2024 Shincheonji’s Bible Seminars by Continent: Europe| Shincheonji Church of Jesus

[Shincheonji Bible Seminar]
Laying the foundation for the revival of Christianity in Europe...
Successfully ended seminar in Europe

▎ Testimony on the fulfilled realities of Revelation is open to the public... About 7,000 people including about 1,000 pastors participated.

▎ Chairman Man Hee Lee said, “We must understand the Book of Revelation and teach it to our church members.” 

▎ European pastors in attendance said, “I want to learn about Revelation.”... Expectation of church revival through continued exchanges

“The words explaining the Book of Revelation were truly deep and tremendous. I want to learn more about the Bible, and if I am invited to Korea, I will prepare a ticket right now.”

These are the feeling of Deli Delphine Matondo, pastor of the Full Gospel Church, who participated in the Bible Seminar held in Paris, France, hosted by Shincheonji Church of Jesus, The Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony (Chairman Man Hee Lee, hereinafter referred to as Shincheonji Church of Jesus) on June 15 (local time).

In addition to this pastor, the majority of pastors who attended the European Bible Seminar responded that they would like to hear more about the Book of Revelation from Shincheonji Church of Jesus.

This seminar was held at a time when countermeasures were urgently needed in a situation where churches in each region are being sold to restaurants, bars, clubs, etc with the decline of European congregation which was the starting point for the revival of Christianity. This Bible Seminar is part of the '2024 Bible Seminar by Continent', which started in the Philippines on April 20, and was prepared in response to numerous requests from pastors eager for revival in Europe.

About 7,000 church members, including about 1,000 European pastors, participated and attracted attention, and prior to the Bible Seminar, a discussion was held on the topic of 'the role of pastors for the spiritual enlightenment of Christians in this era.'

Afterwards, they watched the footage of Chairman Man Hee Lee's lecture at the 'Shincheonji Bible Seminar of Testimony on the fulfilled realities of Revelation' held in Korea on the 8th.

In his lecture, Chairman Lee said, “God’s work is fulfilled according to the Book of Revelation, which cannot be added to or subtracted from. “You (everyone who listens to this lecture) must know who I am in the Book of Revelation. I hope that all of you (pastors) understand these words and teach them to your congregations. You must teach your church members on your own without adding to or subtracting from the Book of Revelation.”.

After Chairman Lee's lecture, Simon tribe leader Lee Seung Ju explained the meaning of prophecy in the Bible and its fulfillment realities and asked European pastors, saying “The revealed words that fulfilled the Book of Revelation have vitality, so if faith is restored through those words and the number of people who are recreated in the image and likeness of God increases, there will be a revival (in the European church as well). In recent years, through the Zion Christian Mission Center of Shincheonji Church of Jesus that produces 100,000 graduates every year, I hope you learn and testify chapter 1 to 22 of Revelation.”

Afterward, while pledging to become one in the Bible through exchanges between pastors, a pastor from Austria said, “I was impressed that Shincheonji Church of Jesus is focusing on the words of prophecy written in the Bible. I want to know how I can learn the Book of Revelation with cooperation because I’d like to work together with people who have passion and are bright for God’s kingdom and His work.”

A pastor from Poland also said, “It brought tears to my eyes to see European pastors and believers becoming one. I want to spread this word to more people. Please tell me how I can spread it to as many people.”

According to data predicting the future Christian population from the past by Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary Research Center in the U.S., the Christian population in Europe increased to 560 million in the 2000s, but stagnated in 2024. It was predicted to be 490 million by 2050. 

As European society modernized and industrialized, it began to move toward secularization, and with the rise of liberal theology, teachings based on the Bible within the church dried up. In addition, in a reality where Christianity, which has lost trust due to the rapid rise of atheism and religious pluralism and the outbreak of various clerical scandals, is having difficulty finding its way, starting with this seminar, it is expected to serve as an opportunity for the revival of European churches. 

An official from Shincheonji Church of Jesus said, “After this Bible Seminar, many pastors in Europe asked Shincheonji Church of Jesus how they could learn the Book of Revelation. In addition to preparing places and programs where they can learn, we will expand the platform where they can learn, by further revitalizing Zion Christianity Mission Center in European countries. Pastors from all over the world have requested additional seminars, saying they want to learn more about the Book of Revelation, so we are planning and preparing for a seminar to invite pastors from all over the world to Korea at the end of this year. Through this, I hope this will serve as an opportunity to become one in God and the Word.”

Meanwhile, according to Shincheonji Church of Jesus, as of June 5 this year, MOUs have been signed with 12,538 churches in 83 countries. Additionally, a total of 1,341 churches in 41 countries joined Shincheonji Church of Jesus and changed their sign boards. In addition, currently (as of the end of May), the number of domestic and foreign pastors taking Bible curriculum at Zion Christian Mission Center reaches 5,614.

#ShincheonjiChurch #2024Continent #Shincheonji_Bible_Seminar #ManHeeLee #International_law #Revelation 

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