center testifies its reality. As we teach this to be easy to understand based on the 5w1h principle and seal it in student’s minds through tests, the graduates are literally becoming a 'walking Bible'. Through those who have experienced the change, more people are currently inquiring about classes.". 

To master the Bible at Zion Christian Mission Center for free

Click the Link below to fill out the online application form.

Then, we will contact you.

Link : https://bit.ly/3tA0zEx (Referrer’s # : 080802)

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