[Shincheonji Internet Zion Mission Center] The Figurative Fire

[Shincheonji Internet Zion Mission Center] The Figurative Fire

Main Reference: Lk 12:49

Q) What is the true meaning of figurative fire?

A) the word that consumes and judges

[1] Figurative Fire

⏵ Physical characteristics: hot, to consume, to eradicate

1) True meaning of figurative fire: the word that consumes and judges

① God’s fire ⇒ judgment

Jer 5:14

Jer 23:29

God’s word = fire

Zech 5:1-5

② God’s fire ⇒ baptism [consume (sin and evil)]

Is 6:6-7

A live coal (fire) → taking away guilt, atonement of sin (becoming cleaned)

Rv 11:5

Two witnesses’ mouths → fire: devours enemies

∴ Figurative fire = word that consumes and judges (sin and evil)

[2] Kinds of Spiritual Fire

1) God’s fire: God’s word (truth)

2) Satan’s fire: Satan’s word (untruth)

Lev 10:1-2

Other fire, unauthorized, contrary to God’s command

Rv 9:17

Mouths of the horses → fire

◾ God’s fire = God’s words that cleanses sin and dirt

◾ Satan’s fire = Satan’s words that kill the inner being, living spirit.

[3] The Prophecy and Fulfillment of Judgment of Fire

Mal 4:1-2

Fire burning like a furnace

- the arrogant, the wicked: will be consumed (judgment of fire)

- the ones who fear God: healing (recovering)

Mt 3:11-12

Jesus: fire

- chaff (the teachers of the law, Pharisees): burning (judgment of fire)

- grain (disciples of Jesus): baptism of fire

Jesus’ judgment of fire at his first coming

① judgment which consumes the world with physical fire (X)

Judgment of God’s word (O)

② judgment which kills the spirit of man (X)

Judgment which cleanses sin and evil to save people (O)

2Pet 3:10-13

The day of the Lord: fire → heaven and earth will be burned

Jn 12:48

Jesus’ word (fire) → at the last day: judgment

Judgment of fire at the last day

① judgment of physical fire (X), judgment of God’s word (O)

judgment not for destroying the globe but for saving in order to renew and cleanse it.

◾ The will of God: not destroying this earth which He created, but for cleanly restoring it.

◾ The will of Satan: destroying and breaking what God created.

▣ Summary of Key Points

◾ Figurative fire: the word that consumes and judges

◾ God’s fire: God’s word (truth)

◾ Satan’s fire: Satan’s word (untruth)

◾ Judgment of fire: judgment of word

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1 comment:

  1. It’s a miracle to think I might be living at a time when the entire Bible - Revelation included - is being explained plainly❤️


