[Shincheonji Internet Zion Mission Center] The Figurative Head, Horn and Tail

[Shincheonji Internet Zion Mission Center]
The Figurative Head, Horn and Tail

Main Reference : Rv 12:3-4

Q) What are the meanings of the figurative heads, horns and tails?

A) Figurative heads = leaders (pastors)

Figurative horns = men with authority

Figurative tails = false prophets

[1] Figurative Heads, Horns

◇ Physical characteristic

- a head controls, commands and rules the whole body

- a horn is attached to the head. It represents power. It is used as a weapon in battle

◇ Types : those who belong to God, those who belong to Satan

Is 29:9-10

heads : seers

Rv 17:12

ten horns = ten kings (without kingdoms)

∴ Figurative heads = leaders (pastors)

     Figurative horns = men with authority

1) Heads and horns which belong to God

(1) Heads which belong to God

Eph 4:15

the head = Jesus Christ

Rv 1:5

the ruler of the kings of the earth = Jesus Christ

∴ heads which belong to God = leaders whom God is with

(2) Horns which belong to God

Rv 5:6

a lamb (Jesus) 

- seven eyes : seven spirits

- seven horns : seven men of authority (workers of duty)

∴ horns which belong to God = men with authority whom God is with

Seven horns : seven workers of duty who work with the authority from Jesus (seven people)

2) Heads and horns which belong to Satan

(1) Heads which belong to Satan at Jesus’ first coming : the teachers of the law, Pharisees

Mt 23:33

the teachers of the law, Pharisees = snakes

(2) Heads and horns which belong to Satan at the time of Revelation’s fulfillment : the beast with seven heads and ten horns

Gn 3:15

the prophecy : the woman’s offspring → crushes the serpent’s head

Rv 12:9

fulfillment : the great dragon = the ancient serpent (the serpent from Adam’s time) = the devil = Satan

① the physical entities of the seven heads and ten horns

Rv 17:7

the mystery of the prostitute and the beast with seven heads and ten horns

Rv 17:9-10

seven heads = seven hills : seven kings

∴ the physical entities of seven heads = seven pastors whom Satan is with

Rv 17:12

ten horns = 10 kings (kings without kingdoms they receive authority as kings)

∴ the physical entities of the 10 horns = 10 men of authority who belong to the head pastor

② what the beast with seven heads and ten horns does

Rv 13:1-2, 5-6

◾ Who? 

the destroyer (the beast with seven heads and ten horns) who comes out of the sea receives power, the throne, and authority from the dragon which is Satan

◾ Where does it come into?

It comes into the tabernacle, God’s dwelling place (=heaven)

◾ What does it do?

(after receiving its authority and exercising it for forty-two months) it destroys God’s people (the betrayers) in the tabernacle

3) The Two types of heads and horns in Revelation

- the head which belong to God : Jesus

- the horns which belong to God : seven horns which belong to Jesus

- 7 heads which belong to Satan : seven pastors

- the horns which belong to Satan : the ten horns which belong to the seven pastors

[2] Figurative Tails

Is 9:14-15

tails : the prophets who teach lies

Is 9:16

they lead their people astray and make them perish

Rv 9:19

the tails like snakes → they belong to Satan

∴ Figurative tails = false prophets


[Organize the text with pictures]

Rv 12:3-4

□ The physical entities of the tails : the false prophets who became one with the destroyers

① the beast with seven heads and ten horns (the destroyers) comes into the spiritual heaven, the tabernacle, from the sea

② the beast with seven heads and ten horns gains the tails 

: false prophets (=the tails) become one with the destroyers (=7+10)

③ the stars fall because the beast’s tail sweeps a third of the stars out of the sky and flings them to the earth 

: the false prophets (=tails) deceive the congregation members of the tabernacle (=stars) with lies, turning them from God’s people to Satan’s people

[Satan’s work of each era in the Bible]

□ Satan has worked through religious leaders in each generation

▣ Summary of Key Points

◾ Figurative heads : leaders (pastors)

◾ Figuratie horns : men of authority

◾ Figurative tails : false prophets

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