[Shincheonji Online Seminar] Testimony on the Revelation of the Old and New Testaments by Chapter, The Kingdom of Heaven in the Physical World Created According to the Heaven in the Spiritual World / Ex 25, Rv 4, Rv 21, Mt 6:10

[Shincheonji Online Seminar]
Testimony on the Revelation of the Old and New Testaments by Chapter,
The Kingdom of Heaven in the Physical World Created
According to the Heaven in the Spiritual World /
Ex 25, Rv 4, Rv 21, Mt 6:10

Greetings, to all the pastors, theology students and saints around the world who have the hope of the kingdom of heaven and eternal life, it is great to meet you all at this time. My name is Lee Dong Soo. I'm the head instructor of Soon Cheon church of Shincheonji church of Jesus Peter tribe, The testimony of the revelation of the Old and New Testaments by chapter. We sincerely thank you for attending the shincheonji online seminar. The word that we will meditate together today is intermediate level education lesson 2. Title is the kingdom of heaven in the physical world created according to the heaven in the spiritual world. Today's main reference will be Exodus 25, Matthew 6:10, Revelation 4and Revelation 21. 

As pastors have read the Bible a lot, there may be pastors who know well about today's topic. But there can also be those who are not very familiar about it. However it will be greatly appreciated if you could listen well to this lesson

and we can find the answer to the will of God recorded inside the Bible. This hope of all believers is to enter the kingdom of heaven. Regarding the kingdom of heaven we must realize accurately whether we go to the kingdom of heaven or that kingdom. Heaven comes to us. The Creator god told us through the Bible where is that kingdom of heaven? And also what is the way to that kingdom of heaven? All the answers about the way to the kingdom of heaven are addressed. It’s math. Everything is recorded inside the book of Revelation.

Through the word that is testified today, let us think about what is the relationship of this word and myself and let us have a precious time to find the answer of the kingdom of heaven which is our hope. Let's look at the key points of today's reference. First of all, it is about God's will and purpose. The verse that explains well about God's will and purpose is recorded in Matthew six verse 10. Inside of the Lord's prayer the Lord has taught us the god’s will will be done on earth as it is in heaven. The heaven here that is mentioned is symbolizing the spiritual world. Earth is symbolizing the physical world. Then what is fulfilled in heaven and what will be fulfilled on earth? 

So, what is fulfilled in heaven is the kingdom of heaven of the spiritual world. And in what is fulfilled on earth? It is the kingdom of heaven of the physical world. Then secondly, God who fulfills on the earth as it is in heaven, who does it show what has been fulfilled in heaven? So therefore that it can be built on this earth. Therefore, God appoints one pastor in every era who has seen and heard the things of heaven. Therefore, God said in Amos 3 verse 7 that surely the sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to service the prophets 

Then, thirdly, we will learn about the one pastor who sees the things of heaven in every era and fulfills it on earth. First, at the time of Moses, it was only one person, Moses. In Exodus 25:8-9, it is recorded God chose Moses and only to Moses God showed the things of heaven and commanded him to build it on this earth according to what he saw. Then at the time of the First Coming it was only Jesus. In John 5:19. Jesus said the son can do nothing by himself. He can only do what he sees his father doing. Then at the time of the First Coming, it was only one person who went up to heaven that was Jesus. And the one who went to heaven and the one who saw next to God everything that God does. It was only one person Jesus, the one who came on this earth and fulfilled it was also only one person, Jesus.

Now, the most important is the time of the Second Coming. At the time of the Second Coming, it is New John. New John is referring to the promised pastor that Jesus promised in the New Testament Bible Revelation. So it is recorded in Revelation 4and Revelation 21 that Jesus calls New John to the spiritual world of heaven and shows everything of the kingdom of heaven of the spiritual world. And also shows the Holy City New Jerusalem that comes down from heaven. 

Then, at the time of the Second Coming. When the Lord returns on this earth, there's only one promised pastor that goes up to heaven, it is New John the one who went to heaven. The one who went to heaven and saw all the kingdom of heaven in the spiritual world, there’s only one person, New John. And, only the one who saw it can create God’s kingdom of heaven on this earth. 

Then fourthly, God says what is God's reason and purpose? Why does he wish to fulfill the kingdom of heaven on this earth as it is in heaven? Originally God's will was that God wished to become one with people and lived together with people. That was a will of greater God. So God created a spiritual world and also created the physical world. And God created men according to the image of God. And that first man was Adam. And God gave all creation that God created to Adam for Adam to look after it and rule over it. However as a spirit that betrayed Satan  the devil appeared. The work of deception happened. The first man Adam who was created according to the image of God betrayed God. 

And because God couldn't live together with the sinners anymore because of the sin of men God left man. And also the global village. About how God left that content is recorded well in Genesis 6:1-3. Then, this global village where the creator God has left for 6,000 years. It was Satan the devil that was ruling over this world. Therefore, In order to find back and restore everything that God created, God sent the apostles and disciples and told us about God’s situation and God’s position. God told us  about God's purpose. God appointed God's chosen people in every era and made a covenant with them and worked through them. 

However, all the chosen people the God made a covenant with they all betrayed the word of God the word of a covenant as they sinned And Jesus said in John 5:17 my father is always at his work to this very day and I am too working. But all of God’s will and all of God's purpose, all of God's hope. What is the event that allows that to be fulfilled? When does it all come to an end? It comes to an end in Revelation. It means in revelation it is completed. 

Then what is God's purpose that God wishes to fulfill? God wishes to restore men and the global village and fulfill the world that God wins over. In order to do just as it is fulfilled in heaven God must complete God's kingdom on this earth in the physical world as it is in heaven. That is when the kingdom of the spiritual world and God all can come down, become one and live together and become the world of God reigns  over. 

Now starting from the time of  Moses let's look at it one by one. About the kingdom of heaven in the physical world created at the time of Moses. Let's look. First of all, Exodus 25:8-9, let us read together.

8.  “Then have them make a sanctuary for me, and I will dwell among them

9.  Make this tabernacle and all its furnishings exactly like the pattern I will show you.

In Exodus 25:8-9, instead of these words that are recorded God commanded Moses. Make a sanctuary for me I would dwell. Make this tabernacle and all the furnishings exactly like that pattern I will show you. That was a command. God called only Moses  and only to Moses he showed the things of heaven. Then what God showed to Moses was the kingdom of heaven of the spiritual world. 

Now was the things of heaven. After showing the kingdom of heaven of the spiritual world, Moses was commanded to build it on this earth according to what he saw. And that was a tabernacle that Moses built. Then, if this tabernacle was built according to the kingdom of heaven in the spiritual world, then this tabernacle also becomes the kingdom of heaven in the physical world. However this kingdom of heaven in the physical world as we see in Hebrews 8:5, they serve at a sanctuary that is a copy and shadow of what is in heaven.

The fact that it is a copy and shadow means it is not the true reality. Then it also means there will be a time when the true reality will appear. Also when we see Hebrews 9:9-10, this tabernacle is an illustration for the present time. If it is an illustration it also means there will be the reality of it. And it also says it is until the time of the new order. Then at the time of the new order, there will be something new that will appear as well. God, true tabernacle God's temple God's kingdom. What would be the reality of it? And when would it appear? That finally appeared at the time of the First Coming of Jesus. 

And so secondly the kingdom of heaven of the physical world created at the time of the first coming of Jesus. The reality of the kingdom of heaven in the physical world. I will explain. First of all, let’s read John 5:19.

19.  Jesus gave them this answer: “I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.

Yes, thank you. In John 5:19, This is what Jesus said the Son can do nothing by himself. He can do only what he sees his father doing. Because of whatever the father does, the son also does. In John 3:13, no one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven the son of man he said. And then at the time of the first coming there’s only one person who went up to heaven that was Jesus. The one who  went to heaven and the one who saw all the work that the father did right next to him. It was only one person Jesus the one who came on to this earth and fulfilled it according to what he saw in heaven it was one person Jesus. 

Also what is most important to us is John to 19:21. Jesus, he saw the physical building of Jerusalem, the physical temple of Jerusalem. And then what he said was destroy this temple. I'll raise it again in three days. The Jews who heard it who didn't understand misunderstood. However Jesus was referring to his own flesh, his own body. That was God’s temple, the spiritual Jerusalem. So therefore now the true temple of God was Jesus. The reason why in John 1:32 as Jesus was baptized he came out of the water and as the heaven was opened there was a spirit of God that came down to Jesus like a dove. The Holy Spirit is a spirit. However Jesus is in a body as God's holy spirit comes down and was together in Jesus's flesh. Jesus's body was now the temple where God worked through. So therefore the true temple of God is not a tent, it is not a tabernacle, it is not a building, it is not in people’s  hearts. 

So that is why in 1 Corinthians 3:16, Paul said do you not know that you yourselves are a God's temple and the God’s spirit lives in you. Also Jesus said in Matthew 4:17, repent, the kingdom of heaven is near. Then content that God in heaven also the kingdom of heaven also came down onto this earth. Then who did it  come down to? It came down to Jesus. Therefore, at the time for the First Coming, the reality of the kingdom of heaven in the physical world, it was the spiritual Israel 12 tribes that was made out of Jesus and the 12 disciples.

Now, God as he is in spirit, he becomes one with Jesus who is in flesh and God was fulfilling all the promises of the Old Testament. However, all the Jews in that era, nobody realized and that is why in John 1:11 he came to that which was his own but his own did not receive him is what he said. Rather, they oppose you persecuted Jesus and condemned Jesus as a cult and crucified Jesus on the cross. So, therefore, even God left. The Kingdom of heaven also left. And also Jesus left. 

However, there was a purpose why Jesus went to heaven. So, what is the purpose why Jesus went to heaven? What was it for him to fulfill? According to Matthew 6:10, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Then firstly there must be something that is fulfilled in heaven. Only then it can be fulfilled on earth as well. So, in order to fulfill it in heaven, Jesus went. Then, what is that he wanted to fulfill? In John 14:2-3, I am going there to prepare a place for you. It is what he said. And when that place is all prepared, Jesus returns. In Matthew 25:31-34, there is a nation, the kingdom that is prepared, which will be inherited to the sheep like believers. 

Then, what did Jesus fulfill in heaven, the place he prepared? What is the reality of it? For 4 gospels, no matter how much we read, the answer is not there. The answer is in Revelation. So as we see in Revelation, Revelation 21 in the spiritual world, there is a Holy City New Jerusalem in heaven. This is what is fulfilled in heaven and this is a place that Jesus prepared. It is that reality. 

Then, for us what is the Holy City? At the time of the Second Coming, when the Lord returns on this earth, if we are the believers who have the hope of heaven, we must certainly know about this. Why do we have to know about this? In Matthew 6:10, it is because it says it is to be fulfilled on this earth as it is in heaven. What is fulfilled in heaven is the Holy City New Jerusalem? Then, likewise on this earth, there must be the kingdom of heaven in the physical world, God’s kingdom that is created. Then afterwards, the Holy City New Jerusalem, it becomes one coming down to the God’s kingdom that is created on this earth. If we truly have the hope of the kingdom of heaven, the Holy City New Jerusalem, who did Jesus show it to you and who can create it on this earth? When, how and where is that place that is created? All the answer of this is inside the words of Revelation. 

And this Revelation without adding without taking away all the word that is written inside here will all be fulfilled. At the time of the Second Coming, by seeing the Holy City New Jerusalem, who is the one who created it on this earth? That kingdom of God that is created, in other words where is that kingdom of heaven in the physical word? So, thirdly the kingdom of heaven in the physical world created at the time of the Second Coming of Jesus I would like to explain. 

First of all, about the promised pastor who saw the things of heaven I’ll explain. The promised pastor is also referred to as New John. Inside the New Testament in the Bible, the pastor that Jesus promised the one overcomes is referred to as New John. And in Revelation 10, and in Revelation 22:8, and :16, I would like to explain this first. First of all, this Revelation, it is a book that God himself has recorded. And God sealed it with seven seals and God held it in his right hand for 2,000 years. So, no one in heaven or under heaven on this earth, there’s no one who can see or look inside of this book.

But this sealed book, only Jesus has taken. And from Revelation 6 to Revelation 8, the seven seals become open and the book becomes an open book. And that open book Jesus through the angel gave it and fed it to New John. That the one who received the open book is only one person, New John. And also Jesus as Jesus opened the seals of this open book one by one, one by one and fulfilled all the events, there was one person who saw all the events of the fulfillment right next to Jesus at the place of the events. According to Revelation 22:8, there is only one person New John and in Revelation 22:16, Jesus said I will send my angel, my messenger to testify these things to the churches. 

Then, these things are referring to the prophecy of the book of Revelation and its fulfilled physical reality. Then New John becomes Jesus’s messenger who testifies these things to all the churches; he becomes the witness who has seen all the events of the fulfillment. There is one more thing that Jesus showed to New John. In Revelation4, Jesus called him from this earth to heaven and all the kingdom of heaven in the spiritual world was shown to him. So, New John saw something in heaven; it was the order and the structure of God’s throne in the kingdom of heaven in the spiritual world. So, he saw the 24 elders, seven spirits, the four living creatures from east, west, north and south. He also saw God. He also saw the many many many eyes which were the spirits of the thousands upon thousands of angels. And, there was also in heaven there was something that he heard. 

He heard that  this will come down onto this earth. Even God, even the kingdom of heaven of the spiritual world will come down onto this earth. Then, when would it come down? Where would it come down? To whom would it come down to? We must realize this accurately. Isn’t it? Also, in Revelation 21, it is the Holy City New Jerusalem that comes down from heaven, this now becomes shown. The image of the Holy City New Jerusalem and its structure is explained well from Revelation 21:9-22. 

However because of the constraint of time, we will only read Revelation 21:10-14. 

10.  And he carried me away in the Spirit to a mountain great and high, and showed me the Holy City, Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God.

11.  It shone with the glory of God, and its brilliance was like that of a very precious jewel, like a jasper, clear as crystal.

12.  It had a great, high wall with twelve gates, and with twelve angels at the gates. On the gates were written the names of the twelve tribes of Israel.

13. There were three gates on the east, three on the north, three on the south and three on the west.

14.  The wall of the city had twelve foundations, and on them were the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.

Yes, you’ve read well. We read the content of Revelation 21:10-14. First, New John brought up in spirit goes up to a high mountain and he is shown the Holy City New Jerusalem that comes down from God in heaven. At the time of the Second Coming when the Lord returns, the one who went up to heaven is only one person, New John. The one who saw the Holy City New Jerusalem is also one person, New John. And, also the one who can build it on this earth according to what he saw is also one person, only New John. 

Then, when we see the structure of this Holy City New Jerusalem, it is an image of a cube. There are three gates on each side and there are 12 gates and on top of the gates there are the names of the 12 tribes of Israel. And the city of wall, there are 12 foundations and there are the names of the 12 apostles of the land that is recorded in verse 19. These 12 foundations are the 12 precious stones the treasures in verse 22. One does not see the inside of this temple. It is because the Lord God almighty and the Lamb are his temple. 

Then, this Holy City New Jerusalem, who will be at the center of it? And, how was it newly created in heaven? So, it was Jesus in the center. And the 12 apostles who became the 12 foundation stones, it is such Holy City New Jerusalem that was created. So, therefore, it says New Jerusalem. It says new .The reason why it says New Jerusalem is because it is not the thing of old, it is the thing of new. Then, what is old and what is new? Things of old means it is not the things of heaven that were shown at the time of Moses. But as Jesus is at the center and the 12 apostles become the 12 foundation stones, it becomes the kingdom of heaven. In the spiritual world that is newly created. 

Then even the promised pastor as Jesus made the new thing in heaven also a promised pastor must create on this earth not the old but the new thing on this earth. So the promised pastor according to what he saw in heaven he creates the new spiritual Israel, 12 tribes. According to the names of the 12v apostles of Jesus, they become the spiritual names. And, the twelve tribe leaders are appointed. It is not the tabernacle of the old Jerusalem but is the tabernacle of the new Jerusalem that is created.

So this in Revelation 21:1, it says the first heaven first earth passed away and it is a new heaven and new earth that is created. At the time of the Second Coming when the Lord returns, just like, as it is fulfilled in heaven, there must be the reality of a kingdom of heaven  in this physical world that is created. What would be that reality? That reality is that new spiritual Israel, 12 tribes fulfilled through the one who overcomes and the twelve tribe leaders that becomes a reality of the kingdom of heaven in the physical world. Then how did the one overcome create the 12 tribes? 

The time of the Second Coming when the Lord returns, it is called it is the time of harvest. At the time of harvest those who are born of God’s seed are harvested, sealed with the revealed word. And the new kingdom, twelve tribes are created. It is recorded exactly according to the words of Revelation 14 and Revelation 7. Just like Moses, it's all the things of heaven and built the tabernacle on this earth at the time of the Second Coming of the Lord, at the fulfillment of Revelation, the promised pastor New John goes up to heaven and he sees the Holy City New Jerusalem fulfilled in heaven. And then he fulfills God's new kingdom, new people on this earth.

All believers carry out a life of faith to go to heaven, just like, as it is fulfilled in heaven. There is the kingdom of heaven fulfilled on this earth. Going to that kingdom of heaven is the way to go to God and go to the kingdom of heaven. The reason is because God and the kingdom of heaven all come down to the kingdom of heaven created on this earth. It is not that God in the kingdom of heaven that is simply in the spiritual realm of heaven  but comes down on to the kingdom of heaven in this physical world. Where would that place be? 

Now I'd like to explain about the kingdom of heaven in the physical world. where the spirit and flesh becomes one. God and the kingdom of heaven where and to whom do they come down to? First of all it is written that it comes down to the promised pastor, the one overcomes. When we look at the words of the Old Testament prophecies which were fulfilled at the time of the First Coming, God and the kingdom of heaven of the spiritual world came down to Jesus, the one overcomes. And by that as it became one with Jesus, all the words of promise of the Old Testament were fulfilled. But, not in Revelation 3:12, the name of God, the name of the Holy City New Jerusalem, the new name of Jesus, it is promised to be recorded on the one overcomes that means God and the kingdom heaven of the spiritual world and also Jesus will come down to the one who overcomes.

Also it is recorded in verse 21, Jesus who the one overcomes I will allow him to sit, for him to sit on my throne. Just as I overcame and sat on my father's throne. Therefore, the one who can sit on the throne of Jesus is only the  one who overcomes. And secondly, it is promised to come to Mount. Zion In Revelation 14:1-5. In mount Zion, God's throne is there and also Jesus is there as well. This mount Zion, who is there? The sealed 144,000 only they can sing the new song. And they, at the time of harvest, are the first fruits that were harvested. It is recorded in verse 4. On top of new spiritual Israel 12 tribes, God promised to spread his tent over it in Revelation 7.

Firstly, the sealed 12 tribes, 12,000 each from each tribe, 144,000 are sealed. After they are sealed, there is a great tribulation. Inside of this great tribulation, those who washed themselves with the blood of Lamb, they are those countless numerous people who come. They become a great multitude in white. That is the creation of the great multitude in white. Then, these 144,000 and the multitude in white, they are the 12 tribes who become the new spiritual Israel, 12 tribes, God’s family. 


Then these are the spiritual Israel, 12 tribes, 144,000 and the multitude in white, on top of it, in Revelation 7:15, God promised to spread his tent over them. This tent that he spreads over them is the kingdom of heaven of the spiritual world, it is the Holy City New Jerusalem. Then, even God, even Jesus, even the kingdom of heaven of the spiritual world, who do they come down to? To the new spiritual Israel, 12 tribes, 144,000 and the multitude in white. It is to them the tent is spread. Also, it is promised to come to the temple of the tabernacle of the testimony of those who are victorious over the group of the dragon in Revelation 12. They are gathered before the sea of glass which is before the throne of God. 

So the temple that they are gathered at is called the temple of the tabernacle of the testimony. At this temple of the tabernacle of the testimony God’s throne is open. So therefore God, Jesus and the angels are there together. And so therefore it says all nations will come and worship there. And it is called the temple of the tabernacle of testimony. That means there's a witness who has seen and heard all the events of the book of revelation. Therefore it testifies the words of prophecy and also the physical fulfillment. It is the tabernacle of the testimony.

Also it's a temple because Holy God is dwelling inside of this Holy Temple. Furthermore it will come down to new heaven and new earth in Revelation 21:1-4. It is to that new heaven and new earth that God comes down to the Holy City New Jerusalem comes down to there. So therefore God’ tabernacle will be together with the people as God dwells with them. They become God's people and God will be with them and be their God. God will wipe every tear from their eyes. There'll be no more death or mourning or crying or pain. For the old order of things has passed away, it is said. So, God even the kingdom of heaven will come down to a new heaven and new earth which is Shincheonji.

And by that there is no more death or suffering or pain it is a world of paradise of eternal life that is fulfilled. When these words of Revelation 21 are fulfilled, that is when God’s will and God’s purpose become fulfilled. And that is when our hope also becomes fulfilled. God and the tabernacle of God, for the first time in 6,000 years, it will come down onto this earth. It is a world where God reigns over. 

Now, more than anything, what is important is, according to the new covenant, Revelation, it is Shincheonji 12 tribes that is created. It is fulfilled on this earth as it is in heaven. God’s kingdom, Shincheonji 12 tribes, I would like to explain. Shincheonji 12 tribes are created according to the new covenant, Revelation. Shincheonji 12 tribes of the organization is fulfilled according to the one overcomes and the 12 tribes. In Revelation 7, it is the 12 tribes, Revelation 4 it is a structure of God’s throne. God, the 24 elders, 7 spirits, 4 living creatures, thousands upon thousands of spirits. This is how God’s structure of the throne is formed. It is fulfilled on this earth as it is in heaven. 

The spiritual names are using the 12 names of the 12 apostles of Jesus that is according to Revelation 21:14. The name of the church is called Shincheonji Church of Jesus, Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony. This is already promised inside Revelation, the New Testament in the Bible. It is promised the kingdom that is created. It is the name of God’s promised people. In Revelation21, it is called new heaven and new world which is Shincheonji. In Revelation 15, temple of the tabernacle of the testimony. 

Therefore, in terms of Shincheonji, the prophecy of the New Testament, 4 gospels and the book of Revelation, is like the blueprint for the creation of Shincheonji 12 tribes. And the Shincheonji 12 tribes in terms of the names of people, even geographical locations and the name of the church organization, just like stamping a seal, it is created according to the promise of the Bible. Shincheonji 12 tribes is God’s promised kingdom, promised people. According to what is promised inside the Bible, it has been created as it is a promised kingdom and people. 

Therefore, inside of this global village, the only place that is created according to the book of Revelation, according to the Bible, the only place that is created as it is in heaven on this earth is Shincheonji 12 tribes. Everyone, please check according to the promise of the Bible, if it is being created, accurately according to the Bible, please check and believe. And if it is made according to the will of man then you don’t have to believe in it. But certainly inside of the Bible, according to John 14:29, Jesus said I have told you now before it happens. So, when it does happen, you will believe. 

Therefore, first of all, we must realize the words of prophecy of the Bible. And if it is truly fulfilled, according to those words of promise believing in the fulfillment is truly believing in God and believing in Jesus. Isn’t it? Wouldn’t that be a true believer? So, please check and everyone, according to the Bible, if it is fulfilled, then let us all be the ones who can believe and receive salvation. Let us all be such children of God I pray. 

Now today’s words of conclusion will be explained. The tabernacle of the time of Moses was not the true reality. It was a copy and shadow. The reality of the kingdom of heaven on this earth that God is together with at the time of the First Coming, it was Jesus and the 12 disciples that represented the spiritual Israel. But, in today’s time of the Second Coming, it is the new spiritual Israel, 12 tribes created through the one who overcomes. And God according to his promise, the Holy City comes down to the new heaven and new earth, temple of the tabernacle of testimony. This is the reality of the kingdom of heaven created in this physical world fulfilled as it is in heaven. 

Shincheonji as it is in heaven, has been fulfilled on this earth. And according to the records of Revelation, its creation, its name, denomination, its organization, the structure of its throne, the spiritual names, according to the promise of the Bible, it is God’s promised kingdom. All congregation members, all saints must go to new heaven and new earth, Shincheonji 12 tribes where the promised pastor, the one who overcomes, and become his family. As this is a place where the spiritual realm of God’s tabernacle will come down and become together forever. 

Inside of this world there are many believers who have the hope of God and the kingdom of heaven as they carry out a life of faith. Even then many numerous believers today are like that. Then, where will the one go to In order to go to God and the kingdom of heaven? Previously, we did not know where God is at. Where is the kingdom of heaven? We did not know. But today, now as Revelation is fulfilled, we are able to know. And through the word of testimony today we would be able to realize. The Holy City New Jerusalem in heaven was shown to the one overcome by Jesus. And through the one overcomes Shincheonji 12 tribes have been created on this earth. Shincheonji is created according to the promise in Revelation. 

At this place, God and the kingdom of heaven and even Jesus, will come down to. At the time of fulfillment in Revelation, all saints who have hope in God and heaven should not try to go up to heaven. But, together with the one overcomes that God promised, Shincheonji, 12 tribes one must go to in order to meet God, the kingdom of heaven and Jesus. Let us all realize and enter heaven. I pray in the name of Jesus that we will all inherit eternal life.   

Now, the next lesson will be intermediate level education lesson 3. There will be an instructor who teaches much better than me, and who will deliver the word with a high anticipation. Next time, we will meet again with a joyful heart. Now, lastly, instead of God and Jesus with the meaning that we are willing, we will shout we are one and complete. We overcome races and nationality and religion, we are one.

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1 comment:

  1. A total of 70,000 people formally attended the seminar series 'Testimony on the Parables of the Secrets of Heaven and Their True Meanings', and 7000 people from Korea and abroad registered for Shincheonji Church’s follow-up training course, with 3000 of them having enrolled on the full curriculum taught at the Zion Christian Mission Center. Moreover, 2155 pastors, 958 churches and 22 seminaries in 67 countries have signed MOUs with Shincheonji to teach the revealed word; and 100 pastors, evangelists and seminarians are currently taking Shincheonji's 6-8month study course, covering the entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Moreover, the number of combined views of the seminars on the Book of Revelation and the parables of the secrets of heaven has now exceeded 15 million. The current round of seminars of the Intermediate course, which will be broadcast online every Monday and Thursday until 27th June, will cover the core topics of the entire Bible. What a sign of hope in these testing times! All glory to God🙏


