Shincheonji church Coronavirus patient who worked at Daegu Munsung Hospital

Shincheonji church Coronavirus patient 
who worked at Daegu Munsung Hospital

Patient A of Munsung Hospital is a member of advisory council of Shincheonji church and patient A worked at Munsung Hospital to manage parking lot.

Patient A was invited by the pastor of the Munsung church to join church choirs. At that time, the pastor knew patient A has talent in conducting church choir and recommended patient A several times to attend Munsung church. It was confirmed that patient A attend the church because patient A was concerned about the disadvantage of parking lot management when patient A refuses continuous demand of the pastor. This information was found through media report.

Currently, patient A is taking medical treatment at the hospital and his health is not very good. As soon as patient A's health is getting better, we will let you know exact information.


  1. いろいろと大変な時を過ごしている最近、もっと頑張って欲しい。

  2. 大変ですがみんな頑張ってウィルスを勝ちましょう。

  3. It is time for all of us to have the eye to see the truth. You have to look at the facts correctly and discard any prejudices about Shincheonji.

  4. Thank you for sharing this information. It is important to look at the facts!

  5. Thank you for sharing. Media outlets including the Korea Herald, EDaily, Newsis News Agency & Muslim Community Report are now beginning to expose the numerous false allegations made against Shincheonji Church by media outlets throughout South Korea. The truth will prevail♥️

  6. Scj thank you for being transparent in everything you do!
    I haven't seen that much hate from one country to a religious group!
    I believe you always say the truth


