[Shincheonji Zion Mission Center] The Figurative Tree and Bird

 [Shincheonji Zion Mission Center] The Figurative Tree and Bird

Main Reference: Mt 13:31-32

Heaven: Seed grows and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air perch in its branches

Q) What is the true meaning of the figurative tree and bird?

A) Figurative tree = inner person reborn of the seed of word
Figurative bird = spirit

[1] Figurative tree (Spiritual Tree): Inner Person Reborn of the Seed of word

▸ Physical characteristics: what grew from a seed, where birds come and perch

Is 5:7 tree = (inner) person
Jer 5:14 tree = people

▸ As there are two types of spirits, there are also two types of spiritual seeds and two types of spiritual trees.

[2] God’s Tree and Satan’s Tree

▸ Types of spiritual trees

God’s tree (born of God’s seed): true pastor and his group
Satan’s tree (born of Satan’s seed): false pastor and his group

1) God’s tree: true pastor and his group

Jn 15:1 true vine = Jesus
Jn 15:5 branches = disciples
Eze 47:12 leaves (for healing) = evangelists

▸ Reason a person is described to be “for healing”: because he leads those who are spiritually ill to the truth for them to be healed.

Jas 1:8 fruit = believers born of the word

First Coming: physical fulfillment of the tree of life

▸ Jesus = tree of life (Jn 14:6)
▸ Jesus’ word = fruit of the tree of life
▸ Jesus’ 12 disciples = 12 branches of the tree of life (Rv 22:1-2)

2) Satan’s tree (tree of the knowledge of good and evil): false pastor and his group

Dt 32:31-33 enemies = wild vine (tree of the knowledge of good and evil)

Dan 4:20-22 tree: king of Babylon

∴ (spiritual) Babylon, home for demons

Satan’s tree = wild vine = tree of the knowledge of good and evil: false pastor

First Coming: physical fulfillment of

the tree of the knowledge of good and evil

■ teachers of the law and Pharisees (Serpent, Mt 23:33) = tree of the knowledge of good and evil
■ words of the teachers of the law and the Pharisees = fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (false teachings).

[3] Figurative Bird: Spirit

▸ Physical characteristics: flies, perches on trees.

1) God’s bird: Holy Spirit

Mt 3:16 Holy Spirit (figuratively: dove) → Jesus (tree)

Rv 19:17 birds (spirits that belong to God) → great wedding supper of God

2) Satan’s bird: evil spirit

Lk 8:5, 12 bird that takes away the seed of word = devil

Rv 18:2 Babylon: where unclean and detestable birds gather 


[4] Outcome for the Two Types of Trees: Heaven and Hell

1) Tree of life that grew from a seed of life

■ Jesus (tree of life) + Holy Spirit (bird) = heaven

▸ Jesus = tree of life

▸ Jesus and his group = heaven

▸ to belong to Jesus = to be the citizens of heaven

At the First Coming - Heaven

2) Tree of Knowledge of good and evil that grew from a seed of death

■ teachers of the law and Pharisees (tree of knowledge of good and evil) + evil spirit (bird) = hell

▸ teachers of the law and Pharisees = tree of knowledge of good and evil
▸ group of the teachers of the law and the Pharisees = hell
▸ to belong to the group of the teachers of the law and the Pharisees = to be the people of hell

At the First Coming - Hell

3) Outcome for the tree of life (true pastor) and the tree of knowledge of good and evil (false pastor) of today

▸ We should listen to the truth (= fruit of the tree of life) and follow the true pastor (=tree of life) and never listen to false teachings (=fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil).

▸ We should be able to distinguish between a true pastor and a false pastor by their words.

▣ Summary of Key Points

■ Figurative tree

- meaning of tree: inner person reborn of the seed of word

- types of trees

God’s tree: true pastor and his group

Satan’s tree: false pastor and his group

■ Figurative bird

- meaning of bird: spirit

- types of birds

God’s bird: Holy Spirit

Satan’s bird: evil spirit

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#Tree_Bird #theCityofTruth


1 comment:

  1. It’s a miracle to think I might be living at a time when the entire Bible - Revelation included - is being explained plainly. God must really want people to open their hearts and listen❤️


