What is the true meaning of 'light' created on the first day in Genesis chapter 1?

Shincheonji Doctrine Comparison 22,

What is the true meaning of 

'light' created on the first day in Genesis chapter 1?

= Light is the shepherd with the word of truth, Jesus calls himself the "light" of the world = 

[Shincheonji Church of Jesus, The Temple of the Tabernacle]

Genesis has  a total of 50 chapters written by Moses about 3,500 years ago. Among them, Genesis Chapter 1 records the order of creation about 6 days. God who said to create heaven and earth in the beginning was hovering over the waters when there was the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep created the light on the first day. There was light and the light was separated from the darkness. And God called the light "day", and the darkness "night". 

What is the greater light to govern the day created on the first and the fourth day? Then, did God create the sun twice? The Bible says there was evening, and there was morning. How can it be morning before the sun is created on the fourth day? If you look at Genesis Chapter 1 as the creation of the natural world, there are many contradictions. Because it doesn't make sense, if you interpret as a mere physical creation. 

In the words of John 1:1~4, the word of the beginning is God. In him was life, and that life was the light of men. Ps. 119:105 says Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path. Just as light from the natural world gives life to all things and lights up the darkness, spiritual light means Just as light from the natural world gives life to all things and lights up the darkness. As a state without light is called darkness, ignorance without God's word also becomes spiritual darkness. For example, a person who has extensive knowledge in a field is called bright and bright in that field. For example, a person who has extensive knowledge in a field is called bright. On the other hand, it is the same describing that a person without knowledge is dark. 

Jesus was referred to as the light of the world(John 8:12, John 9:5). There is always a halo on the fact of Jesus in saint picture. However, if the body of Jesus was shining like this, why wouldn't people follow him? Jesus was called the light because he had the word of God like light. It is also a comparison of the true shepherd of God who has the word life as light.

Let's find out the spiritual meaning of Genesis 1:1~5. Genesis Chapter 1 has two kinds of heaven and earth. There is no word that heaven or earth was created on the first day. But there is formless and empty earth and dark surface. In addition, there is waters which God was hovering. As he said He created man with the ground, the earth he created is the body. Formless and empty earth means thoughts are mixed with other doctrine. Emptiness means absence of Holy Spirit of God because God left from the heart of the man who was God's building. 'Darkness was over the surface of the deep' means the heavens above grow dark(Jer. 4:28). So, as God who is like the light has left from the sun, moon and stars which is the dwelling place, the heaven of the chosen people, it indicates that there is no more truth.

It means the chosen people became the flesh falling from the heaven and after beginning with the Spirit, you are now trying to attain your goal by human effort. The surface that God was hovering is the earth written in Dan. 7:3 and Dan. 7:17. This means God was searching for a true shepherd in the world who has the truth as light. That is why he expressed that there was evening, and there was morning because there was light in the darkness. In other words, when there are only dark spirits, choosing a shepherd who has the truth is the first thing God does when he begins to recreate.

The same can be found in the Old Testament, the New Testament, and the letters in the Bible. God created the new world as previous world is corrupted. Creation is done in any era like Genesis 1. In Revelation chapter 21, there is a new heaven and a new earth for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. This is not the world of nature. The disappearance of the sun, moon and stars is not the sun, moon and stars in nature. Creation is spiritual. It is a spiritual recreation that is reorganized by those who are born again.

[Existing Denomination]

= 'Sunlight beam' that shine on objects in the world, 'light' from the energy and wavelengths among darkness = 

[Full Gospel pastor A]

Originally the first light that God created when he created heaven and earth, it's the kind of light that shines on things in this world. It was the kind of light such as sunlight, moonlight reflecting sunlight and stars shining the sky that shines on a natural object.

[Presbyterian pastor B]

The creation of God's first day was a light. The darkness is over the surface. The surface is covered with the darkness. When the surface is covered with deep dark, by the time He begins to order, since it vibrates, energy and wavelengths comes out of it. God's word, the life of Jesus, and energy and vibration of spirit are working together. That is how everything in this world is created. 

Reference: https://bit.ly/3fMZ80n

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