[Shincheonji Internet Zion Mission Center] The Figurative Treasure and Rich Man

[Shincheonji Internet Zion Mission Center] The Figurative Treasure and Rich Man

Main Reference: Rv 3:17-18

Q) What is the reality of the figurative treasure and rich man?

A) Figurative treasure = the word of truth

Figurative rich man = a person who is proud of possessing a great deal of knowledge of the word.

[1] Figurative Treasure

⏵ Physical trait: precious, valuable, and everlasting

⏵ Kinds of treasure in the Bible: gold, silver, pearl, precious stones, treasure and so on.

1) The treasure of God (true wealth): the truth

(1) Figurative gold and silver

Prov 16:16

getting wisdom, understanding (the word) > gold, silver

Ps 12:6

the word of God (the truth) = fine silver

Lam 4:2

sons of Zion: treasurefine gold

⏵ children of God = treasure

Mt 25:14-20

the true meaning of gold: the word of truth

the reason why the master gave their servants gold differently: because they had different talents

the reason why the master gave their servants gold: he wanted them to work with gold (word)

the result of working

- good and faithful servant: they gained profits from working and shared in their master's happiness

- wicked, lazy servant: he hid his talent in the ground, gained nothing and was kicked out.

(2) Figurative pearls

Mt 7:6

Jn 17:17

truth (= the word of God) ⟶ sanctify

Prov 3:15

wisdom: more precious than rubies

⏵ the wisdom and the word of God are the most sacred and treasure like precious pearls.

(3) The figurative treasure

Dt 28:12

the storehouse of his bounty in the heavens ⟶ rain

Dt 33:13

the treasure of heaven ⟶ dew

rain, dew = the word of God (Dt 32:2)

▮The kingdom of heaven

= treasure hidden in a field (Mt 13:44)

the field where treasure is hidden

= Jesus

= the kingdom of heaven on earth (Col2:2-3)

treasure = the word of God

(4) The figurative precious stone and treasure

Ex 28:15-21

high priest: a breastpiece of making decisions ⟶ twelve stones

Heb 10:1

the law = only a shadow, not the realities

1Pet 2:4

living stone = Jesus (precious stone)

The law: shadow (O)

     the realities (X)

The real entities (O)

the realities (O)

the physical realm

at the time of Moses

the Kingdom of Heaven

: tabernacle

the physical realm

at the time of

Jesus’ first coming

the Kingdom of Heaven

: Jesus

breastpiece of making decisions

: twelve stones

(on which the names of 

twelve tribes are written)

12 disciples (12 stones)

(12 tribes)

Jn 14:2

Jesus ⟶ go to prepare a place (spiritual kingdom of heaven)

Rv 21:9-

the Holy City, the New Jerusalem

the organization of spirits, the City of Truth consisting of those who perceived the true word of God (gold)

temple of City = God, Jesus

city = pure gold

twelve foundations (precious stone) = 12 disciples

twelve gates (pearls) = 12 tribes

Mt 6:10

your kingdom comes

will: as it is in heaven → done on earth

2) Treasure of Satan (false wealth): lies

Rv 17:4-5

prostitute: Babylon → glittered with gold, precious stones and pearls

Rv 18:2

Babylon = a dwelling for demons

merchandise: gold, silver, precious stones, pearls and so on

= the lies of Satan

[2] The Figurative Rich Man

⏵ Physical trait: one who has much gold, silver, precious stones and wealth

⏵ The kinds of the rich man

  • physical rich man

  • spiritual rich man - rich man of true wealth

                            - rich man of false wealth

1) Physical rich man

Mt 6:24

you cannot serve both God and money

1Tim 6:10

money is a root of all kinds of evil

Mt 19:16-24

rich man → difficult to enter the kingdom of heaven

2) Spiritual rich man

Rich man of true wealth

rich man of the truth

Rich man of false wealth

rich man of lies

Rv 3:18

⏵ rich man whom Jesus wantsrich man of true wealth (the truth)

▣ Summary of Key Points

Treasure = word of truth

Rich man = the one who is proud of having a lot of knowledge of the word


















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1 comment:

  1. There's minimal solid teaching on the Bible these days, especially on Revelation. I feel fortunate reading and watching this post/video. I look forward to tuning into Shincheonji Church’s explanation of the Book of Revelation on 18th October🙂❤️


