Testifying to the 66 Books of the Bible's Secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven and the New Covenant, the Revelation, offering Zion Christian Mission Center’s Introductory, Intermediate, and Advanced Level Lessons

Testifying to the 66 Books of the Bible's Secrets
of the Kingdom of Heaven
and the New Covenant, the Revelation,
offering Zion Christian Mission Center’s
Introductory, Intermediate, and Advanced Level Lessons 

From January to June this year, the number of newly enrolled students at Zion Christian Mission Center exceeded 100,000.

Through various seminars preaching the word that were opened to the public through YouTube, people found out the level of doctrine of Shincheonji Church of Jesus, breaking prejudices and creating an atmosphere of 'Let's judge after listening'.

The seminar consisted of ▲24 lessons of elementary level ▲24 lessons of intermediate level ▲20 lessons of advanced level and ▲ 5 special lectures. Instructors of this seminar were Chairman Man Hee Lee, the 12 tribes leaders, the head of the churches, and the representative lecturers of the Zion Christian Mission Center explaining the entire Bible according to 5W1H.

The online seminar that has been held since last year has been completed, but you can still watch it through YouTube, and more pastors are requesting educational materials.

Shincheonji Official YouTube Channel  


Introductory : https://bit.ly/SCJ_introductory

Intermediate : https://bit.ly/SCJ_Intermediate

Advanced : https://bit.ly/SCJ_Advanced (Revelation)

Special Lesson : https://bit.ly/enSpecialSeminar

Introductory Level is the course that teaches the basics of the Bible, the reason Jesus spoke in figurative language about the secrets of the kingdom of heaven, and the true meaning of the parables through the Bible.

Intermediate Level is the course to learn unique things among the prophecies and the fulfillment from the Old Testament to the New Testament by chapters.

Advanced Level is the course to learn the prophecy and fulfillment of entire Revelation.




















1 comment:

  1. According to Shincheonji Church of Jesus, from January to June this year, the number of newly enrolled students at the Zion Christian Mission Center exceeded 100,000, and as of today, 105,000 students are enrolled. The number of seminary students and pastors enrolled in classes has also increased significantly compared to last year. In the words of Pastor Park, who has been pastoring for 40 years and is the head of an established church in Korea: “I was shocked to hear the lecture on Revelation chapter 1 by Chairman Lee.” He also said, “This was not the Shincheonji Church of Jesus that I had been hearing of.” I hope everyone can hear this Word taught from Shincheonji!🙏


